Schoolteacher killed near his home

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
A 26-year-old schoolteacher was killed a short distance away from his home yesterday when his motorbike collided with a car driven by one of his neighbors.

Anderson La Caille, of Tabaquite Main Road, was thrown about 100 feet from the point of impact and landed on the roadway after running into the left rear side of the station wagon.

The car was driven by 31-year-old agro-shop owner Carl Damien Baptiste who was turning into his garage at around 8 a.m. La Caille's uncle, Claude La Caille, told the Express that Anderson was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

"Maybe if he had on the helmet it might have helped him a bit," Claude said.

Yea guys this was my family it was a shocker to all of us, because the dude don't drink lime and come home late, never heard anything bad about him. He does be every year by us for Christmas and was was by us for divail. Its a saw day but as he did not ware a helmet but the other think i wanted to say is that the car driver was drunk, he was drinking the morning before it happened. And the car driver was not looking to see if anyone was passing on the road when he was reversing.
This is really a shocking experience
And You Know What Else?.. The Back Glass Of The Car Popped Out And Sliced His Neck Out.. He Died On The Spot.. :( R.I.P!
Yea but he did not die on the spot he spoke to his father a little when they were carrying him to the hospital, he died their in the hospital, Blood was coming out form his nose ears and mouth, but he was still alive, barely but we knew that he would not make it. His bike is totaled
They never look--drunk or not. People can be very selfish in this country.
I hear it's the neighbor though. I wonder how this will go down in the neighborhood?
My condolences.
Yea its not really his neighbor, yea today was his funeral, that my cos, family, it was the worst things ever dude,