Spay/Neuter Your Cats & Dogs

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Jun 9, 2008
Does your heart go out to all stray animals you see in T&T Today? So many suffering, seeking homes they don't have, abandoned because they don't look as cute anymore, no food & water ...and even hurt and dying a slow death!

Not spaying and neutering animals are the reason why we have this problem! Spaying/neutering is the surgical removal of an animals reproductive organ. We need to change the mindset of this country. The minute we decide to get a dog/cat, they are under our care and protection and we need to make decisions concerning their health and safety. Some trini people does say " Let de dogs and them sow their wild oats nah man! " or "Let the females have their babies its what god make them to do" . Spaying/neutering prevents unwanted litters..

This is what i hate too..People only want big breed dog and cannot take care of them..Some breed them and sell to make money of their beloved pets while we have so many dying on the road sides and waiting to get homes in shelters and are killed after weeks are up and they don't get any.

Pets are members of the family..They are not money makers ..If they are treated other wise then people don't deserve them!

Benefits of Spaying

1. The odds of breast cancer and dangerous uterine infections in females and prostate problems and testicular cancer in males. If you spay females before their heat cycle there is a 98% chance they wont develop mammary cancer.
2. Frustration in resisting the natural urge to mate. Your companion will be less distracted, more easily trained, and a more contented member of your family.
3. The animal's need to roam in search of a mate, decreasing the chances that your pet will become lost, get into fights with other animals or be hit by a car or contract diseases
4. Messy heat cycles in females and attracting unwanted males. Howling and meowing in the night will be decreased and you will have calm sleeping pets.
5. The tendency to bite. However, your pet will still be protective of his home and family even after being altered. Aggression is different from protectiveness.
6.Spraying, wailing, marking territory, or making inappropriate sexual approaches toward people or objects.
7.The extra expense for food or veterinary care in the event of an unexpected litter of puppies or kittens.
Only 200 dollars people have to cork out , or you can sign up with the TTSPCA if someone if too poor to pay and they can do it for you. That's like a normal night at the movies or drinks at a bar or even buying food! Only $200 and some vets even charge cheaper depending on the size of your pet.

Its estimated that a female dog that is bred every time she is in estrus and is bred until she can no longer reproduce can produce anywhere from 20,000 - 40,000 litters ..When these litters eventually breed the cycle continues adding up to over 2 million puppies. depending on how many pups she has per litter (which is a function of her breed). Source is ASPCA, HSUS etc.
I suggest you get your yard fenced first and please do not buy a dog..Go to the TTSPCA In South Or POS or Animals Alive Shelter. You would not believe how many big breed dogs are there to adopt..Buying dogs only fueling puppy mills where female dogs are breed to death ..They are not loved especially in heartless Trinidad. Please fence your yard before having animals, this causes your dog to run away, get bounce, poisoned , get bruises , fights etc etc and the list goes on!
Stop buying animals people! . what you are encouraging is animals made to mass breed for profits, there are thousands of animals you can adopt for free. These animals need loving homes so please adopt.