Trini Dictionary

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Jun 9, 2008
Ah - Substitute for I.
Ahse - Ass.
Air - Ear.
Airish - Proud.
Allyuh - All of you people.
Alipang - Man's hair-cut.
Arwe - Ours, us.
Ax - Ask. To ask a question
Ah-yah-yai - An expression of anticipation or pain, etc.
Bacchanal - Rowdy, scandalous behaviour; good party, argument, confusion.
Back chat - Insolent response, especially from a child to an adult.
Back back - Suggestive dance, the male dancers front rubbing against the females rear or vice versa.
Badderation - Problems, mischevious.
Bad eye, cut-eye - A look of anger or reproach, especially when looking from the corner of the eye.
Bad-John - A bully, a dangerous man, a gangster, someone with a reputation for hurting people.
Bam-se Lambay - An attractive female buttocks.
Bam bam, Boom-boom - Backside, behind, ass, bottom, buttock.
Basa basa - Argumentatve, confrontational

Bawlin - Confused.
Baygo, Baigo - Tobago.
Beyganne, Biganne - The vegetable melongene, eggplant (Solanum melongena)..
BeeWee - BWIA, British West Indian Airways, the national airline of Trinidad & Tobago.
Big pappy - Bourgeois.
Bobolee - A person who is habitually taken advantage of.
Bol-Face - Bold Face, Pushy, loud and wrong, unreasonable, demanding.
Boof - To insult, castigate, yell at or argue with.
Boo-boo-lups - Fat, clumsy ungainly person.
Boomsie - Backside, behind, ass, bottom, buttock.
Boushettte - The tip of the sternum.
Brought-up-sy - Showing that a person was properly brought up, decorum.
Bragadang - In a state of disrepair.
Bragadacious - Boastful.
Breed - Impregnate.
Buh wait nah - But wait a minute, now hold on, now wait!
Buljol - A meal made of shredded saltfish, onions, tomatoes, pepper and olive oil.
Bum-bu toe - A sore toe.
Bun, Bon - Burnt.
Bun-bun - Food left in the bottom of the pot.
Buse - To talk agressively to; to abuse verbally.
Buss Up Shut - Shredded roti skin, served with curried meats, vegetables etc.
Burrokeet - Human donkey.
Carnival Band - A group of Carnival revellers, may be as over 4,000 individuals.
Callaloo - A thick soup made of dasheen leaves, okra, coconut milk, seasonings crab and salt meat or crab.
Calypso - A musical and lyrical comment on any subject, profusely composed for, but not limited to the Carnival season.
Calypsonian - One who sings calypsoes.
Channa - Chick peas, a nutritious legume.
Cheups/Steups - A derogatory sound noise made by sucking your teeth.
Chinkee, chinkeey- Very tiny or small portions of anything.
Chupid - Stupid, foolish.
Chupidee - A foolish person.
Coki-eye - Cross-eyed.
Commesse - Confusion, controversy, associated with argument, gossip and slander.
Coo-coo - A traditional cornmeal pudding with ochro and vegetables.
Coo-coo nah a soak - Cannot agree.
Compere - Male companion or friend, god-father.
Coskel / Koskel - Weird, strange.
Cork - Constipated.
Crack - Crazy, insane.
Cunumunu - Coo-nu-moonoo - Idiot, foolish, stupid person.
Crapo smoke he pipe - He is in a lot of trouble, he is already done for.
Cut yu kards straight- No scheming.
Crapo, Crapaud - Frog.
Cuff - To punch or hitting with a cleched fist.
Cyaa, Cyah - Can't, can not.
Dan-dan - Fashionable clothes.
Dada head - Thick, hard niggery hair.
Dardy - Father.
Dem say - Gossip.
Dingolay - To flaunt, to tease playfully.
Dinged - Discoloured.
Doe doe - Lie down
Doh, Dough - Don’t, do not.
Dong - Down.
Doo doo/Doux doux - Sweetheart often used with darling, as in dodo dahling. The French doux means "sweet".
Doogla, Dougla - A person of mixed race, usually African and East India.
