Trinidad & Tobago Loves Isis

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Jul 25, 2015
Yes i said it ..We love Isis, because we welcome them with big open arms at the airport when they come back from killing, raping, mutilating, beheading, shooting little children and adults.
The government says they have known a very long time now that people have fled the country to go to war in the Middle East. We have seen videos and pictures of them talking about our country. We even have family members of them , confirm they left the country. The government even says it expects them back here. Now let me get this straight:

1. You know citizens left to become terrorists and fight war. Ok noted!
2. We don't have any laws in place for terrorism but yet you never introduced any into parliament from banning them from entering into our country.
3. You never stopped them at the airport to question them after going for long periods and now returning . Instead, you let them go into our country, like a plague infecting our population.
4. You F$%#%^ have them mingling with our citizens of our country. Our young daughters, our innocent children, our mothers and our wives! They raped little girls there, you don't think they will view them here the same?
5. Now our country has evidence that they are infact training others in this country for something big and nothing is being done.

How dotish is our country!!! How backward , uncaring, selfish , can this government be ! Other countries have banned citizens of their country from re-entering and deemed them terrorists. Why can't we do the same! We have rampant crime happening here and we don't need this ! DO SOMETHING !
We need a serious culture change and culture shock in this country, before we can even begin to start thinking about "doing something" with regards to the national security interest to Trinidad. Thing is, alot of people profit from crime and those at the helm that can do something, have little to no care as they are unaffected. And yes indeed, we are very backward as a nation. Forever a 3rd world country........ bout developing, steups.