Special Training To Benefit Hearing Impaired


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As part of its effort to improve services for differently-abled students, the Ministry of Education recently completed a two-week sign-language exercise for 22 members of the Student Support Services Division.

Officials said it was part of a wider initiative aimed at increasing the sign language proficiency of officers and coincided with the ministry’s thrust to cater specifically for students with special needs.

Ten special education teachers recently participated in the Certificate in Teacher Orientation and Professional Development for Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners offered by the University of the West Indies in collaboration with Gallaudet University.

The programme took place from July 9 - 14 at the Cascade School for the Deaf courtesy the T&T Association for the Hearing Impaired. The Ministry, through its School Supervision and Management Division, oversees the Cascade School for the Deaf and the Audrey Jeffers School For The Deaf in Marabella.

Additionally, deaf and hard of hearing students in mainstream schools benefit from the provision of teachers of the deaf and interpreter assistants at El Dorado West and East Secondary Schools, South East Port of Spain, and Marabella South Secondary.

Applications are currently being short-listed for the employment of additional interpreter assistants in preparation for the new academic year.