The Police Service issued a press statement for this carnival!

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The Police Service issued a press statement for this carnival!

The Police Service on Monday issued a press statement, giving reasons why you could end up being locked away in a police station cell this Carnival, if you break these laws. So take careful note. -
Carnival Offences
? Members of the public, masqueraders, entertainers as well as visitors to Trinidad and Tobago for Carnival 2015 are advised to take note of the laws and regulations governing the festival which officially begins at 4.00 a.m. Carnival Monday and ends at 12 midnight on Carnival Tuesday, February 16th and 17th respectively.
The attention of members of the public and that of visitors is drawn to the Orders of the President and the Carnival Regulations 2015 both published as Legal Supplements to the ?Trinidad and Tobago Gazette,? No 2, dated January 8th, 2015, and also the provisions of Sections 5 and 6 of the Public Holidays and Festivals Act, Chap. 19:05 and which were also published in the daily newspapers.
? Band Route Offences
- Dressed in uniform of the protective services or costume which may be mistaken for that of the protective services
- Wearing costume of any deity of religion
- Throwing any substance likely to cause injury or discomfort
- Smear or daub any substance on another
- Exposed flame or article of an offensive nature
- Carrying article capable of causing injury
- Playing in an orchestra not registered
- Driving motor vehicle when masked
- Travelling in a motor vehicle when masked or facially disguised (No offence is committed if the vehicle is licenced to convey such persons)
- Singing or reciting any lewd or offensive song
- Indulging in immoral offensive behaviour
- Carrying/using flag/coat of arms of any country in a derogatory manner
- Possession of anything resembling a firearm/ammunition
- Failed to register a band
- Failed to display banners
- Failed to produce certificate of registration of band
- Failed to register name and names and addresses of its members
- Failed to produce certificate of registration of orchestra
- Conveying persons masked or facially disguised without a licence
? General Offences
- Words alone can constitute an assault
- Assault occasioning actual bodily harm ? Any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health and comfort of the victim including non-physical assault e.g. ?stalking?
- Exposes defamatory/insulting writing
- Obscene exposure
- Making use of violent language
- Using obscene language
- Fighting
- During a presentation/performance was indecently attired
- During a presentation/performance performs lewd/suggestive dancing
- During a presentation/performance uses profane/obscene/indecent/insulting language
- During a presentation/performance act in a manner calculated to amount to contempt/ridicule
- Drunk and disorderly in a public place
- Obscene songs
- Knowingly sells or allows another person to sell intoxicating liquor to a child under the age of 18.