Strangers, The New Beggers.

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
People I notice something. Recently strangers just coming in front my gate and askin me for thing... Just so just so... I doh know them and they doh know me. I going out, people asking me for thing and alll... What it is with some of these people lately?

Today ah youth man askin me to buy food for he to carry home... Mind you this youth man have a plastic bag in he hand like he went in the grocery and buy something to carry home... I tell him no and he have words to say, I drop ah cuss on him and he gone he way.

What really going on lately? I wasn't even well dressed self and just so this youth man come to ask me to buy food for he to carry home... I wonder if I look like Aunty Kams nephew. I is nobody god father, I does fight up to make do with what I have.

I not saying don't give charity but come on, you doh just ask a stranger for stuff just so just so and then have words when they say no. That's just not right.
/End Rant
I've experienced this as well. The worst was someone coming up to me eating and putting their hand to take. Actually had people back in school grab my food and run with it! Idk how people could be so, especially when they act like something's wrong with you when you have a problem with what they're doing. I get real vex when people come around my food especially. And yes, a lot of them real dress up and evidently shopping and still going to beg people who looking normal. I don't feel it's truly giving if you're forced to do it, but if they're already so rude, it's not like it matters to them.
Exactly but some people you look at them and see they dont really need what they're begging for. Like the youth man who was askin me for the food, he look like he not a begger, he operate like he see ah opportunity so he try a thing.

Sometimes I just walk out my house to enter my vehicle and these ppl in the road walking normal, just so they go stop like somebody stop them and come and harass me... I give charity a lot I like giving with no return but doh tell me that you just passin through d area and was wondering...

People even living in the abandoned building not far from my home. They have been monitoring people's outside activity in their yards to see who they can capitalize on. Ive been patient with two of them and I have no intentions of being so with the rest because they dont look like they need help. They are bodily able and obviously not mentally deformed because they can speak normally and put on a cry show to get people to give them.
Well well.

Strangers feel that they can demand things from alot of people nowadays. Especially women!
One time i went out the road in my home clothes with exactly $20. A Woman stopped me in decently casual clothes to ask me if i can buy some food for her and her children. I told her i am sorry but i only have 20 dollars in my pocket and she so boldface to ask me to give her it . WELL BOY ! I got so angry ! I just walked out and tell her no.

These people are healthy and have two hands and two feet. They are cowards because they cannot look for a job insead of begging. There are people with disabilities that are hard working out there to make a living for themselves and their families.
Just look at our independent senator/ vet Kriyaan Singh who is wheel chair bound and paralysed but still does his duties.
People need to stop feeling sorry for themselves and find a work. Anything small is still a hussle at the end of the day.

Now when people ask me for money i ask them why? If i see them looking homeless i offer to buy them food , which they usually decline. If they are in good health and strength then i tell them sorry but no. It's not okay to ask people just so without any proper documents. There are usually disablilty grants and offerings from the government that is given to them.
I would rather people beg than turn to crime if they cannot find employment or get approved for disability grants etc but that does not mean you have to be so bold. I am more inclined to give people that ask respectfully and keep their distance than someone coming up in my face demanding something. Sometimes the way people behave it's like they're just entitled to get what they want even if they do nothing for it.
be aware of those strangers you randomly see in your neighborhood also some of them does beg and also scope to see what they can take
True. I heard from someone that it is a normal scene for regular average non-criminal people to hire criminals to target their own friends and family or sometimes people they fall out with, so it's not strangers alone you have to be mindful of.
I Deal with alot of business people and the one thing they all have in common is vacancies. Have you ever seen the gas station pump attendants, grocery workers, Fast food cashiers or cleaners ? Most of them are immigrants from Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica or Nigeria. More are coming in from Venezuela , Haiti and St Vincent. Why? Because Trini people leaving the jobs and the immigrants are willing to work.

Education is free and there are alot of vacancies i see on the newspapers everyday. I especially hate to see those Teen Moms demanding food or money from strangers. It breaks my heart .
I Deal with alot of business people and the one thing they all have in common is vacancies. Have you ever seen the gas station pump attendants, grocery workers, Fast food cashiers or cleaners ? Most of them are immigrants from Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica or Nigeria. More are coming in from Venezuela , Haiti and St Vincent. Why? Because Trini people leaving the jobs and the immigrants are willing to work.