Dotish - Silly, stupid, foolish and dumb.
Doubles - Curried channa served between two pieces of fried bread.
Doughtish, Dotish - Stupid, probably from the English doltish.
Dress rong - Move over, shift, I need a seat.
Drevait, Dree vay - Way ward person, to knock about.
Eh Eh - An exclamation of surprise or indignation, often said with much emphasis for effect.
Eh - What did you say?
Eh eh - No, no way, oh no.
Eh heh - Oh really? I understand. Yes.
Enless - Plenty, endless.
Ent? - Is that not so? Thats true, isnt it?
Faddah - Father.
Fall out - To stop speaking with someone or to terminate a friendship.
Fed up - The state of being bored.
Feeding youh face- Eating.
Fete, Fet - A party, loud music, lots to eat and drink, dancing to wee hours of the morning.
Flim - Film.
Founkie/foong-key - Foul smelling, stink odour.
Fresh Water Yankee - A person who spends a short time in the U.S. and returns with a heavy American accent; originally, one who acquired the accent by simply visiting the U.S. military base without even going overseas.
Follow fashion - Imitating.
Free up - Relax, let go.
Fruit doh fall far from d tree - Children aren't usually different from their parents.
Fuh true, Troot? - Yes that is true, Is that really so?
Goinorf - Someone who appears to be going out of their mind, acting strangely.
Go-bar - Nonsense, foolishness.
Gun talk - Fighting words, to threaten verbally.
Gyul - Girl..
Hair - Here or hear.
Harden - Disobedient.
Hops - Crisp bread roll, often filled with meats or cheese.
Horn - To cheat on your spouse or lover.
Horner man - A guy who makes love to someones wife.
Hototo/hotoetoe - A very large amount, plenty.
Hoytee-toytee - Haughty, proud, conceited, stuck-up.
Huggish - Rude, crude, mean; the behavior of a thug or gangster.
Humbug - To pester, bother, molest.
Hut - Hurt.
I eh payin tax fuh mih mout - I can say anything I want.
In ting - To be involved in current activity.
Is so? - Is that so?
Jab jan - A carnival clown-like devil character.
Jadoo - 'Magic' used by a woman to charm a man.
Jamet / Wabean - Slut, loose woman, prostitute.
Jagabat/Wajang - Slut, loose woman, prostitute.
Jeez-an-ages - Exclamation, sed for any reason where an outburst is appropriate.
Jouvay/Jour Ouvert - Pre dawn opening of Carnival Monday street parade activities.
Jook - To stab or punch at anything, a sudden forward hip motion.
Jumbie (verb) - To harass, to annoy,to irritate.
Jumbie (noun) - Spirit, ghost of African mythology, in Haiti the word was corrupted to zombie.
Jus now - In a little while.
Jus so - Out of the blue, totally unexpected, just like that?
Ketch - Catch.
Klim - Any brand of powdered milk.
Lang yap, langniappe - A little extra, a bonus.
Las Lap/Last Lap - Last minute street partying on Carnival Tuesday just before the official end of Carnival at midnight.
Lef - Left.
Lef dat - Leave that.
Leh we - Let go.
Leh go - Foul smelling, stink odour.
Lick dong - To hit someone or something, to topple over.
Licks - A beating, a physical punishment.
Like ting - To be somewhat mischievous.
Lil one a beat big one - Pregnant.
Lime (verb) - Hanging out, having fun, enjoying oneself - whether alone or with company, loafing.
Liming (noun) - A wildcard word for any social event e.g. cinema lime, pub lime, party lime.
Locho - A loafer, a lazy person, a parasite.
Long eye - Envious of the possessions of others.
Look nuh! - An expression of annoyance.

Maco - A person who minds other people’s business for the purpose of gossip.
Macommère - A female companion or friend.
Macocious, Makocious - A person who is prying, nosy a maco.
Magga - Very thin, skinny.
Makaforshet - Left overs; from the French phrase ma ca fourchette, meaning food stuck between the fork.
Maljoe - A blight, evil spell or misfortune.
Make style - Show off, tantalise.
Malkadee - Blight, unhealthy, ill.
