South Africa Gangs Raping women to cure lesbians

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
This is very sickening some of south africa Gangs believe that if they rape lesbians it should make them straight, The country has a huge amount of homosexuality and even the aid agency approved of this please read the whole story
They would just hate men more don't you not think its just their excuse to put right in rape
i heard that they rape little babies and children because it a so called "cure" for aids being something to with little children having the key to immortality? but that's crazy you can't change they someone thinks unless they're willing to do it.
They have sex with the babies is they have aids saying that it would cure them of the virus, wich is just another excuse to violate a precious child
so many "saying".... and its total crap..... i think the south african's don't respect ladies on the hold....
Remember south african is 80% plus whites not blacks, i hope you you guys know this,
i think in most other countries women are inferior to men, they feel as if they own that one person maybe because they bought the girl from her parents, but damn why little babies!!
Its not only south afirica but other countries who have tribes think men could do anything and women have no say.... I can't remember the contry name but they (men ) think fat women are much more attractive that skinny women... They like to see the flesh !!!!!!
lol flesh is cool esp when there is blook porin out of it, anyways that is a horrible act, gang wape is gay. only gay ppl do that. lesbians rock... ok not really but w/e cant live w/o girls lol