Trinidad Cinemas Disobeying Movie Rating System

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Jun 9, 2008
Any cinema you go to whether it be Movietowne, Caribbean Cinemas 8 etc. , you will see the movie rating system not being followed. When a movie comes out of the box office, it is rated for different audiences. The Motion Picture Association of America has set the following standards for films in order to help parents determine if the content is acceptable for viewing. In America and most other countries, strict guidelines are set for children entering cinemas. Ids or parental guidance are accounted for.

Now why is it that in Trinidad we cannot follow this? Prime example, last week i went to see Mission Impossible that was rated PG-13 For sequences of action and violence, and brief partial nudity. Children under 13 years , hell not even 10 years , were allowed to see this movie. Toddlers were even there. Yes, parents are wrong for carrying their children in the first place but as 'big named' cinemas, should they even allow it? Children were crying and interrupting the entire place with their loud screams from the gun shots from the movie. People were fuming mad and not once did the ushers came and asked them to leave.

Another point is that they don't even check or ask these teeny boppers for their ID when checking in to see RATED R movies. Sometimes you go in to see a horror and wind up with little girls screaming down the place and giggling. It's an upset to the other 'fit' audience that is watching the movie. There is a time and place for everything.

Please MOVIETOWNE ESPECIALLY we are begging you to get your act together and filter audiences properly for your movies! I hate to go and see a nice action movie and toddlers are crying in my ears and little children are asking their parents to go and pee loudly. AND THE GREATEST is when all the action comes on and we are hyped , but then some little child cries out because they get frightened. Steups

[FONT=&quot]G Rating- contains nothing in theme, language, nudity, sex, violence or other matters that, would offend parents whose younger children view the motion picture.Additionally, the film contains no strong language, nudity, sex, or drug usage. Violence is minimal.[/FONT]
PG Rating- may not be suitable for children and should be checked out by parents before allowing younger children to see the movie. There could be some profanity, some violence, or brief nudity, however there will not be any drug use.[/FONT]

PG-13 Rating- there's material in the film that may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. A PG-13 movie could go "beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category." The MPAA will give this rating to films with drug use or more than brief nudity, although the nudity in a PG-13 is not sexual in nature. In addition, the MPAA states "there may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context."

R Rating- R-ratings require a parent or adult guardian to be present in order to view the film. An R-rated film "may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements, so that parents are counseled to take this rating very seriously."

NC-17 RatingNo one under the age of 17 is permitted in a theater to watch a film with this rating. The MPAA gives a film an NC-17 rating based on "violence, sex, aberrational behavior, drug abuse or any other element that most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children."
I stopped going to the movies for these reasons. The crying children just ruin it, don't forget the texting people with their bright white screens on and the moron who keeps going in and out.

I too noticed the rating system was not followed some years ago but it did not seem to have as much detrimental effects as these days
i rarely go cinemas during daylight hours lol if i do it will be during the school time i dont like when too much people are around that = to those annoyances yall pointed out
Cinemas especially MovieTowne should enforce the Parental Guidance ratings, imagine some movies are 16 years and older and i'm seeing children as young as 5 years old watching the same movie that i am. The move has sex scenes, nudity and cursing and these stupid parents carry their children to these movies. No wonder children are learning about sex and cursing.

I asking MovieTowne and other cinemas to put a stop to this.
they put money first yes.....i remember back in the days when cinemas used to check
Little Cinema like globe in Chaguanas used to check ID . I think CC8 In Trincity does it but not too sure.

That's why these kids are growing up so fast . Because they feel that they can mimic everything they see in movies. I feel next time i am going to take a picture of this and post it to their page.
After 11pm movie sounds nice but i will fall asleep that time lol
School time and after 11 sounds good. Its just out right bad.parental practices when parents take their kids to these movies.

It really is no surprise when a youth in preteen years knows more than he/she should when being exposed to 16+ movies and the like.

I've even see PG14 movies with extreme cursing these days, I feel like I remembered PG14 having minimal bad language before, can anyone confirm?
PG13 /TV14 as I used to know it was for shows that had bad words like "shit" and "ass" along with non-gory violence. Basically superhero movies or movies with implied sexual content. Now some of the things you see pre teen girls wear in Nikelodeon would likely violate trinimotors' rules against child pornography. I seriously just cringe and change the channel.

Also, what is it about teen shows focusing on showing kids "in love" all the time? Anyway let me not get started on that crap.
Every movie now have to include "a$$" " bi***" etc even if its all ages.
Even Netflix kids has these movies with those words included.

I think by the cinema admittance booth, IDs should be checked or age of kids should asked . My aunt don't allow my cousins to go to Movietowne Price Plaza without an adult because of this. Because she knows that they can get into any movie they want by just buying a ticket.
I dislike cinemas for those same reasons as well. Also I don't feel comfortable, I rather wait a month or 2 until the movie gets released on blu-ray then sit down home to watch it. More comfort+you don't have to deal with people and their BS.
Pg14 or TV14s now have the F word and other associated words. So its no wonder everyone just takes cursing like any other word.