That last one just stink. I thought
If a broom pass over your foot you not going to get married
I think the big toe one applies to women. Family always tell me that my wife going to beat me
I've heard both of them both ways, funny how it changes around!
-If you look at the moon, scary movies, or something unsightly while pregnant you will have an ugly or deformed baby.
-If you eat anything spicy while pregnant the baby will be born with heat rash or baby acne.
-If you eat lots of bhagi the baby will have lots of hair.
-The baby will resemble anyone you hate while pregnant.
-If a pregnant women gains a fuller face, chubby arms, hair falling out, a smaller high rounded belly, is extremely ill and has a less healthy or ugly appearance, she will have a girl. Also if craving sweet and/or milky foods.
-If a pregnant woman gains thicker legs, excessive hair, a bigger low pointed belly, and appears healthier or more beautiful, she will have a boy. Also if craving salty and/or sour foods.
-All boys are for their mother, all girls are for their father.
-A baby peeing on you is a "blessing".
-When babies smile in their sleep or while playing alone, they are playing with angels.
-Babies' heads must be covered at all times so spirits do not take them.
-When coming from the "dew" (spelling?) outside, you must wait about a half hour until you go near the baby so spirits don't follow you in.
-Placing a soiled diaper in the dirt outside your home will protect from the bad effects of the "dew".
-Throw five stones in five different directions when bringing home a new baby to ward off evil from all directions.
-Never see a baby empty handed, you must "pay" the parents to see the child.
-Do not prepare for a child before it is born, you can jinx the fetus.
-If babies are not "rubbed down" 1-2x a day they will grow deformed.
-If a baby is brought out of the house before 6 weeks (or 2,3,4,or 6 months depending on who is saying) after birth, it can contract fatal illnesses and suddenly die.
-All babies must drink water with young lime leaves in it from birth or they can develop fatal health complications.
-Babies time their births for the full moon.
-After giving birth, all mothers must get "rubbed" to put everything "back into place" or their organs will fall out of place.
-Don't turn your back to the sea, she will get angry (rough).
-Always leave a light on in the house to ward off evil.
-When you hear your name being called in the bushes, don't answer or go further in, leave immediately (some one of the supernatural spirit things is supposed to get you).