The End of the Universe

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The most commonly known theories are as follows:

The Big Rip
" ...a cosmological hypothesis about the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the matter of the universe, from stars and galaxies to atoms and subatomic particles, are progressively torn apart by the expansion of the universe at a certain time in the future. Theoretically, the scale factor of the universe becomes infinite at a finite time in the future."

The Big Freeze
"...a scenario in which the universe becomes too cold to sustain life due to continued expansion and the decay of free energy due to the action of entropy."

The Big Crunch
" possible scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the metric expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately ending as a black hole singularity."

The Big Bounce
"...a theorized scientific model related to the creation of the known universe. It derives from the cyclic model or oscillatory universe interpretation of the Big Bang where the first cosmological event was the result of the collapse of a previous universe."

To make the picture a little more simplistic, the first two theories (Rip & Freeze) involve the universe expanding at either a constant or an accelerating rate away from Earth. The latter theories (Crunch & Bounce) requires the expansion of the universe to be at a decelerating rate, an accelerating rate toward Earth, or no velocity at all.

In the past, I have fancied the idea of the universe operating in the model of the Big Bounce. It's fun to think about, especially theorize about. I mean, if everything did concentrate itself into a black hole... like the cyclic theory proposes, don't you think it would rip the fabric of space time? And what happens then? Maybe... instead of starting a "new" cycle... we would come back and live our lives in exactly the same way... so it would never be a "new" cycle of measurable accord... it would be the same exact cycle, because the black hole kept ripping the fabric of space-time.

It's a little hard to run with the cyclic theory, however, because scientists have found that the outer edges of the universe appear to be expanding at an accelerated rate, rather than slowing down.

Which theory do you think is most likely?
Even though the others seem more fun I think the big freeze would be more likely. I mean thats what I would think if i belived in the big bang in the first place lol. I remember reading a few novels about aliens killing out other intelligent life in the universe to preserve resources... cuz they thought the universe would run out of energy.
The big crunch is second on my list cuz if the universe had an initial outward momentum that works against gravity it will slowly decrease over time... unless what they call dark energy is just as fundamental as gravitation. If the net expansion of the universe ever reaches zero gravity would win and start pulling galaxies and constellations into clusters that get larger and larger denser and denser and heavier and heavier.. until the collapse into black holes. The universe would be full of black holes that never meet but consumes all the matter between them and stretches spacetime between them.
WOW you know bout the dark energy thats so cool i taught i was the only freak who does be in them things, lol if they are starting research on dark energy in the year 2010, and if their prove that dark energy is what made the universe then alot of myths would be solved. It will be one of the biggest discoveries of all time
Yeah that would be awesome... I like to think about stuff like this.. Physics and Astrophysics to me are the purests sciences there are out there.. two of the most interesting and exciting ones too.
If dark energy is real and controlable that would be so cool.. if you can harness it you can do alot of amazing things like interstellar travel and all that.
Thats so kool...Dark Engergy? From my knowledge ent this can be harnessed in dangerous stuff too? or maybe i watching Jak And Daxter for too long now