Snake Bites Woman After Flood

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Jun 9, 2008
She was so stubborn she could of lived and her life did not have to end this way. May she R.I.P.

As residents of Rio Claro and Mayaro fought rising floods waters last night came news of the death of a villager, bitten by one of the most venomous snakes in the country.

The woman, of Cushe Village, died yesterday, after attempting to treat the bite without medical intervention.

The snake was identified as a fer-de-lance, also commonly known as the mapapire or bushmaster.

The snake is considered the most deadly in South and Central America.

Chairman of the Rio Claro/Mayaro Regional Corporation, Ramlochan Panchoo said although there were flood waters between the hospital and the woman's home, she could have made it across.

On Sunday, he said, a pregnant woman was rescued after she went into labour while marooned in a sea of brown water that submerged Poole Valley.

A contractor tried getting a dump truck through the water to the woman's home.

When that failed, a backhoe was brought in.

The woman was carried through the flood in the loading bucket of the machine.

Panchoo praised the villagers for their efforts but he feared last night for the residents of Mafeking and Cedar Grove near Mayaro.

Panchoo said, with the rising tide, the floods waters coursing down the Ortoire River had nowhere to go.

He said the villages could expect floods overnight, the worst of it at Cedar Grove where the river ran parallel to the road for half a mile.

Panchoo said the corporation had begun the removal of debris washed down by the floods, and would assess today what areas were in need of chemical spraying to avoid a mosquito invasion.
Hmmm this is getting me frighten, but she could have gone by the hospital she did not have to die but maybe she was feeling too sick to go
Read this story in the papers today. This is indeed sad. Its the first time I ever heard of some-one dying from a snake bite in Trindad. I know that Trinidad has 4 venomous snakes. The coral (the one with the yellow band), the Fer-de-lance and I can't recall the other two. I learned about this during a field trip donkey years But according to the news, she tried totreat the snake bite herself without medical attention. Probably she tried that ol' "Hollywood movie" method of sucking out the poison and if that will work? Anyways, if It was me that got bitten by a snake, i would've braved the flood waters for help. Ah done get poison already, might as well try.. But i believe she didn't even know that the snake was poisonous. Hence the reason for ppl to educate themselves. How many ppl you know that are aware that Trinidad has 4 venomous snakes? A simple trip to the Emperor Valley Zoo can be useful in this front. But all in all, my deepest sympathies goes out to the family and friends of the victim.
New update on the story. It seems that she did vist the Sangre Grande hospital for treatment but had to wait for two hours, for treatment.

Excerpt taken from the Express;

The daughters of snake-bite victim Gandira Geeta Lochan said yesterday that their mother would have survived if doctors had treated her case as an emergency.

Dhanmatie Lochan, 17, said she sat at her mother's side for over two hours at the Sangre Grande District Hospital, before she was admitted to a ward for medical treatment.

"She was sitting in the casualty department for so long, saying she was in pain and no one attended to her," the teenager said.

There is a toxicology management centre at the Sangre Grande Hospital, the only one in the country, to treat venomous snake bites.

Lochan, 42, was bitten on the right foot by a snake identified as a fer-de-lance, commonly known as a mapapire or bushmaster. The incident happened during heavy rains on Friday afternoon at her Cuche home, near Biche.

Lochan, a mother of two, died on Sunday morning.

Her sister-in-law, Dhandaye Pattoo, said Lochan, a gardener, was preparing for an outing to the beach when she was bitten. "The rain was falling really hard and my daughter and I were watching the trees. Geeta was inside the living room preparing for the excursion on Saturday. The electricity went for a few seconds and when it came back she started screaming that a snake bite her," she said.

Pattoo said her sister-in-law was immediately taken to the Rio Claro Health Centre for treatment. "I used a piece of string to tie the foot to prevent the poison from spreading. Her husband, Jainarine, looked all over but could not find the snake," she said.

Pattoo said she visited Lochan at the hospital the day before she died. "She was in a lot of pain. She begged for some water but the nurses said no because the poison was spreading. The next morning they called to say she had died," she said.

Pattoo said her sister-in-law worked hard to provide for her family. "She and her husband were farmers and they worked really hard to ensure that their children had everything they needed. It was not the first time a snake came up, but it was the first time that someone was bitten," she said.

Pattoo said their surroundings were sanitised to ensure that the reptile did not return.
Poor lady, I did not know how serious a snake bit mit be in Trinidad. If she had got attended too early in the hospital, she woulda survive. The poison spread too quickly..
Whats with the water thing? if the poison spreading would water really make it spread faster? what kind of treatment is that? i find that illogical. I dont really think that is proper medical procedure. the poison circulates internally with body fluid, it wont take that long to circulate anyway, what they should've done is alleviate her suffering. There are anti venoms that attach to the venom so our bodies wont interact with it.. don't we have anything close to that?
WTf As as the prime minister said we have have a word class health sector in trinidad thats what you call world class. The day will come when all those nurses and doctors who does beat and bad treat people will have to face their sins, and they will pay dearly. Why is this country so corrupt every shitting thing is money these days well do you darm work first earn you money. DO we have any good services in this country. You could be dieing and not even the hospital will help you
wow that's sad, how can someone be bitten by a snake, and the doctors just treated it like it was a normality! I mean it's a snakebite, doesn't venom do stuff to your body, these doctors are ridiculous!!! They could have saved her life, because if she didn't die instantly then there was definitely a time frame in which she had to be treated, and DOCTORS being DOCTORS, should know this, and act in a more discreet and speedy manner. So sorry for the daughter though :(
You tel me a snake bite a woman that is poisonous but you wont see after her immediately WTF! No i mean that wtf! I hate Trinidad ...i have nothing more to say
That is how our country is. We care and do not care . You does only find lucky days in a hospital where someone takes you on in a serious case. That woman should of been seen first because there was poison injected in her how stupid can the staff be to think that its jus small thing
Poor lady- Thats what the Hospital took she for !!!!!!!!!!
You know if she was rich and had power this would have never happen, but poor people are always treated like dogs in this country people don't listen to us we don't have a voice