Thoughts on teachers physically hurting students

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Jan 19, 2015
I currently live in the united states and i have been here since 2010 in september . I am a native syrian and born in syria . now the reason my dad moved me here was because of the bullcrap i was going through in public schools back in my country . I was going through a depression because teachers there put the lazy students in the rear of the 40 student classroom and they never even check their homeworks/ assignments
I was one of those students sitting in the back . I felt that i needed a positive motivational push but teachers there push you down instead of lifting you up. There were instances where I was pushed . cursed at and a specific teacher ( my math teacher) talked crap about me to other classes of my grade level.
There they use a wooden stick and slap your hand with it 10 times but most of the time if you do something really wrong like getting caught cursing out loud would get you whipped with a wire or something of that sort.. long story short
Do you think fighting back in that case is a wise decision . If i could go back there I would at least warn them not to touch me . but what are your thoughts on physically or emotionally bullying teachers.
Well over here in Trinidad and Tobago that is a very serious offense and any teacher who gets physical with students in any form once proven generally faces serious penalties.
I currently live in the united states and i have been here since 2010 in september . I am a native syrian and born in syria . now the reason my dad moved me here was because of the bullcrap i was going through in public schools back in my country . I was going through a depression because teachers there put the lazy students in the rear of the 40 student classroom and they never even check their homeworks/ assignments
I was one of those students sitting in the back . I felt that i needed a positive motivational push but teachers there push you down instead of lifting you up. There were instances where I was pushed . cursed at and a specific teacher ( my math teacher) talked crap about me to other classes of my grade level.
There they use a wooden stick and slap your hand with it 10 times but most of the time if you do something really wrong like getting caught cursing out loud would get you whipped with a wire or something of that sort.. long story short
Do you think fighting back in that case is a wise decision . If i could go back there I would at least warn them not to touch me . but what are your thoughts on physically or emotionally bullying teachers.

My education was a mix of the U.S. and Trinidad and I had similar experiences in Trinidad, albeit not with whips etc. The only thing I think can be done is to transfer to another school and keep changing until you find a better school. My experiences have definitely affected me quite negatively for life (targeted and bullied by teachers as well as students, death threats, etc.), but opened my eyes to the behavior of teachers and students with or without corporal punishment in this country in supposedly changing times.

I don't think bullying teachers in any way is appropriate, though I have met many that were utterly disinterested in teaching and seemed to only be there for the money and to stir up gossip among the students etc. If you have a guardian who can step in to handle matters for you in a knowledgeable and professional manner, sometimes that may help. I was frequently at the Ministry of Education with my complaints in those days and I don't believe I was ever taken seriously.; just brushed aside as someone who didn't "get" the way things worked here.
In no way should a teacher in any way hurt or bully a child. Personally, if i was the Minister of Education for this country i would of done alot of psycological tests and interviews on people before they become teachers. They need to know that this is not a profession where you can just come with a 'don't care' attitude and collect money and go home! They need to understand this is the future generation and anything taught or done to them in the classroom will be carried by them for life!
Teaching is a very serious profession and if someone doesn't have the commitment and apirations then they should not teach! Simple!

Nowadays i am seeing that they are teaching psycology in BA degrees and training teachers to recognize learning disorders in children so they can get help. I agree with this and find it very useful.

Long ago and now even, too many parents are beating their children because they do bad in tests or punish them not knowing the real cause why . This happened in my family where my cousin used to get beaten badly for doing bad in his tests not knowing years after the doctors diagnosed him with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivit. His parents up to today still cannot done apologize to him .
Nowadays i am seeing that they are teaching psycology in BA degrees and training teachers to recognize learning disorders in children so they can get help. I agree with this and find it very useful.

Long ago and now even, too many parents are beating their children because they do bad in tests or punish them not knowing the real cause why . This happened in my family where my cousin used to get beaten badly for doing bad in his tests not knowing years after the doctors diagnosed him with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivit. His parents up to today still cannot done apologize to him .

Trust me, I have sources who have told me that parents beat their kids, don't cook for them, do all sorts of things in front of them and then when they go to school they exhibit negative or unwanted behaviours and teachers do nothing but punish and scold them for their wrong.

Personally for the first two years of high school I had a hard time adjusting to the way things worked and it led me to become a very emotionally destroyed person. Nobody understood and I know how it feels to be bullied myself. I for one am glad to see that teachers are being educated in the basics of psychology for this is absolutely essential to be a teacher as in my day, not very long ago, nobody took me seriously or took me on for that matter, not even my parents. Instead they were against me and ever since I have tried to help people who have felt similarly since it does most times leave everlasting emotional damage on a child.(I'm immune)
I have to say i am a nerd. I always came out first in test , was valedictorian and awarded many prizes for academic achievement for CXC and CAPE. School did left me with bad anxiety problems and insomnia. However, i watched several of my classmates shrivel under pressure. There are some who can cope with the stress of work and others that need extra attention and motivation.

