So I've been gone for awhile... Cool story by the way.

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New Member
Sep 29, 2009
Ok I've been gone for about 5-6 months if I remember correctly, maybe more. Lets just say its not been my year lol.

It starts from about late December of last year, when I started to post less and less. what had happened was my laptop died on me and I had to actually post from school and when school closed I had no wasy to access the site so I was like


and then january came around, resumed posting like it was nobody's business, then sometime around mid January, I fell ill. Like really really siick, It was a struggle to get to school to be honest. started missing classes, then to make it worse, my girlfriend thought that would be an awsome time to break up with me, so now I was like


along with


as it turns out, it was a nasty chest infection... took a while to get it cleaned up.

So now were in mid april, I got a spanking new laptop, sickness gone (still single though lol) and it loookslike its looking up now and then BAM! ... eel-the-b/

my gut said not to go with an HP, but WTH, they look so sexy. but unfortunately for some dumbass reason They say the cant do anything about it because I had actually changed the OS from Windows 7 home Premium (Which eats up all your memory and takes up tooo much hard drive) for a more basic windows 7 Ultimate so practically I had a hot brick on my hands foor a couple months. so I had to wait until they rollled out the new batteries to buy a new one, which wasnt until like mid August.

fast forward to September, I get the battery but decide to sell the laptop and get one of these babies instead ... oduct.html

works like a dream.

So now here I am, in all my glory to come back and see that you all have made some progress, which is good and I applaud it. school is kicking my arse right now so I still cant post as much I want to, (at least not now, anyway) but I'll be back more often now. So I just passin through to say keep it up and I aint forget alyuh.
LOl explanation via via the videos lol. Seems like you really went through a tough time man, especially with the Gf and the sickness you had. Glad to see you back here and glad to know you have not forgotten about us. Hope things work out for the best this time and again welcome back!
ah c u went tru some learning life u never let us know..for we to b there for dat life's better welcome bk ah hope we hear from u often!!!