They Paid $1,000 Just to See This 5 Minutes Show in Paris! Unbelievable!

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
A well known Dutch illusionist Hans Klok attempted to set a new world record, 15 grand illusions performed in just 5 minutes. Unfortunately, if you wanted to watch the entire performance live in Paris, you have to pay a whooping $1,000 for a ticket! Seriously? For a 5 minutes show?


How the heck could he do all of that so fast? I wished I could witness something that awesome in person. But I?m not sure if it?s all worth the $1,000. What do you think?
Wow! He is truly talented and has an amazing team! I'm much more appreciative of his fast paced show with so many acts in such a small time frame as opposed to traditional performances that take twice the time to drag on just a couple acts. If money was no object I would definitely go to see him lol I am sure the audience was very appreciative of such a treat as well.
That was seriously impressive! Ahhh the power of the internet and Youtube...saving us thousands of dollars. lmao
hahah wow i just looked at a man make 15 women appear out of nowhere in 5 minutes..

that is some realllllllll magic there! that man deserve the $1000 yes xD
That perspective did not cross my mind Mr. B LOL! I wonder if that's what he advertised at first? lol
Hahahaha surely! Look at how much men in the audience LOL

Thanks to YouTube we got to watch it for free, thanks to Admin for making us aware that there are ppl that have serious money to burn!

This Hans guy , I sorry for his wife yes.
Heh heh heh the glory of the internet! Who knows, the wife could have been one of the appearing women or a producer for all we know!
I believe if some of our own people learn these tricks, many are to be scammed.
I believe if some of our own people learn these tricks, many are to be scammed.

Hahahaha quite true! They'd also do better advertising the amount of women appearing rather than the concentrated show in less time.
Waw ! Thank god indeed to youtube that we saw this without paying that amount of money. Man if i could of learn them tricks eh, earn allota money and give it to charity