Education is free and there are alot of vacancies i see on the newspapers everyday. I especially hate to see those Teen Moms demanding food or money from strangers. It breaks my heart .

lol education is free for the people who willing to push themselves and go for it.....i think most of the people only want quick cash
I really do agree with all of you on this, especially Grim. He made a good point there. One of the characters to beg actually was a piper wearing Nike shoes and a decent shirt. Obviously from listening to him speak and see how he looked, it was kinda clear to me that he stole the shoes at least. I wondered if he was just buying time to be near the gate without suspicion to scope out what he could.

The mistake I made was I was very very tired having just spent 2.5 hours to wash and hand wax my vehicle. He caught me off guard and I actually stood there listening to his BS stories.

I am always in my yard doing some sort of madness be it cutting wood all day to make something or spending half day to install or modify some form/part of a vehicle. So I will forever have to deal with these beggers and strangers whom I wish not to associate with. My tactic as of late has been to avoid as much as possible but I think I will try ignoring these people.

A good point was made about the education and jobs. The education is free yes but are we benefiting as a society as whole? Imagine a man gone to buy doubles and a grimy lookin man stand up and mouthin "1 wit pepper" and den ain't have no manners when he get it to say well thanks or alright. He stand up watching d man vehicle like he want to sabotage if he doh get the doubles then he just take the bag and gone back underwater. The doh care mentality get rel strong and its even stronger when the hard working in society refuse to give to these beggers. One of these days I will fix up one of these beggers properly just to blow off some steam because no woman with a billion children going to say give me the $20... I'll tell she 20 different words in 20 different contexts she go never understand without getting uncivilized.

I have no idea since when the hard working in this place owed the lazy... Its like these people expect that we will give them what we have at will. They might see a nice car or something but they never ever consider how much hard work and grinding(for all you entrepreneurs) went into getting that $1 or box of food they asking for and then bold face enough to have attitude when people decline...
Hold up a second. Beggars do not always equal unemployed, under-educated people. (Where are my math signs when I need them?) Unemployed and/or under-educated people are not all passing up employment and education opportunities looking for quick cash or to opt for begging. You guys are sounding like you're coming from a totally different level.

Imagine this: you have rent to pay, bills to pay, transport to pay, family members to clothe and feed, etc. A gas station job is not covering all that. Many immigrants are coming here with somewhere to stay already and have people looking out for them, and quick jobs with no questions asked lined up. Many of them are holed up in tiny bedrooms with many working people pooling money for rent etc. and living in less than suitable conditions. Some of them can barely speak English and are here illegally but as long as they take the next to nothing pay for dog hours, what cheap employer is going to be picky about that?

An under-educated Trini most likely has to pay for shelter and all amenities. As birth control is often misunderstood and/or unavailable to many struggling in lower classes, there are usually very big families to provide for as well. Many children in these families choose to look for small menial jobs nearby to provide additional income to cover all those expenses and to physically help around closer to home; others forego employment and education to stay at home and help provide care, support, and provide domestically. Still others are forced to remain at home by abusive relationships, parents and the like in life and death situations, disabilities (that aren't all recognized by disability grants - which is not enough to cover all those expenses either!), and so on.

Try telling those people to leave their families, take money that could have bought a meal for a child (that may have been their only meal for the day) and travel halfway across the country to interview for a job they aren't even qualified for and may be passed over for the boss's friend's wife's cousin's dog's real partner. Try telling the teen mom with no childcare or support to dump her kid somewhere for free so she can travel with money she doesn't have to the school she can't afford to pay the fees for that GATE doesn't cover and work at the place she can't afford to travel to, qualify for, etc.

Some of us are fortunate in not having such things, or worse, to worry about every day of our lives to hinder our endeavors in making better lives for ourselves. Not everyone is so lucky. I've stayed with many underprivileged people and learned that often those that have the least, do the most for others. For some, it is heartbreaking and humiliating when they have to ask for something from others but they do it and make do with what they have and give to others from what little they get as well. I've stayed with many wealthy people and learned that often those that discriminate against others, look down on others, and condemn those in need are those who live privileged lives and do not know what a life in need or full of disadvantages is like. Try getting to know some of those people and you may be shocked at their stories. Every time I've come across a random person doing a good deed, it has been a person struggling with very little and did not hesitate at all to help others regardless of how they appear.

FWIW, the biggest scammers/beggars I know are quite educated and employed, but those they seek charity from to fuel their extravagant lifestyles are unaware of how privileged they are. I met a child that informed me her parents gave away or hid nice donations such as clothes, shoes, etc. the children received because they wanted to look as though they were in need to continue asking for and receiving charity. They told the children if they looked nice all the time, they would no longer receive the nice things and it became the children's responsibility to uphold the facade though they were never truly in need aside from when the adults blatantly refused work opportunities, which they did without remorse as they knew others were providing for them.

