Trini Fry Chicken Bad Service

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Re: Trini Bad Service

My friend and i went to Trini Fried Chicken @ the Montrose Branch to purchase 1 $25 dollar special. There were many people waiting in line after him to purchase this exact meal combo as well , however, there was no chicken. Note, there was not 1 server but 3 behind the counter taking orders but in a line form. My friend was the first to receive his meal when the chicken came and just to cash after that. Lo and behold, when the chicken came, everyone else was given their box and passed him to cash their orders . WTF! My friend's box was just left there and everyone else was being served before him.

He asked the 4 ladies now, behind the counter taking orders " Excuse me , what madness is this? " " I am waiting in line here first and everyone pass me to cash. Look my box is there without any chicken . How people get theirs before mine and i am waiting longer than them?"
One lady picked up a random box and said " Sir , look yours here" . It was a blatant lie because one lady jump up and said " That box is mines "
My friend pointed and then asked " So Miss , if that box is mines, who box is that left there without any chicken" .. No one couldn't answer.

We just walked away after that. Trini Fried Chicken needs to get their act in order, which will never happen. We were regular customers there but no more! We are not begging people to eat their food . This has to stop ! People need to start taking customer service seriously . But then again. this is Trinidad ! Who am i kidding ?
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Re: Trini Bad Service

Why is customer service being taken as such a joke? We're paying for the products AND service! I hope the relevant companies are aware of this and plan to act accordingly. This is too ridiculous.
Sadly, fried chicken (like carib and stag) always guaranteed to sell regardless of the customer service you getting. There is a place just after Wendy's (if you heading from Montrose into Chag) called Red Box. Went there and got some real bess pieces. Not as cheap and TFC but not nearly as crowded. I think almost all food places suffer a drastic decrease in customer service once it is crowded.
I feel its more the workers get lazy over time is the problem because sometimes there are workers that provide extremely personable service while all the rest just forgetful, old talking and showing disrespect to the customer.
I have never tasted Redds before. Will do !

That was the last time i am visiting TFC. They have raised their prices now i have heard. Everything went up by $5 .
Yeah well Reds FTW. They new so you should still get good customer service there. Not sure how it will be in six months time.
Red's is pretty high priced for a new entry into the market. I went there the very day they opened and I cannot tell you how many people came in, looked at the menu and walked out with the prices because they were pretty much on par with KFC's prices.

The food at Red's is either a like or don't like. I didn't totally fancy it, just my 2 cents.
It's fried chicken. It's near impossible to make bad fried chicken. When I went it was like an empty KFC which to me is the best kind of KFC. But the place is not anything special and I only went once.
Went To Trini Fried Chicken Today when i said that i will not. I stopped to buy fry chicken for my coworkers as i already ate a salad.
Flies everywhere, even on the chicken. The place was nasty and the chicken was fried in the same oil as the fish. Horrible! Thank God i made the choice to boycott them ! :)
Went To Trini Fried Chicken Today when i said that i will not. I stopped to buy fry chicken for my coworkers as i already ate a salad.
Flies everywhere, even on the chicken. The place was nasty and the chicken was fried in the same oil as the fish. Horrible! Thank God i made the choice to boycott them ! :)

Noticed that as well the chicken did smell a bit fishy, but seriously do these people want to get sued what if someone is allergic to fish why are they doing this. And really the place is in such a mess, flies all over and the air smells just bad in the chaguans branch.
I can just imagine if someone was allergic to seafood . Yes, they maybe selling cheaper than KFC but it doesn't mean that they will continue to serve bad food . But then again, this is Trinidad and people rather pay cheap money for bad service and food
I can just imagine if someone was allergic to seafood . Yes, they maybe selling cheaper than KFC but it doesn't mean that they will continue to serve bad food . But then again, this is Trinidad and people rather pay cheap money for bad service and food

This has become the reality. With everything locally there is a mass crowd that follows regardless of service.

Shame on this establishment for the fish scented chicken, the flies and for not having the sense to do better. It will continue until more people take a serious approach like Saxman642.
I will record if i do go back a next time to buy for someone :)
After reading that I feel I will stay away from them unless I'm too drunk to know better (obviously with someone else as the designated driver).

Btw, this targeted marketing thing that google does on point. I swear the ad next to your last post is a KFC ad right now. LMAO!