Speech to text msg?!! thats absurd!!


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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
... But apparently it alread exists, but who would waste time speaking out a text message? lol :Confused: :haha:
Its even catching on!
They say it will help prevent driving accidents... thats the only use i agree on... :wacko: Its nice to see that the other applications for this will help the disabled or illiterate, its cool for actual productivity... but for cellphones??? kinda too much... are voice calls that expensive? lol.
This would not work well because the current technology for computers to understand speech is not great. And even more those who speak broke English Eg Trini's would have a difficult time using this as the phone will only recognize US Based English Or Uk Based
admin said:
This would not work well because the current technology for computers to understand speech is not great. And even more those who speak broke English Eg Trini's would have a difficult time using this as the phone will only recognize US Based English Or Uk Based
On the contrary, speech recognition on Windows Vista is brilliant. I've used it. Get a good microphone and you can actually train your computer to recognize your voice. You can control you "entire" computer with your voice. And I mean "entire"!! Once you speak properly, the computer will understand you and work quite accurately... Its called "Speech Recognition" in the Ease of Access section in your Control panel...
Anyways, using speech recognition for texting is crap. I don't see how usefull this would be. i don't think it would prevent any car accidents. Since you'll be talkin to the cell phone, you'll be constantly checking the screen to see if what appears is what you actually said. Plus texting is a whole different language in itself. The amount of jargons, abbreviations, smilies, and combinations of letter-numbers variations is too perplexed! It will cause more accidents if yuh ask me. Plus yuh know how we trinis is already.
o_O I usually text so ppl can't hear wat i sayin on the phone sooo wtfuzz :S