Scratch Bombs And Animal Cruelty In Trinidad And Tobago.

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
This is not for the fainthearted but i must highlight this. Taken from the Trinidad Animal & Adoption Network

WARNING: DO NOT REPORT THIS. PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHAT THEIR ACTIONS CAUSE! This is the cruelty that happens in here in Trinidad & Tobago. This poor innocent soul life was brutally ripped away from him. What could he possibly do to deserve this?

REPOST: On arriving home at 9;30 pm tonight, I was greeted with a box in front my gate. My first thought someone had dropped kittens. No it was an adult cat which I thought then had gotten bounced. It was the same colour as two of my cats, so I guess whoever put it there thought it belonged to me. I got the vet who came in a few minutes to assess. Verdict: Appararently he was an owned friendly, trusting cat in good health. BUT SOME LOWLIFE BASTARD, DEVIL PUT A FIRECRACKER IN ITS MOUTH. It was totally burnt and one of the eyes popped out.... The pain and trauma that the cat was in was heartbreaking. I can't sleep right now. RIP boy.



So too this date no one is doing nothing about ScratchBombs? What did the f*#king animal do you demons boy. Wtf does be in allyuh minds. Really i cried when i saw this, because in Trinidad and Tobago Animal Cruelty will continue because the amount of demons we have in this country.
WARNING: DO NOT REPORT THIS POST. PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHAT THEIR ACTIONS CAUSE! 2nd Case Today. Please continue to make reports and educate your neighbours, families, strangers etc. DO NOT SUPPORT FIREWORKS/ SCRATCH BOMBS.

Reports were made that this poor dog was sighted at John Street , Montrose/ Chaguanas with it's poor face blown off. Yvette came to the rescue where a vet was called in. The poor dog was suffering and in immense pain. This innocent soul had to be euthanized due to the extent of the injuries. Verdict: Scratch bomb possibly put into its mouth. R.I.P
