The knowing movie

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The knowing movie, was a great movie just watched it today, The film directed by Alex Proyas and starring Nicolas Cage.
Here's the trailer

Here's the movie website

Here's a summary
In 1958, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one mysterious girl fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead. Fifty years later, a new generation of students examines the capsule's contents and the girl's cryptic message ends up in the hands of young Caleb Koestler....
I didn't really think it ended gay or anythin like that, but the end did sort of spoil it for me. I watched the movie and enjoyed it alot. I like how it bordered the line between religion and science. The pacing was good and the script wasn't totally shot!! There were some "mechanical" acting by Cage in some scenes, but he pulled it off. The plane crash was one of the most spectacular crashes i've seen. While not overly graphic, the movie portrayed the the scene with much intensity. Picture Final Destination but with less blood and gore. But the intensity and sheer brilliance of the scene remains intact. I caught myself cringing and hoping that no debri from the exploding aircraft cleans him away. My eyes were open as big as my skull would why is it that a man would run towards a plane crash like that is beyond me. Stupid actually. The train wreck is a bit more gorey (slightly). But a spectacular wreck to see none the less... But visually, I have never seen an "End of the world" look so damn good...The way the radiation and direct pure energy from the sun obliterates everything. I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic- end of humanity fan. So this was gratifying ina way for me...4 out of 5 stars!
Nice movie review their Wispa65, same here i really did not like the ending or maybe because i was not seeing the movie all that good lol i had a pirated copy of it taped from a movie theater screen, but i will watch it over needless
i havnt seen it yet...but i really want 2...
The graphics was awesome as wispa said the part with the trains was wicked, it was really brutal btw seeing people being killed like that, it was a first time i ever seen that. But again i saw it in a pirated copy so i will have to see it in high quality