TEENS Faces Ear Problems


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Due to the great offers bmobile have to offers such as free after 10, my lime, talk for 3 mins and get 1 hour freee
And digicel plans such as My circle>>>>Many teens have been engaging in the act to talk to their partners, friends, bfs , gfs, etc for long hours due to these offers...Nowadays teens are complaning of ear problems due to long exhausting hours they spend on the phone, plus the radiation that it lets out..It is said to feel like a pin poking your ear drum inside or deep pain in your ears..some may experience headaches because of this...It is really a big problem for teens these days....... please be careful when you are talking on phones because it may seem like a small pain at first but when u really end up with an infection it can be painful :icon_sad:
I thought this was about headphones. But people frying thier brains with cellphones just as bad. People wont take it seriously though cuz everytime someone does a study on how dangerous it is someone else will say it's not that dangerous. We would prefer to believe the one that let we do what we want.
u guuud.....I does spend hrs on meh fone.......work and otherwise........its as bad as my coca cola addiction....
i does be on the phone at least 8 hours plus daily Ariyah just as bad because she does be on the phone whit be unlimited calls.
And i have 2 big holes in my ear drums because i was a victim of crime and i does be on the phone alot