Sleeping Problems and Insomnia!

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
For years now I've been suffering from Sleeping Problems and Insomnia and i've been able to cope with it until now. Since i took vacation from my job and started working for some projects my Insomnia just got worst and the only time i actually start to feel sleepy is around 4am in the morning.
This has to stop because vacation will end next week and i need to get back a proper pattern of good sleeping habits.
I need to know some ways in which i can solve this problem in a short period of time, i was thinking about taking NightQuil to help with this.
I get sleeping problems as well. If I go to sleep at 9pm, no matter how tired I am, I wake up at 3am and cannot go back to sleep. You could try to be more active during the day, it helps. According to most people you get easily hooked on sleeping aids. If you think you won't get hooked, try it. Besides that, you could try what I do whenever I need to change my sleep pattern to wake up earlier.

If you fall asleep at 4 AM, try to wake up at about 10 AM. Make sure that when you wake up you're still very sleepy. Progress through your day and don't fall asleep! When the clock hits 8 or 9 PM, after the news, sleep. You'd most likely wake up early, starting your day earlier may help you sleep earlier at night. It worked for me, not sure if it's applicable to everyone though.[This is what I did after vacation when I had to go back to school a couple years ago.]
If you still have at least a few days to a week left I would recommend meeting your doctor and asking about sleeping meds. I'm a big time insomniac and short of following a rigidly planned out schedule or walking for hours to tire myself out, that's whats helps me when it gets too bad to function. Inform your doctor of any other medication you're on, anything you've been on that you've reacted to, any dependencies to medications before etc.

I'd recommend taking the first dose a few hours before you intend to sleep because it usually takes a while to kick in. Do not sleep with an alarm, sleep as long as the tablet lets you as it's essentially forcing your body to readjust to rest mode. During the day, do not operate heavy machinery (no driving...or street crossing either actually lol) or make any major decisions (tests, work etc) because you will be under the influence of whatever drug you've been prescribed. Stay home if possible, and let your body rest.

Depending on the person, some people start to feel more comfortable during the day and start feeling sleepy at night/late evening on their own and can wean off it within days. Personally, it takes 2-5 days depending on how sleep-deprived and exhausted I am, but I clear my schedule for that week just in case. Once I start feeling sleepy in the evenings and going to sleep normally, waking up feeling rested in the morning etc, I immediately stop cold turkey and (in extreme sleep-deprived cases I gradually lower the dosage until I stop) then the real work begins.

These are the methods I use when I'm not as badly off, but even with meds, I return to this to keep myself on track:

  • Drink lots of water throughout the day. Avoid dark beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. Aim for a guideline of 6-8 glasses a day. [*Surprising fact: Not everyone's hydration requirements are the same]
  • Eat well. Opt for fruits, vegetables, freshly prepared meals etc whenever you are able to. Unhealthy, highly processed, artificial foods etc really do mess with your system and can make you feel unnaturally bogged down or alert at inopportune times.
  • Be active during the day. I've found this includes mentally as well as physically. Stretch, even for just 10 seconds in the morning, to prepare yourself for the day ahead and wake your body up. Then get to work. Staying seated for extensive periods of time does take its toll. Stretch your legs at least every hour or two, more often if possible. Do something to stimulate your brain during the day. Read, play brain building games, learn something new etc.
  • Start winding down at least a few hours before you plan to go to sleep. No caffeine, avoid bright blaring lights (TV, PC etc) and focus on relaxing activities immediately before bed.
  • If you can't sleep, get up and do something for 20 minutes. If that doesn't work, try something else for 20 minutes. Lie down and try again. Rinse and repeat.
  • Try meditation. Or try one or two simple relaxing yoga poses. Find something that works for you that helps you unwind at the end of the day. Check out this thread for stress relief and pick-me-ups.
  • Consistency really does make a difference. When you find something that works, try to keep at it. Make note of what works so if you do go off track again, you'll know what worked the first time and can try again without all the guesswork involved.

Good luck!
I HAD Insomnia however i recovered by being strong and following simple steps :

1. Exercising - Exercise late evening/ night time - you would be surprised how this works really good. It gets you tired enough to fall asleep after.

2. Reading - Always try reading a book or article at bedtime. Alot of people say that they feel sleepy when reading and eventually doze off!

3. Eat healthy- Eating healthy will always promote healthy sleeping habits. As shadowhunter said, alot of health problems will affect your ability to fall asleep. Avoid caffinated drinks and fruits that are high in energy close to sleeping time .

4. Time yourself! Don't take naps during the day and if you do let it be less than 45mins. Sleeping during the day for long periods can affect you from falling alseep at night.
Thanks guys for the amazing advice, one thing i know really helps for the pass week i'm going to the gym so it does tired me out and makes me feel sleepy before 4am, so it helps.
Yes i know sleeping aids can make you addicted and dependent on it so that will be my last resort.

The problem is that my brain tend to work alot better at late hours, i think better, i can solve problems faster and my creativity works the best. This whole problem stems from the fact that at late hours barely any one does be on Trinimotors so i will be about to do the necessary upgrades and server maintenance.
That may be the source of your problem admin. Increased brain activity makes it impossible to fall asleep.

I am also suffering from insomnia and I don't know what to do about it...
Don't have sleeping but i know someone who does.
Simple remedy: Have a glass of water before bed.