Trinidad Wildlife

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Nov 20, 2014
Wow, I learned some new things from this wildlife documentary! Don't want to spoil it for everyone though.


I thought it had nothing to be afraid of in the forests of Trinidad. Oh how wrong I was!
Thanks for this! I can't watch it right away, but I will as soon as I can.
You're welcome. Not sure what could be done if I see this(pic related) in the forest while adventuring one day.

I absolutely loved the leatherback turtles, woodpecker and howler monkeys ..

What creeped me out was the bats and snakes . Can you imagine going into the woods now imagining what creatures are watching you and you cannot see them!

The oil birds are especially interesting. I am happy that our country are protecting their existence. They were killed and used for their oil to light stuff. They are also very sensitive to light and afraid of people. I wish more of our animals were protected as them. It would help to revive species that are at the brink of extinction
i love wildlife documentaries , i cant really watch it due to my internet speed being slower than a honda, but i like the fact that people are raising awareness of wildlife in T&T.

it shows a general concern to the nearly extinct wildlife that only exists in trinidad and tobago! We should all take initiative and pride in raising and educating our general population to be aware of the situation that these animals/fauna face.
I love that the PM put a hunting ban and i support this 100%. People need to realize if we keep on hunting, just now there will be nothing left to hunt for !
After watching that documentary I learned that it had some species that were only found in Trinidad. Some of those animals I never knew it had in the forest.

I've seen a few cars with the sticker "No hunting, no vote" on it though. Some people hunt for a living.. Some hunt to make food for a good lime and others like myself just like to go there to enjoy nature.
Hunting for a living is not a nice occupation. It's killing out our species of animals and making them become extinct.
I have seen the hunting no vote stickers and honestly these people have no understanding at all!

I do not eat wildmeat. I made this choice because there are readily available meats in the grocery etc. that i can buy. Why be a greedy human and eat everything in sight ?! Wildlife is sacred to me and i would always respect these animals. I will never kill them for fun or contribute to their mass extinction. Here is how many should think:

Chicken, goat, beef , lamb and other reared animals = breed in farms, mass scale for the population ( plentiful )
Wildlife e.g deer, manicou, agouti etc. = Not breed, not reared in farms , ( if they are killed, their species become less )

So no! I love this hunting ban and i wish it can be extended for longer periods.
Insp. Alexander said manicou is okay to hunt because it's a pest. People still do hunt, just no one knows.. You know the cascadura fish cannot be caught as well? The hunting ban covers that as well.

There are some people who abuse it but there are also some so poor they cannot afford food so they catch that type of fish to eat..I know some of these people personally and help them out whenever I can. I know the abusers as well but I'm not on good terms with them for obvious reasons.
Finally got to time to watch this, I loved it! Re-watched it repeatedly for a few days for relaxation lol

For people that cannot afford otherwise, I can be understanding to an extent, but you often see hunting being an enjoyable way of life for many, regardless of economic status. Hunting is often portrayed as a liming scene and a Trini way of life, and I think those that purchase these carcasses are just as guilty as the ones identifying the hiding spots of these beautiful creatures and those that do the actual killing.
You're welcome. Not sure what could be done if I see this(pic related) in the forest while adventuring one day.


dont kill it leave it let it go its way people hunting these animals and do not know if these animals are keystone species if they disaear if the ecosystem will crash of the pest they are keeping in check will rise to a higher popluation levels and create more problems
dont kill it leave it let it go its way people hunting these animals and do not know if these animals are keystone species if they disaear if the ecosystem will crash of the pest they are keeping in check will rise to a higher popluation levels and create more problems

I agree. Ecosystems are already established in the wild, especially in heavily forested areas. Regular hunters and even people casually seeking a hunting lime are not part of that ecosystem. There are more than enough different types of legal domestic meat for people to eat. If people choose to kill their own food they can raise their own chickens, ducks, etc or go crabbing, fishing, etc. I don't see why it's necessary to kill these animals that should in fact be protected. They are not intended for domestication for a reason. Hundreds of species go extinct around the world on a daily basis and scientists have not discovered every species on Earth yet. No need to hunt down others.
^^^True but as human we have a funny trait which makes me wonder how did we ever evolve to become the top species as we are destroying the same planet which we need to survive when we do things like this.....because each and every animal had a equal place on planted earth...
I would say because no species deliberately hunts down humans the way humans hunt down other species. We're intentionally and deliberately killing specific animals while no other animal that I know bears those intentions towards humans. Wild animals hunt and kill their food and kill in defense. In their ecosystem it's natural. Humans are the only species bold enough to invade other ecosystems and hunt and kill unnecessarily. If any wild animal was specifically hunting human beings, bet your bottom dollar it would be labeled as a threat and we would be encouraged (some would even say they are entitled) to hunt and kill it right back as a form of protection.

Just look at wild animals that attack and/or kill hunters out of defense or because they're hungry and humans are stalking them in their natural environment (where humans don't belong). Even wild animals who are not meant to be domesticated, kept in captivity who are usually abused eg. circus and zoo animals. Once any animal strikes us, they are put down (killed). When humans do it, all of a sudden reasoning applies.