Sure Security Services Farming Practices Are Harming Humans & Animals

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Jun 9, 2008
Steve Walters owner of Sure Security Services Limited has been farming Watermelons on a parcel of land belonging to ABEL Brick Factory at Depot Road Longdenville. He is farming very close to the residents of Hosein Avenue which has been living there for over 16 years. Since last year when he began farming, residents noticed he has been spraying a strong chemical WITHOUT INFORMING THEM up to their properties and has been affecting them greatly in a number of ways.

There are three businesses in Hosein Avenue; a Pre-school, Upholster & a Sign company.
When he sprays this chemical, both residents and employees sometimes have to leave their homes and place of work due to a strong smell in the air, respiratory problems, skin problems, headaches, allergies such as watering eyes and scratching of throat. There has been a significant presence of rats, mosquitoes, flies, ticks and insects which is making the place unsanitary to live and work. They have been spraying up to one resident's walls which caused all three animals to get sick numerous times and eventually one died on July 1st , 2016 due to poisoning from the chemical. Another resident's dog is sick as i am writing this .

When speaking to Mr. Walters no sympathy, apology, reasoning or conclusion was given. One resident called ABEL and spoke to management. She explained that her dog of 8 years just died and she has a niece that will be coming home from the hospital as well and they need to talk to Mr. Walters. On Tuesday they said they spoke to him and told him to practice proper farming practices. That talk went on deaf ears to Mr. Walters. Monday 4th July, residents and employees noticed a strong smell in the air after 3PM . On investigating, they were spraying again as usual. That said resident's family had to rush the baby out of the house.

Mr. Walters was evicted by the residents at Tom Street Longdenville where he first had a watermelon field and the same health problems persisted in the area. He was renting the land from a resident which was directly affected and they ran him. In this case, Mr. Walters is renting from ABEL , a million dollar company which may not take this seriously.

These people are very heartless, to know the residents are living there for so long and now they are forced to live in these conditions where they cannot even hang clothes outside, has to keep their doors and windows locked, relocate their pets, live in unsanitary conditions etc. To think this man is the owner of a security company he will know better on health and safety.

A petition and complaint has been filed to the Chaguanas Borough Corp. Residents hope that someone in authority takes this seriously before someone falls fatally ill. There are little children from the pre-school, a new born, animals , employees and residents lives are at stake. At the moment residents are being advised by Environmental lawyers.
Wow this is a serious problem, i hope Abel Brick Factory does something about this. I know for sure the Chaguanas Borough Corp health department is a waste of time and inefficient but i still hope they get some redress from this.
Sure Security Services should be ashamed and someone from the authorities should do something about this, knowing these Fly By Night shady security companies they like to take advantage of people. I would like to highlight this if you give me the permission to.