Theft Prevention

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Automobile theft as we know it has been a growing concern. It is a multi billion dollar industry spanning the world. It ranges from the oldest and the most rusty to the newest and the most renown of them all.

Falling victim to vehicular theft is something very traumatic. Many people disregard the personal trauma that is associated with losing a vehicle until they experience it themselves. Its heightened if you love your wheels even more. While we do have another thread covering theft prevention from a general perspective, I thought it would also benefit us all if we were to specify just a bit more on some vehicular measures.

So with this in mind, what are some motor vehicle theft prevention devices, hacks or ideas that you have thought about?

Please do not say what you have, try to provide a general listing.

I'll go first:
Alarm system with all black wiring, integrated to look as factory as possible.
GPS Alarm or recovery service.
Nice post nirtime. I had this system in my Civic, very highly recommended:

Anti-Carjacking and Vehicle Self Recovery System

BlackJax is Clifford's unique anti-carjacking response system that puts personal safety first while using innovative advancements to ensure that users can recover the vehicle themselves. If an armed car thief approaches - whether at a stop light or in a parking lot (where most carjackings occur) - immediately turn over the keys and remote and let Clifford technology take over.

Fully automatic: No buttons or transmitters to push when a gun is involved. Just get away from the vehicle. Quick response: BlackJax allows the criminal to drive away a safe distance. Then, a few seconds later, BlackJax blares the siren and flashes the lights to alert other drivers and witnesses. It then pulses down the ignition system to safely force the vehicle to slow to a complete stop. Siren blaring and lights flashing, unable to restart the engine, the carjacker has no choice but to abandon the vehicle.

Ah indeed that is a very well designed system!!
Combined with a gps tracking service it would probably be the most effective recovery.
As we all know the robbery cases in the car are now very hot in the new so there is a need to safe our cars from theft.This thread is very help from theft prevention techniques.I like it so much.
We need to find more methods:

Kill Switch
Disconnect Battery Pole(maybe not very effective but who knows, it just might work)
Alarm with long range "pager" remote. Useful to alert from longer than usual distance when car is tampered with.

Most importantly, whatever you have showing in your car, that is laptops, bags, etc... Put it where it cannot be seen. Thats the easiest way to avoid getting your glass broken and your valuables stolen.
Yeah these methods are very awesome which are discussed in the above post.I like your suggestion.Now i would like to apply it soon in my car.Its very useful.