My point: don't judge a book by its cover. i.e. a person by their appearance or social status.
lol as shadow said some beggars are ppl who crack under the pressure and went mentally insane sometimes
I get where she's coming from and I think we understand that. Hence the reason I said I have no problem giving, its just the lazy ones with the attitude that tick me off.

In the scenario where the woman demanded the $20, she has to ask, no question about that, she's on the short end of the stick, she has to do everything she can to be respectful if she wants a chance at getting assistance. There are a lot of people that I personally will help out and give them a $5 or so if I see they genuinely need it but when they have an attitude and want to show people they wrong and bold face, I have a problem with that. Its in those instances I tell them off or get the urge to curse them.

There are a lot of people who given the circumstances can't/couldn't do better and often they are more respectful and ask, rather than demand and throw words when they don't get it.

There is a disabled man that walks the street where I go to school, I give him money at times because no one will employ him and most likely no authority will help him. Even this man who cannot walk or speak properly is polite and he tries to say thanks. So its not like we're on another level, its a certain type of begger we are pinpointing and I'll be honest, if someone well dressed is begging for money I am not giving. Like the piper, where he got Nike shoes being a homeless as he said?

The type of people I was referencing to throughout this entire thread has been the able-bodied, lackadasical type with a bad attitude and the mentality that when they ask for something, people must take up their hard earned money or whatever and give it to them. By that I'm referring to the type of person that's a homeless due to addiction or other bad habit. The type that when you offer them food they refuse and prefer money to feed their addictions.

I hope this clears up what I was saying because I don't want anyone feeling that I am judging people or abusing people wrongfully.

As for the last bit where its the underprivileged helping and the overprivileged discriminating, I don't know if I agree with that 100% because there are lots of people with wealth who try to help the homeless and you know what, theres tons of stories where the underprvilieged didn't think it was good enough for them. They hurt the people who gave to them because they took advantage and felt that they should have gotten more. I get where shadow is coming from, I know what type she's referring to and I don't have a problem helping some of those people out but I suppose everyone has different experiences.
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I agree with Nirvan!

I have no problem with people asking me for money but it is in boldfaced manner that they do and especially when you say you have no money to give them, its the attitude they throw at you after. They talk like if you or the world owes them for them ending up in an unfortunate situation and we are required to give them money. These people dress properly , can walk, have no health problems and have all body parts. Go look for an extra job if you can get one !

Most of us are struggling here in T&T. Some people are too lazy and have have a twisted sense of pride. They rather beg people for money than to work extra to make the change. Instead of the time spending to ask people for money, they could spend those hours doing something more useful. There is a man who lost his house in a fire and has a little mental issue. He works 3 jobs everyday to support his family and doesn't ask for handout. In the morning is helping a mechanic , afternoon is cleaning a workplace and in the night is working at a car wash.

Even My neighbor down the street has a middle class job but still works extra on weekends helping out at a car wash getting $100 a day just to earn extra cash.

There is a mechanic in central that lost his two legs in an accident. He has children and a wife to mind and that man is so admirable. He literally drags himself around and fixes people's cars.

I will give people money if i have and your situation is dire and you ask nicely ! I always help where i can. Imagine to see someone dress nicely and decent and then ask me "Famalay spare meh ah $10 dey to buy ah burger nah" and after you give them the money you realize they brace someone else and ask them the same thing and three other people down the line.
Then they cross the road, pass the burger place straight and head into a bar .
I get what you're saying now. As for beggars in new shoes, I will add that sometimes new clothing and other new items are given in charity so there is that possibility. However, there is also the possibility that the person begging isn't in need at all and is presenting himself as such, just taking advantage of other people's generosity so he doesn't have to provide for himself, as in the example with the family I know given above.

I have met people like those described by LadyD and for the most part these people were not in need at all, many were actually employed too.
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Shadowhunter we not disputing the situations you described, as Ladydeath said, like if the world owes them something, thats exactly how I interpret it. What I have didn't come free, it was the fruits of labour that brought the food on the table. In the same way plenty of these able bodied people don't want to work. I see a lot of people will be willing to give menial employment to the abled homeless but they usually will pull out 2 weed and they do what they consider to be a $20 worth of cleaning.

I distinctly remember a day I just walk out the house to the right hand side of the truck and in that short space of time it had a homeless woman walking the street. She went by the neighbours and they tell she boss man ain't there. She was walking going she way and then she stop and come by my gate like somebody invite she.

