
A concrete electricity pole fell across a street in San Fernando yesterday afternoon leaving customers without a supply.
No one was injured, but traffic along Coffee Street had to be diverted. The pole fell taking down several lines with it at Coffee Street near the traffic lights at the intersection with Cipero Street.
Corporate communications manager of the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC), Annabelle Brasnell said her information was that another utility company was doing work in the area and “something happened,” causing the concrete pole to break.
However, she said how exactly the pole got damaged was still to be determined. San Fernando Business Association president Daphne Bartlett said she was not aware of the details, but she was happy that no one was injured.
She suggested that T&TEC do proper checks and balances to ensure that all their poles are in good order. “It is probably a warning for them to go out and look for rotted poles, especially in populated areas, and replace them because it could be devastating to people,” she said. Calls to the mobile phone of San Fernando mayor Junia Regrello went unanswered.