Mama Poule - A derogatory term for a husband who seems to be controlled by his wife, a weakling, easily taken advantage of.
Mama Yo! - Expression denoting shock and surprise.
Mamaguy - To fast talk or sweet talk, to try to fool, make fun of or ridicule.
Mas/Mass - Masquerade, Carnival parade.
Mas Camp - Where costumes and floats for Carnival are designed and fabricated.
Matter Fix - Everything is well organized, everything is OK.
Mauby, Maubi - Bark of the tree Colubrina reclinata used to make a delicious drink of the same name.
Mauvais langue - To bad talk someone, or engage in damaging gossip.
Meh - My.
Melongene - Eggplant a vegetable (Solanum melongena).
Merasmie - Un-healthy, sickly looking.
Mih han slip - An expression used when too much of an ingredient is used.
Mo vey lang - Bad tongue, slanderous.
Moko Jumbie - Stilt dancers, an African tradition carried over into carnival. Their costumes represent jumbies, or beings from the dead.
Mooma - Mother.
Mout open, tory jump out - Start to speak and everthing is revealed.
Mouter - A boaster.
Much up - To pamper, to butter up.
Mud Band - A J’ouvert mas band with revellers plastering their bodies in mud from head to toe.
Nah - No.
Nanny/Powder puff - Female genitalia, vagina.
Nastiness - An expression of disgust applied to a good-for-nothing person.
Never see come see - Someone recently exposed to something new thus goes to ridiculous extremes.
Ning ning - Tired eyes.
Now fuh now - Instantly, right now.
No wherian - A person who does not have any fixed place of abode.
Obzokee - Awkward in appearance, bent or twisted out of shape, misshapen, clumsy.
Ochro - Okra.
Oh gorm man/Oh shimps man - These expressions can denote shock, surprise, indignation and admiration.
Oh geed! - An expression used when an offensive smell is detected.
Ohh gosh! - An expression used to indicate surprise or disgust.
Ole talk - Idle empty chatter, social chit-chat, nonsense.
One set ah - A lot of anything, plentiful.
One han cyaa clap - One hand cant clap. A bribe will grease the wheels, be good to me I’ll take
care of you.
Own way - Stubborn person.
Pahtnah/Partner - Homeboy, used by older Trini males to each other.
Pallet - Frozen lolly on stick.
Panyard- Where steel bands rehearse.
Pa pa yo! - Exclamation of surprise.
Pelau - A one-pot mixture of pigeon peas and rice, cooked with meat and flavoured with coconut and pepper.
Peong - Someone who seems to be addicted or obsessed with something.
Pesh - Money.
Pholouri - Fritters made with split peas.
Piarco - The international airport in Trinidad.
Pierott granade - Local clown-like carnival character.
Pickers - Thorns.
Pissin tail - A person of no class or importance.
Planasse - To hit someone with the flat side of a cutlass.
Playin social - Someone who pretends to be of a higher social strata than they are.
Po po - Very small child, a baby.
Pommerac - A bright red fruit with velvety white interior; could have come from the patois for Maracas apple.
Pomme cythere - The fruit golden apple.
Pong - Pound.
Port of Spain - Capital city of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, located in NW Trinidad.
Pressure/Preshah - Intense circumstances, rough times.
Prim prim - Disgustingly proper and formal.
Qualey - Withered, dried up.
Quenk - An irritating person.
Raff - To grab suddenly, to take away something from someone.
Ragadang - Broken down, derelict.
Ram cram - Packed to capacity.
Rat toungue does sell e head - Disclosing too much will get you into trouble.
Road March King - A Calypso composer whose tune has been adjugded the most popular (played) for that particular year’s Carnival.
Roti - A thin flat baked dough resembling a tortilla filled with curried beef, chicken, goat, shrimp or vegetables.
Rude - Nasty, sexually explicit.
Rumfle - Ruffled or wrinkled.
Saga boy / girl - A male / female who is boastful of his or her physical attributes, flashy dresser, dandy.
Sampat - An unfair attack, out-numbered ambush.
Schupid, Chupid, Schupidness - - Stupid.
