The Rains Have Not Abandoned Us

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Omg Rain fell alot by me today and yesterday...thank god it has not given up on us...when it fell like i felt comforted and was able to go outside and smell the freshness of nature and not smell the dusty place...i hope it falls later i might as well take a sleep or a bathe in the rain
It only falling in the night here :(
I wish it would fall during the day, cuz d place does be too damn hot.
Yeh the past few days have been a bit cooler I thought. It fell here for a little while too, not much though. I saw on the weather report that we shouldn't expect any rainfall for a couple days cus its clear skies for a while.
Rain falling....WIN!
Place alot cooler now :)

I'm a happy camper
Today is alot cooler as well ... d place have alot of dark clouds so i just enjoying the cool breeze
The people want water! The people want water!
Yes peeps these 3 days i saw we had some light showers. Yesterday i went and play in the rain
Whenever I hear it raining, I just run and go see how hard and what it look like lol
lol scardy cat.... I wanna bathe in it too..maybe because water does be so low on a morning it doh come up in the shower lol
Lol nahh, I just don't want to get wet if its not going to last for long lol
Well rain aint fallin by me... the hills are brown and scorched black from all the bush fires. The Fire services are earning their pay up on my every hour is a siren yuh hearing.
Hmm...I'm hearing rel people's houses are getting consumed by bush fires...Hope we get some relief soon.
Yea even a little part of SM Jaleel burn more soft drink yikes
These past 2 days had plenty of rain when compared to last few months by us. DOn't worry guys rain will come again and you all will start saying oh god why rain have to fall lol
Wispa65 said:
Well rain aint fallin by me... the hills are brown and scorched black from all the bush fires. The Fire services are earning their pay up on my every hour is a siren yuh hearing.
Yeah like every hillside in Diego brown now, this rain come kinda late lol
my vege garden was showin off yesterday wen d little shower came!!! was ah gd site.....patchoi an lettuce was greeeeen
Haha, atleast you could get some lettuce to eat! My pommecythere trees going strong under the weather, my mom's garden gone through though.
so yeah whats with the down POUR today..whole day since 10:23am it falling and won't stop until now it still going...drains are fulling up and kinda madness....well atleast veges are getting green