I handed her $5 and told her I can't help you. She wanted clothes and I could pretty much see that she was putting on a story and a face that looked like she wanted to cry. It wasn't legit because she never gave any details all she said was she left behind her niece and others... No detail about any story was given, she was like I doh know what to do uncle help meh na. Now, she's one of many who are living in the abandoned building close to my home, the next time one of them harass me I will be going to the borough to make a report because the piper was also living there.

So I tell she walk down the road and you will meet a traffic warden, ask him to help u, she telling me she doh know what to do. So I stood there and I said well go to the borough. She still insists on not knowing. I was very busy and about to leave home, working on a tight schedule.

So initially I said to myself I would just give her a $5 and she'd be on her way. Apparently that is not enough, you must give them your clothes and other belongings... Sorry but I said I couldn't help. Its not like I scorn and run the woman, I gave her a $5 and said I can't help you very politely. This is the type of thing that really gets under my skin. I also gave her a lot of information, if she wanted to help herself she would just walk and find someone else in their yard and ask them where the warden is, where d borough is, or whatever. So sometimes I just don't know anymore what these people really want.
I would make the report. When I was in school I had a random person sneak onto the bus I was on, sit right next to me jamming me into the window, and ask me for money. I also gave them information. The woman had torn earlobes and visible bruises and began crying loudly and yelling saying she didn't need information, just money. All I literally had on me other than transport was $1 and I gave it to her and she immediately ran off the bus. People like that do bug me because the first thing I will think when someone refuses to hear information to help them or water, food etc. and specify that they want money, is that they may want it for drugs or alcohol.

However, I've lived in shady places and gotten to see sides of people's lives that aren't well known. I've seen families force their preteen daughters to go out begging with newborn babies into the street because they believe the young girls will get more money. After being told not to give them anything because it is a family run beggar business and the adults exploit the children and profit over their heads, I've seen the same girls hide some of that money to later buy water and food to give to other homeless children in need hiding under market stalls (before putting food in their own mouths) every time the adults monitoring them have left with the day's money. I've met young students forced into prostitution rings because of family debts and bad relationships and be threatened with gang activity if they do not exploit people when they are told.

I don't know everyone's story, so when I am able to help, I will try to give information, get someone something to drink or eat, or a dollar self. But yes, the people that rudely take advantage and so on, refusing help etc. are quite discouraging and I have learned to look the other way too many times over the years. I may not seek to assist everyone in need I randomly see, because if I had to judge the deserving from the scammers or exploitative, the results might be too disheartening to keep the interest of helping anyone still going. But when I can, I try to help others I get to know are in need and I suppose that is partly to help my conscience with the ones I don't help on the street or in random situations. We can all only do the best with what we are presented I guess, and if you are surrounded by scamming and exploitative beggars, it would just make sense to shut them down or ignore them when they prove nothing else works for them and their entitled attitudes.
That's the problem, a lot of people would say if you have anything to give and they would be greatful with anything you hand them. But lately this new strand or should i say "Generation" of begging has gone to a totally new level. The ones who want solely money have other motives most times as there used to be a man who was homeless in my area as well that would beg for money. Saw him buying things to feed his addiction with the money.

There used to be others who would come and politely explain their situations and say do you have any food you can give to me? I just came from Felicity walking, I don't have any money and I am in need of food , etc... Of course they got food, they were polite and explained themselves.

As LadyDeath was saying they come and ask for $10 to buy a burger, then they do it to everybody else in line and then cross the street, pass the burger joint and head directly into the bar. I'm not having that. Some of the people who would do such a thing not even homeless, they just playing the fool like if people owe them.
Pipers living in a busy area and took up residence at an abandoned building and no one bats an eye! I find that very shady!

There is a very unfortunate couple living down the road from us. They live in a galvanized house. While the man works, we see men come and go all the time while the lady is home .Their place is littered with old clutter and garbage. Now they have 7 children and absolutely poor. She came begging one day for anything, like people owed her something. Although this man and lady didn't get their act together, didn't practice proper family planning, the lady didn't find a job to help the husband; i gathered up my clothing that was left to give away and handed it to them. Why? Because they had a lot of children who can use the clothing and they shouldn't have to suffer for parents mistakes.

Now all their daughters have babies for men living around the area. About 13 of them are now living in a one bedroom shack. I feel sorry , so i always give to them. They do not show that they are thankful, but atleast i know its for the children.