Trinituner is have loads of database errors

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I know alot of you guys are from trinituner and i'm sure you can see their is a lot of errors in the forum. This is so due to lack of optimization of their database. Their are alot of errors on user pages and the whole site loads really slow.
<% 'use some fancy s**t to get the username from the folder. since this is unique then 'we can search the database for that username and find the appropriate ID 'if not found then redirect to the member listing pathinfo = Request.serverVariables("PATH_INFO") pathinfo = replace(pathinfo,"/community/","") pathinfo = replace(pathinfo,"/index.php","") 'check to see if this is a valid user userID = request.querystring("id") if userID = "" then sql = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE userName='" & pathinfo & "'" else sql = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE userID=" & userID end if Dim strConn strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("\database/gallery.mdb") Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Get a recordset corresponding to the submitted username and password Set rsUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsUser.Open sql, strConn, 3, 3 If NOT rsUser.EOF then %>

What do you guys think about this
Dude you make my brain hurt lol. I dont know what to think. lol. If thats the login process then i thought it would be simpler. Like retrieve username+password from database, if username password = username+password input>continue login, else > continue error page
Of course i have on idea what your talking about i have no i idea what the spoiler said either. This is just me trying to make sense... and failing
LOl its just one error i got when i went on some ones profile, i got some when viewing the gallery and members pages.
Well yes its the biggest and the largest website in T&T, but they still on phpbb2 they have to up grade to phpbb3 and do some optimization of the database for their site. I feel they don't do this thats why they are having those errors, and they will have to do maintenance on the site and this will take a few days.
Yeah i was reading somewhere how certain companies like industrial light and magic use really old tools just because the move to upgrade would take alot of time and resources. It would take alot of effort for them to upgrade since they have so many things relying on the infrastructure they already have. Trinituner probably wont want to upgrade untill completely nessisary, it might cut into the site running too much. .
BTW aren't thier bugs for phpbb2 that are well known by now, it may not be safe for them to continue using it. Well thats if what i saw about phpbb2 hacks was real i wouldn't know about that stuff.
Yea phpbb2 have lot of hacks and phpbb2 is a discontinued project. Phpbb3 is a totally new coding and script. with security increased and enables more feature for later projects. Its advisable to convert from phpbb2 to phpbb3, they will have to buy a dedicated server to continue if they don't do something about the database problems
u guys are a bunch of forking nerds.....get a life...

deal with it....tuner still makes more money and has more users than you all will ever have.... :icon_mrgreen:

in here is only ah setta admins talking to each


stop gossiping and envying other sites like lil bitches
You know de loser come back here on trinispice ahhahah gone from here na al yuh bet bash for all yuh buller creepers crew lol form trinispice
Casper... what are you talking about? We're talking about database errors- you're the one who's hating. It's a shame you have to come to such a conclusion, it shows the kind of person you are. Stop pointing fingers it makes you look bad. If you even care.
thats the thing lol he's just a loser and he wants someone to talk to lol