Schupidee, Chupidee - A stupid person.
Screw pan - An angry or determined look on a persons face, usually humorous and ugly.
Shades - Sunglasses.
Shadow beni - Cilantro, a herb known for its distinctive seasoning flavour, used in cooking meats.
Shif yuh carcass - Move over, get going.
Shrims - Shrimps.
Shub/Shove - Move or cast aside.
Skin up yuh nose - To turn up ones nose at anything.
Skinnin yuh teet - Grinning.
Sky-lark - To idle, waste time.
Soca - Calypso.
Sometimeish - Moody.
Soucouyant, Sucuyant - Usually an old female vampire that sheds its human skin and flies at night as a ball of fire, sucking the blood of its victims.
Souse - Boiled pork or other meats served cold in a tasty, seasoned sauce with lime, cucumber, pepper and onion.
Spit in de air it goh fall in yu face - The evil you do will come back to haunt you.
Steel Pan, Steel band - Melodic percussion instruments made out of oil drums and invented in Trinidad in the 1930's
Suck eye- Too easy for words to describe.
Sweetie - Any confectionary, an attractive female.
Swell up yuh face - To look angry, to pout.
Tabanca - The forlorn feeling one gets when a romantic relationship ends.
Tantie, Tante - Aunt.
Teef - Thief.
Tent, Kaiso tent - A calypso or soca concert featuring several singers, music bands and comedians.
Tick, Thick - Overweight as in “She not real fat, he slim-tick”.
Tight - Intoxicated, drunk, stoned.
Ting - Thing.
Titty-vay, Titivate - To waste time or stir up trouble.
TNT - Trinidad and Tobago, twin island nation six miles off the coast of Venezuela, South America. The home of soca music and the best Carnival show in the world.
To besides - Besides which.
To throw watar on duck back - To waste your time, to make futile attempts.
Toh-ty, Toti, ToTo - The Male genitalia, penis.
Too tool bay / Toutoulday - A confused state, in a daze, also head over heels in love, a gullible person, a fool.
Too-bay-go - Tobago.
Too-nee, poom-poom, scizzors - Female genitalia, vagina.
Toolum - A candy made with molasses and grated coconut.
Tot Tots - Female breasts.
Trinbago - Short for Trinidad and Tobago.
Two tounged - Deceitful.
Umpteen - Plenty of anything, very often.
Vampin - Producing a veryn offensive smell.
Vaps - A suddenly behave excitedly or in a strange manner.
Vex - Angry, vexed.
Vikiey vi - Evasive, unreliable, indecisive.
Wais - Waist.
Wajang - A roudy, uncouth person.
Warap - A very weak mixture.
Well yes! - An expression of disbelief.
Wet fowl - Sickly looking.
Wha happenin dey? - What’s happening?
Whappen? - What's the matter with you? or How are things?
What sweet in goat mout does -
sour in he bam bam Fun today will cause problems in the future.
When cock geh teet - It will never happen; an impossible situation.
Whey - Where.
Whey yuh say? - What did you say?
Wine, Winin - A sexually suggestive dance using rthymic hip gyrations that can make the hula look tame, best done to calypso music.
Yampee - Mucus found in the corner of the eyes, especially after a long nights sleep.
You an all? - You too?
You so - People like you.
Yuh makin joke! - You can't be serious.
Yuh faddah head - An expression indicating disgust.
Yuh faddah is a glassmaker? - You are blocking my view.
Yuh look fuh dat - It is your own fault.
Zaboca - Avocado, a salad fruit.
Zug up - A rough and uneven cutting of anything.
Yeah lolz some things i didn't know but they made all sense know Lolz
I'm familiar with "Zug Up" too almost every time ah gone by the barber...
"Breed" could also mean to kick or pass a ball though your opponent's legs or have a ball kicked though your legs in a game of football. There is no past tense form for getting "Breed"
Especially since getting "bred" sounds an awful lot like getting "bread"
RauCous said:
I'm familiar with "Zug Up" too almost every time ah gone by the barber...

Hahaha omg sissors must really envy u :icon_confused: