The Official "Off-The-Shelf" Fuel Injector Cleaner Review Thread

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Part of maintenance requires that we use good quality gasoline with cleaners in them or if we can't access this then we must separately treat our engine.

Some say that cleaners are absolutely useless, some say they leave deposits, etc....

What has your been your experience? State the type of car, engine type, name of the cleaner and your experience.

I'll tell you mine. I drove a Toyota Corolla Altis for a few months and in the duration that I drove it, I used the Gumout Fuel System Cleaner every 3 months. This fuel system cleaner did wonders for the little 1.6l 3zz-fe engine as not only did the car perform much better, it idled a bit smoother and gas mileage was a lot better as prior to treatment, it struggled to break 300kms when the fuel gauge read at the last 1/4. After using the Gumout once, gas mileage went from a struggling 300kms to 350kms at the exact same final 1/4 tank of gas. The car also performed a lot better.

I purchased a Valvoline NitroShot after reading while in store that it contained PolyAmine which is supposed to be a better cleaner for the engine. I am not an expert but I really felt that this cleaner made a difference. I poured it into the fuel tank and shortly after noticed a little more low rpm power. It even helped to smoothen the idle by a considerable amount. However, on that particular tank of gas, the injector cleaner made a difference more than usual, I'm unsure as to how that happened...

From my research and further testing, I've realise most of these off the shelf products are mainly marketing gimmicks. Some do help with minimal performance gains which aren't placebo but its really nothing to talk about and cannot ever be a fix for if you have issues with your fuel system.
A mechanic recommended redline to me.. anyone ever use it and when should you place this in your vehicle...any specific mileage intervals....
A mechanic recommended redline to me.. anyone ever use it and when should you place this in your vehicle...any specific mileage intervals....

I feel as though the name redline sounds familiar to me... I'm not famiiliar with it otherwise.

The usage depends on the product specifically. The bottle generally tells you how many miles/kms to use it. I don't go by those rules however since I know that generally these things are very diluted and it would take a lot of bottles to really get them to work properly.

Notice how they say in small writing "Treats up to 20L of fuel" that also falls under usage. However, I have thrown the Valvoline in my tank and then filled my tank up with about 38L of fuel and when combined with what was already in the tank I had about 70L of fuel and I still got a large improvement in the performance of my engine so I'm wondering if quality of the gas has anything to do with it?

So as you can see Gumout is not very effective however I have experienced some pretty decent improvements using this stuff.


Based on this test, Gumout All In One Cleaner does not appear to do nearly as much as the bottle advertises.
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Store that I usually buy from has restocked on the small bottle Gumout. Will try a fresh bottle and see what kind of results I get performance wise. Stay tuned.
A mechanic recommended redline to me.. anyone ever use it and when should you place this in your vehicle...any specific mileage intervals....
GM you talking about the Redline S1 fuel system cleaner. If so then yeah, it's the only one I currently use. If you read up on other automotive forums you would see that of all the fuel system cleaners redline has the highest concentration of detergents. They recommend something like once a month you use one bottle in an empty tank before you fill up.

There was a guy that monitored his car performance with it and noted that after using the initial bottle, you could use about 3 to 5 ounces once a month and get the same results because the detergents were so concentrated. The redline bottle is 15 ounces I believe so do the maths. If you own a bike you could also use it, just use 1/3rd as much (i.e. 5 ounces at first and then 1 ounce, once a month at a fill up).

My car is fuel injected and my bike is carburetted and it has worked well for both.
Where can I get the Redline?

I used about 2 bottles of Gumout since posting at the time and have felt minor improvements. I am now battling a little lazy streak with my engine but i'm sure its nothing big.
Unipet normally has. The guy I sold my last bike also sells redline products (he is actually the person that got me to check out redline stuff). I think he works in a store that sells the whole redline lineup. Will message him and get back to you with his store's location or something. it should be somew in the west.
yea i was thinking about trying it out this month actually lol..i was actually planning to use the whole bottle at first but from your recommendations lol i will try half bottle this month and see how the car feels
Will check Unipet when I go to full up again. Will also do some background reading on it since I am curious to know how many gallons/litres it will "treat".
If you are located in central there is a store on caroni savannah road that normally has in stock. I could give you directions. Checked a unipet earlier today and didn't see any.
If you are located in central there is a store on caroni savannah road that normally has in stock. I could give you directions. Checked a unipet earlier today and didn't see any.

What's the name of the shop? I do buy from shops along that road at times.
D's Car Boutique

17 Western Main Road
St. James
Opposite the police barracks

They are one of only two registered wholesale dealers of redline products locally so they have the whole lineup.
D's Car Boutique

17 Western Main Road
St. James
Opposite the police barracks

They are one of only two registered wholesale dealers of redline products locally so they have the whole lineup.

Yes they are the true Redline distributors in this country, also the price will be the cheapest. I recently bought The redline transmission fluid from there, Redline is an excellent product.
There is good. I buy my oil from there as well.

For oils, once you stick to the main brands you safe. They all surpass regulations and requirements (Amsoil, Mobil1, Redline etc.). The only reason I switching to redline is because I already get my motorcycle oil from that guy and I am satisfied with it. No need to run around all over the place.
Yea the Redline fuel treatment is very good. I use it every 2 months or so and I buy it from the same place. Car Boutique in St. James.
The car feels re-energised every time I use it.
used a bottle yesterday will update on how the car feels later on lol but price was hott from where i bought it lol
Now you need to buy another bottle and just put a little bit in every time you fill up. You should put in just enough so that one bottle should last you about a month.
I think it may be the only treatment that works from the way it sounds. THe majority of other treatments are just toys at best.