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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Hey my fellow trinispicians...

To all our Wonderful Poet Masters and Future Poets , Trinispice will like to announce our opening of our new poem site which will be a permanent site to submit all your wonderful poems and share them with everyone .It is the very first time this has been undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago. Here you can start of creating poems and can also gain a reputation for yourself. It is a newly site branching off from made just for our young talented Poets and Members to enjoy themselves and have fun reading our wide range of poems that we have stored over the years. Please join today and start submitting your poems. As it is a newly created site anyone who would like to help us in anyway and give ideas can do so on this thread. remember we made it for you so we would like to know your views. All those that have submitted poems to our poem thread here can also extract them and post them on the site . That would help us very much .
Do I retain copyright to the work I submit to your site? Do I retain the right to withdraw it from your online publication? And to sell or give rights to a second party?... Will I be held liable if I violate someone elses copyright?
If you don't want your poems on just say and i will remove them, If someone copies the content form ttpoems its copyright infringement, if you are taking someones else poem you need to provide the original Author's name. TTPoems is a free site where you can read and submit your poems for free for everyone to read.
Well no i don't i think it fall other section i mean like for example how Gothic could be a general section where it could take like dark, suicidal,death poems maybe if it could fall under a general section. Can you out line some section that i could make for it
You can submit any poems you like, what do you guys think about the site is it cool or fail?
I think i changed some i did some mistakes if you still see anymore errors let me know so i can change this, Oh use the submit button on top of the page to submit your poems.
Could you delete this one? lol. I dont like it it's ugly.. lol. or and er.. "late" is one i wrote too lol.
The categories could be similar to the forum. But for now they're ok. I really like the about us page... :) it's a nice intro :)
Similar to the forum? why? you know that how ttpoems is not part of trinispice and it is totally two complete different things. Also its not a trini website its not bounded by a region. Oh yea karina wrote the about us lol
I mean the tags.. love, war, crime, gothic, sport, internet, life, jokes, happines. Or you can go by type of poem, free verse, formal verse, are two major distinctions. Or the by the tone of the poem, happy, sad, ode, epic, narrative.. whatever else there is..
admin said:
I think i changed some i did some mistakes if you still see anymore errors let me know so i can change this, Oh use the submit button on top of the page to submit your poems.
YAAAY!!! Thank you very very much Admin!! :Yea: :clap: :super: WOOOO!!!
but this one is mine... :Blink: :haha: i think EmpireKing would prefer to put his own poem there lol :signlol:
Raucous the set of poems you submitted was really good you have skills. Tomorrow i will lunch google does not know about the site as yet but when i finish complete it i will submit it to google.
you will "lunch?" it, it having food!!! YEEAH!! :signlol: I was looking for it on google!! lol How long was it up? or did you really just make A WEBSITE IN A WEEK?? :Blink: THATS COOL.. :icon_cheesygrin:
Actually i bought the domain on Wednesday and started to work on it yesterday, so not a week about a day and i almost complete it, btw i bought a another domain name so stay in tuned for that
admin said:
so not a week about a day and i almost complete it....
Are you on some kinda roll??? lol

Seriously??? Whoa!!!
You're all like:
LOl well i was at it for 18 hours straight reason why it took me one day so far.
Yea you can upload images for your poems it just has to be small, Google now started to index the site so i hope a flow of traffic will start coming in plus you guys need to promote the site also so others will know about it