TV6 Media Greed

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
So as many of you know Jack Warner promised to leak evidence of the Current Government's corruption and how he helped them in times of election. He also promised to take down everyone around him and show evidence of these wrong doings.
Nothing is wrong with that , actually we are glad that these things are coming to light now to see what kind of PM & Gov't we have currently.

HOWEVER, it is the medium in which the message was sent . He bought time on TV6 TV Station to air his undertaking threatening the government to release incriminating evidence against them . Threatening the government is a serious offense and not allowed on a public medium such as tv or radio etc. How can TV6 ALLOW THIS? For ratings or the money?

Jack Oliver. a US personality and comedian, showed just how corrupted and greedy our local TV6 station is by also buying time, cutting of 5 mins of Mike & Molly to air a response to Jack Warner. He indeed said that it was so easy that anyone can buy time and air what ever they feel on Trinidadian Stations, local or international.

What do you think about this ?

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Im not going to doubt it and the biggest problem I have is no one questions what they hear or read in the news. They assume its factual because they heard it in the news but often times stories dont add up due to missing out key points or validation sentences.

Also if anyone can buy air time then anyone can fabricate and cause major damage to an individual's reputation, whether it is true will remain a mystery.
whats the most defining rule in business and in trinidad is what they mainly strive for? large ratings and to increase profit yields.....they could care less about who buy time........
I don't usually seek out local news because I think it's extremely biased. When nothing is done about Jack's behavior, a lot of people are gonna think threatening the government is "small thing" as is publicly blackmailing them. But plenty folks probably just enjoyed it as much as they would a soap opera.
I don't usually seek out local news because I think it's extremely biased. When nothing is done about Jack's behavior, a lot of people are gonna think threatening the government is "small thing" as is publicly blackmailing them. But plenty folks probably just enjoyed it as much as they would a soap opera.

I think people have lost respect already for the government as it is so this is a ridicule act for them. They may as well call it entertainment rather than political ethics.
I think people have lost respect already for the government as it is so this is a ridicule act for them. They may as well call it entertainment rather than political ethics.

This is true. I know people that only use TV for soap operas and Local news. I wonder if they can tell the difference sometimes!

People already openly rant and rave about race, ethnicity, and politics with no filter regardless of who is present. Our government officials are regularly openly mocked as well. It has all become one big joke/entertainment source. Sometimes it feels like we're just a stone's throw from a reality TV series (for politicians and news at least).
First of all TV6 Was wrong on both accounts. They will do anything for money. I am sorry but thank God i switched from that station.

1. For allowing Jack Warner to air his dirt on local tv station and threatening the government . In the US this person would be considered a terrorist.

2. For allowing a foerigner to buy time to send a message to Jack Warner and making fun of us.
Lol people money talks in this country once you paying them their price I guess even you can go air
I think John Oliver's intention was to draw light to how ridiculously easy it is for anyone to purchase time on air and say anything they want to, in addition to Warner evidently trying to keep himself in the spotlight by slowly drawing out a new sheet of drama each time the other dies down. Most people would focus on what Warner was saying and not that he was threatening the government, which is wrong, or that he was buying time on air that people of all ages would see so that he could publicly air the chip on his shoulder and give himself the appearance of a force to be reckoned with once burned. Nothing about what he did was right IMO but most people watching would not consider that at all.

Though many people are offended by John Oliver's air time, I think it was necessary to prove how hypocritical we are as a people. More people are offended by someone else (a foreigner/outsider) making light jokes about issues that we continue to sweep under the rug, than by one of our own local figures of authority publicly threatening and blackmailing the government. I suppose if Warner was a foreigner then people would start being outraged and only then would his actions be seen as terrorist behavior.
the expose each other all the the route he taking to do it i think is what they have a problem with now....well best all the demons each party hiding come out now than later
Trinidad Express Newspapers: News | SMOKEOUT alya read this article lmao well yes bacanal start up again as warner say that he and theformer deputy commissioner of police Mervyn Richardson were part of a plan to bury the alleged discovery of marijuana at the Phillipine home of the Prime Minister on April 12, 2013. Never a dull day in tnt yes
LMAOO..What de rasss! Marijuana in the PM house? I need to real this article :bolt:
hahaha yea is bacanal and more bacanal going on with this country and the government bussing files and coming with proof, things getting extremely rough out here