Teachers claim that they just blatantly don't have the time and don't get paid enough for what they handle in a classroom . They take out their frustrations on the children that need help and due to this it creates a major problem. Like i said teachers need to be equipped now to single out and detect children with learning disabilities, home problems e.g abuse etc. and tell a superior so that they can get help.

A guidance counsellor should also be there the ENTIRE DAYY ! to help children cope with the stress of home and school and to see if there are any underlying issues going on e.g rape, abuse, etc. that are causing them to react in school.
In my school where i went previously, the guidance counsellor was only there certain days of the week and only during recess and lunch time. The office also was out there for all to see, so students were embarassed to go because they would been made fun after.

Counselling should be promoted in schools and children should be encourgaed to go by the school body . They underestimate how much this can help students and parents .
what you don't understand is that the schools there are terrible. they could care less about the well being of the students.
it's good that I moved out of there and only a few months before the war
what you don't understand is that the schools there are terrible. they could care less about the well being of the students.
it's good that I moved out of there and only a few months before the war

I think its more that they are not aware. I too was not aware of this. Doesn't the government do anything to assist? I mean given the state of whats happening now I don't expect anything to be done but prior to the current was anything done?
On my topic "reasons to hate the middle east" - (Named that way to provoke opinions. I don't hate the actual country. ) you said that if we don't like the middle eat to don't talk about it. However, teachers physically hurting students are issues that are prevalent in these countries. I am glad you brought this topic up because these things are not to take lightly.

Countries that are in these dire stress from threats, wars, death etc. will not focus on education but retaliation, protection, saftey of their people etc. I think education is far from their minds at the moment. When things get better hopefully, there will be a time when the education system might move forward and new policies introduced
I sure hope so at least for the future generations of the region. I have heard stories from someone I know who moved to the usa as well and their stories align very much what we are discussing. Some of the details that were said to me were disturbing to say the least.
One of my friend was discriminated against when she enrolled in high school in Florida State. Because she was of brown skin, many didn't want to be her friend and teachers treated her differently . She said it was straight out of those high school movies that we watch on tv. I really don't understand discrimination, all of us are equal and many fail to realize that.
Before we even speak about multicolour treatment what about us locals discriminating against our ownselves?

Discrimination is something i will never understand neither condone. I absolutely despise people who discriminate against people.
Its very unfortunate that your friend had to go through such an experience especially at high school where its all aboht monkeying around.
Discriminating is a big issue in schools, but I think the students learn it from others. Sometimes adults are under the impression that children are too young to understand or aren't listening and watching. Sometimes adults excuse their words and actions through jokes and undermine the seriousness of their offences. I think children are always watching and listening and the best way to influence them is to lead by example. Most children that you hear making discriminatory statements don't even understand the words they're saying, but they want to sound "big" and be seen with the importance of an adult. I don't think it's a wonder where the behavior has stemmed from; it's a wonder we aren't doing more to reverse it.
i am making this comment in reference to the Ian Alleyne Video about the 13 yr old boy who was beaten by his classmate, a girl. ( IN RARE OCCASIONS) One of these days when a teacher physically hurt a student, they will be the ones to blame and then get fired. Teachers are under dire stress daily from naughty kids. Sometimes student taunt teachers, tell them nasty quotes and sometimes play pranks on them in the classroom. Sometimes they even post stuff on facebook about them or vandalize their vehicles. Sometimes they can only do so much before things get out of hand. I really wish that parents would train their children to behave. That video was so disgusting and heart breaking to see that youths are tearing down each other. Can you imagine how the teacher is feeling. They said that he was taking care of the situation but even him couldn't stop those out of hand students. That's why i never choose teaching. One of my friend is teaching in Enterprise School and she literally feels to pull her hair out. The children are rude, curses one another and fight daily .
Parents and the community hold a key part in a child's resulting behavior IMO. I know many parents who refuse to work with teachers when confronted with unpleasant behavior from their child. Some deny it, some are proud of it and encourage it, and some threaten anyone who says anything about it. Some parents are just as rambunctious as their children and I truly feel sorry for the teachers that have to deal with those students and parents. I think teachers need more information and support so they can handle such situations appropriately as well as to avoid abusing their authority in other situations.