Trini Parent Killed Daughter ?

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Jun 9, 2008
13Yr old Natesha James of Jacob Hill in Wallerfield, died from asphyxiation after suffering an epileptic seizure. Forensic Pathologist Dr. Eastlyn Mc Donald-Burris confirmed that the teenager choked on her own vomit while experiencing the epileptic episode.
Her mother, Natalie Jervis. Jervis said that she reprimanded Natesha using a guava whip after the teen had a fight with her one-year-old sibling. Natesha was then sent to bed however, Jervis said that she later heard strange noises coming from her daughter's room, and upon investigation, found Natesha lying unconscious on the floor. She was rushed to the Arima Health Facility but died on arrival. Natesha was said to have regular seizures whenever she was beaten.

So let me get this straight.

1. You are aware that your daughter suffers from Seizures especially when beaten.
2. You beat your OWN daughter anyway knowing the consequences when you do this?
3. Even though you know a seizure might come on after being beaten, did you keep an eye on your daughter after? No.
4. Then you willingly killed your daughter then?

Seizures are not to be taken lightly. Everyone knows they can result in injury or death, even small children know this. For a little girl that is suffering from seizures she supposed to have seeked medical help in the past where doctors talk to the parents thoroughly. If not, why didn't they seek medical help to know about your daughter's condition. Either way , the parents knew.

Also there are other ways of reprimanding your children. You will beat a 13yr old girl with a guava whip? Who does that anymore! WTF! R.I.P Natesha , even though you fought with your siblings like normal family, you weren't supposed to die like that.

The mother was negligent of her daughter's health and well being fulling know that she had a medical condition and still beat her. This mother should be jailed, i will say i do support corporal punishment because some children deserves it but in this instance no.
I support both of you. Knowingly this woman beat her daughter and kept no eye on her... Nobody beats children anymore with gauva whips. She must either be very old or very backward to not realise that beating a child with seizures is a no no especially with a guava whip... geez the more I hear about this place is the more I wonder sometimes..
What ever she did to fight with a 1 yr old sibling does not count to be beaten and after have a seizure and die. The mother showed no remorse on tv.

Guava whips are a thing of the past. Please Miss educate yourself more and learn how to raise your now left 1 child , better. This could of been avoided but again some parents only think on a short fuse when they get angry , rather than the long term.
wdf i just read know this about your own child and do this......she deserves to be jailed yes, have no explanations or excuses for what she has done to a innocent child
On a real though, a lot of parents are extremely rough with their kids. They quick to get vex in public, she's not the only one, too many uneducated and stupid parents around the place. I am all for punishment and rules but come on man, the child has seizures... She should be jailed for that.
There are other ways of punishing children and if people still think that it don't work, maybe they didn't grow up their children in the right way. Why must people think a child must be hit at a young age for them to learn?
that's from our gen and older and we turned out ok...but knowing your child have complications and doing it sumn seriously wrong and she deserves to be jailed now what she going and tell her young child now???
Pretty much she has no case. The one year old may suffer a similar fate if authorities don't step in.
I support corporal punishment when used sparingly but not abuse. I really wish people had to go through some sort of qualification process before having children. Too many abused children just that turn into abusive adults.
Pretty much she has no case. The one year old may suffer a similar fate if authorities don't step in.

These generations grow up softer and much more emotionally prone than us older generations. I say the same thing Nirtime. I don't care how stressed that parent was, never reprimand your child with a guava whip or abuse her knowing her fate after beaten
Indeed, the newer gens are softer than the previous. However, that comes with many differences and one notable thing is that many youths now no longer listen. Be it to voices of reason or discipline. Either way, in this particular case, being a modern case, I believe strongly in convincing talks. It works and the child would have been alive today.

On a side note, how is the mother is feeling, does anyone know if she's pleading or if she's feeling nothing?