Solar Roads?

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Jun 9, 2008
It's here folks & making a big change to how we see a road way! Although its being implemented at a trial small scale firstly, think about this:

1. Saving & producing clean efficient energy
2. No potholes
3. Heating elements that can defrost cars and dry roads in the winter
4. LEDs that light up the road markings in the night
5. In the more future - Roads that can control the speed limit of vehicles.

Here's their website



1. Saving & producing clean efficient energy
2. No potholes
3. Heating elements that can defrost cars and dry roads in the winter
4. LEDs that light up the road markings in the night
5. In the more future - Roads that can control the speed limit of vehicles.

All very good points , however not practical, ive actually considered building this before, but there are many problems

Batteryc capacity (even in each house ) would not be able to contain the vast amount of energy that the solar roads can provide

Solar panels are HIGHLY Inefficient, working with them ive only found them to be 38% effective in the production of energy compared to current methods

Costs for solar roads would be ridiculously high, the cost for a 5cm x 5cm panel is $300 by steves electronics, plus the voltage rating is very low.

weather conditions would deteriorate the functions of the panels over time (plus the weight of thousands of cars and trucks would just add into the destruction, maintenance would be impractical as the expenses would be too much)

Traction of the smooth surfaces (even if the panels are made with rough patterns) would be near impossible when the friction coefficient is reduced (eg. oil spills on the panels) accidents would be highly likely

and theres alot of complicated circuitry involved which would just send people crazy lol

Trust me i've been shot down with this idea so many times

Thats why im building a Solar Powered Air Purifier that removes toxic particles and contaminants in the air (eg. Carbon Dioxide , carbon, and the smell from the beetham)
True but i'm sure in the near future scientists will be able to make them more optimized and effieient.. You know we third world countries are getting them last or maybe never! I actually admire those UK countries and those in the East for switching to Solar and Wind energy which runs about max 80% of their country. I wish we can adopt these methods slowly into our country as we have the main thing here SUN and WIND!
True , we really do need to look at alternate sources of energy , but do you really think the government gunna put out that kind of money on research and development?

im a strong supporter of solar energy and i have been working on ways to incorporate it into our everyday lives, so far maybe if i can make it a little more affordable and practical, i can make the pitch to the government through the Sagicor Young Visionaries Challenge!
Or apply for a research grant. Government only seeing what infront their eyes, oil & gas but it would not last forever! Oil & Gas reserves are like surprise boxes..When you drill down you don't know what you might find!
Or apply for a research grant. Government only seeing what infront their eyes, oil & gas but it would not last forever! Oil & Gas reserves are like surprise boxes..When you drill down you don't know what you might find!

QUOTED FOR THE TRUTH , my uncle works on an oil rig, and the stories he recalls, he says they have to drill really deep down, sometimes even further than the limit the engineers stated, to get any sort of oil and gas

ofc this damages the environment, but benefits our economy!
Just imagine if they dig up a plume of volcanic larva or cause a man made earthquake due to the pressure upon the earth surface. One day man will pay for what we are doing ..we are already starting to see the side effects
I think its the best idea to use clean and safe energy on the roads of the roads built in.Its a good step to revolutionize the tracks and the roads.It may takes some years to develop because now people are not very familiar with it.
I agree in time development will take place with the solar roads but realistically I'm not sure how they'll be able to drive the cost of production down, yet alone offer this material at affordable costs.

I don't think its very practical for 1 and 2, we may be better off focusing on wind energy until solar can further develop. As Mr.Bollywood rightly said, the cost of a little home panel is very expensive and isn't as efficient as other methods of energy conversion.

I think to start with, wind mills may benefit us more right now.
I agree in time development will take place with the solar roads but realistically I'm not sure how they'll be able to drive the cost of production down, yet alone offer this material at affordable costs.

I don't think its very practical for 1 and 2, we may be better off focusing on wind energy until solar can further develop. As Mr.Bollywood rightly said, the cost of a little home panel is very expensive and isn't as efficient as other methods of energy conversion.

I think to start with, wind mills may benefit us more right now.

I agree. Maybe starting off with windmills can prove how efficient natural power is. We can use our third world qualities to our advantage and provide an example for our youths by respecting and utilizing the natural resources from our environment in a harmless manner.
I agree. Maybe starting off with windmills can prove how efficient natural power is. We can use our third world qualities to our advantage and provide an example for our youths by respecting and utilizing the natural resources from our environment in a harmless manner.

Above all that, we firstly must work out the corruption or else we will never live to see the day of any alternatives ourselves.
Above all that, we firstly must work out the corruption or else we will never live to see the day of any alternatives ourselves.

So true. I am aware of a certain company that sells solar products with an unbelievable amount of corruption behind the scenes. If I remember correctly, I believe it was tied to political corruption (on the down low) as well. You really have to know who you're dealing with these days.
Guys these solar roads and panels are extremely expensive do you really think any government of ours is willing to invest in this?
Guys these solar roads and panels are extremely expensive do you really think any government of ours is willing to invest in this?
Simply put, yes, only if they get major kickback. No, because there may not be much interest to invest at such a high price.
But according to the future when our natural resources are on end so these roads may have a value.Its expensive but its good for the long term transport system in future.
These will also replace train lines and railway cabs too and also help reduce accidents on highways.
Air ports would also benefit from road markers that will light different colours as well. So excited to see this