Too Much Trini Indian Expos?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
As You Can See...Then were the Chinese and now its the Indians! Almost everywhere you turn there is an Indian Expo and some are NOT COMPLAINING! There are the ones in :
Divali Nagar
Centre of Excellence
Opposite the Centre Of Excellence
South Side Ones
Next to Unit Trust In Chaguanas
Price Plaza
Stores In Chaguanas

One pro is that its really convenient if you have to get an Indian wear its mostly cheaper than local stores, however, lets say if you buy an Indian Wear for 400TT and go to a next location you may indeed see it for like 200TT and only when you reach home is then you discovering how some are cheaply made. Did you have an experience like this?
I have no problem with these expos, but these same Indian wear you buy from these places cost next to nothing in their country (may i not remind you for every 1TT its 10of their). They will come with these cheap clothing and sell them for a very high price in Trinidad making over 1000% profit from these items when you take in consideration the conversion rate.

One more thing would like to add is they do not give back to country, all they do is sell their items and leave.
Yes.. The reason why they break down the prices is because they know they are making huge profits on our heads. My friend went India and she said the clothes we get down here in the expos are selling in the streets in India..The high quality stuff is tons more beautiful than what we have here
Ladydeath, I don't mind the expos being around, but what I cannot stand is the manner in which these people treat us. Let me share my experience: the first time i went to the expo at the close to the center of excellence, i priced a top from one of the traders, just because i didn't buy the top the man started to quarrel and he flung the top. everybody turned around and looked at me like i did something wrong. obviously i walked off and left him right there like an idiot! as for the quality of the clothes i have realized that they don't surge the edges before they are hemmed. i also picked on that with other indian outfits bought at stores. how are they passing TTBS standards?
Hey i really dont know what to say about these people.Do you see the condition of these expos floor boards breaking , rocking poles and humid atmosphere.. These indians are so cheap eh they will do anything to get sale with some of their child labour clothes. I am so sorry for being so harsh but i had a very bad experience with this expos and its one i would not like to talk about.
Yes i heard in the past that a lady was suing the expo for damages after her foot went through one of the floor boards. These people are so cheap, cheap carpeting , clothes , and infrastructure.
sita said:
Hey i really dont know what to say about these people.Do you see the condition of these expos floor boards breaking , rocking poles and humid atmosphere.. These indians are so cheap eh they will do anything to get sale with some of their child labour clothes. I am so sorry for being so harsh but i had a very bad experience with this expos and its one i would not like to talk about.

Sita, you are not being's the reality of these people. I am very much disgusted by some!
Child labour clothes is right ! It is so fastly and cheaply made that you can only wear these a couple of times