T&TEC Problems


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
I've already lost count of how many times electricity has randomly cut off since the year has started. Just this past week current went at least THREE times! I've noticed that certain neighborhoods in the distance have power when my area doesn't and vice versa. Sometimes I don't know which is worse: when there's no electricity all day or night, or when it flickers on and off repeatedly for quick periods of time, which I've been told is far more damaging to electronic items in use.

At least when there's a notice about it I'll admit it's my fault if I don't know about it. However, even if they did send out notices for every time they cut the power, this frequency is really ridiculous! Anyone else have issues like this?
You are actually right, they do not always make announcements. Sometimes they rudely interrupt the power source. I once thought a breaker had tripped in my home and i reset all of the breakers in the panel looking for the tripped one only to realise that T&TEC came to connect a new apartment building in construction.

While I do not mind a warning or something would have been nice as it was for quite a lengthy period of time.
I at least appreciate when the crew is doing repairs or something, to announce that beforehand. Most of the time though, that isn't the case and we get no explanation unless you call and get put on hold waiting for someone to say every time "oh a transformer blow, the crew will fix it just now" *four hours later* "we're sending a crew now/already sent them".
Current went TWICE today. First for 3 seconds, then it came back for about 10 seconds and went again for 19 minutes.
Current went TWICE today. First for 3 seconds, then it came back for about 10 seconds and went again for 19 minutes.

That can damage equipment. Its really unfair when they do these things without warning. You never know whose doing an online exam thats accounting for all their coursework where it matters, etc... I guess we can do nothing to prevent this from happening so we must live with the expectation that electricity can be gone at any moment.
It's kinda ridiculous that we have to pay for this kind of service and still pay to replace/fix damaged equipment because of course, T&TEC will not be held accountable for any damages.
It's kinda ridiculous that we have to pay for this kind of service and still pay to replace/fix damaged equipment because of course, T&TEC will not be held accountable for any damages.

We also get no rebate for down time, which sometimes equates to 8 hours, an entire day/night.
i am so very glad that you have posted this shadow!

Current goes by us daily ! Yes daily ! For short seconds and then comes on back during the times of 12am - 3am .
One time my parents got so fed up they called and nothing came out of it .
3 Of our street lights have blown because of this and some have been randomly going off and coming back on. I don't understand why this is happening but when we called they said that they have no such thing logged on their system. Something is fishy here
Lol this is Trinidad, something fishy is always going on, if T&TEC tells you two hours, expect that to mean eight.
I got so fed up I don't even bother calling anymore. I think we've gone through about 3 computers in the past 5 years mostly, if not entirely, due to damage from this. I can't believe we have to just accept this stupidness that we are paying for!!!
Annnnd it went again today and just came back, messing with my new router :(
We were thinking about putting surge protectors but when we tried with our desktop computer it kicked the bucket with the amount of times current went and flickered back on .
It so happens that you guys have transferred your woes. Current went and returned for a short period at my place today. It was discovered that work was being carried out on a line not too far from my home. Without mention and without warning. On a Sunday...
LOL thats T&TEC FOR YOU ! Does it have anything invented yet like a surge protector to hook up to the main current line??
Not that I know of yet. The surge protectors in this house are very old and need to be replaced though. When will T&TEC ever get some competition? I know we still have third world status but T&TEC's activity (or lack thereof) seems determined to keep us from rising above that!
LMAO yup that's more accurate! At least we'll know what we're paying for!
Went again last night/early this morning for about 5 seconds, no warning.