Self-Defense Weapons In Trinidad & Tobago

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Jun 9, 2008
All over the world self-defense weapons are legal and open to the public to buy. It is great for especially women to protect themselves and fend of a criminal. Self-defense weapons are actually proven to work in defending off attackers and buy time for you to call the police or run to safety also alert a passer by.

The question is Trinidad & Tobago is out of control with crime rampant in this country. Women are being raped, people bring robbed and you are not even safe in our own home. Why are pepper spray, tasers and similar objects illegal here?? I was once in a situation and this would of been very handy for me. I know there is an illegal market here for it and i do not mind buying it.

The government have all kind of laws in favour of criminals but what happen to us, citizens and law abiders. It's time we arm ourselves and be prepared. Atleast the government can implement a system to have us sign up for them or a license. When people report murder threats, they send them home to wait without any protection and they end up getting killed. How many have to die until the government open their eyes and deal with the major problem: OUR OUTDATED LAWS!
The system is simply too slow locally... All they studying to do is bring Malalalalala in the country to make it look good. Called customs to find out why I can't even clear a can of pepper spray, he said because we can hurt officers... Pure bs. There's a woman who's legally allowed to sell tasers locally but only one per woman over the age of 18.
Imagine if our women were equipped with self defense weapons how many rapes and robberies we would of escaped. When raped or robbed all we get is a "sorry", not even proper counseling and sent home where we wait on the perpetrator to MAYBE get caught by our police and continue to live our lives in fear. GREAT
I really believe that pepper sprays should be accessible to everyone in Trinidad and Tobago especially women. The criminals this day and day have a variety of weapons even better than the police so do you not think its advisable that the government give the people some physical measures to counteract criminal elements.
Re: Self-Defense Weapons In Trinidad & Tobago

admin said:
I really believe that pepper sprays should be accessible to everyone in Trinidad and Tobago especially women. The criminals this day and day have a variety of weapons even better than the police so do you not think its advisable that the government give the people some physical measures to counteract criminal elements.
I totally agree, I have a friend who was raped and she is 16, btw I'm 17 for those who didn't know and we're wondering why I have a 16 year old as a friend

And she was raped, got no counseling, and police dismissed the case because the Rapist (who they know btw) could not be found within the week of the rape

If she only had some sort of weapon in sure she would have murdered him even with a can of pepper spray, women are a force to be afraid of, especially the ones who are experiencing their once a monther
The government feel we are living in the stone age where women were not allowed to defend themselves. Imagine our Criminologist resigned out of frustration ...That's to tell you how bad things are here
do you think it is possible for trinidad to regain its former glory?
No! We are growing and if our laws cannot keep up with this nation we are doomed. Imagine if a criminal comes into your home and gets hurt, they are more protected by the law than us. Imagine we don't even have voice or facial recognition for evidence into court ..That's why a certain minister wasn't fired. But on papers them telling us we have a high level of technology in this country.. Steups!
Was reading the papers this morning and this man who was sentenced to prison 12years ago and recently came out, went looking for his victim. She was not there but her sister was and they had a scuffle. Luckily the man gave up trying and ran away. Imagine if this girl had a self defence weapon. It just goes to show some people are not fit for release from jail after they have served their years
Fish-Gun, Hockey Stick, Bone of a cat-fish, all very public items which could be used in self defense
^^^^^^ Creative and dangerous, but not as effective IMO except the fish gun

but if these items are used in self defense, will there be any complications in court? intent to kill? just curious!
I wonder if there are any DIY pepper spray. Would love to make it though
I'm sure there are DIY pepper spray tutorials

Will research it and let you know, I'll try to come up with a design myself if there's none it There
Kool but if there is none i feel i will put it in a spray bottle
We definitely need to have self defense weapons legally available to the public. People keep telling me that if a criminal tries to rob you and you shoot them, you can be put in court for shooting them!

Something to note though, is that many crime victims are hesitant to file reports. Remember all of your information goes into it: name, address, phone number. After the criminal is confronted and/or arrested they can use the information to come back for you and you have no form of protection!