Schoolgirls charged in attack on teen

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Jan 23, 2008

STABBED: Kimlyn Roberts points to one of the stab wounds her 15-year-old daughter Theoca Bonaparte received in a near-fatal attack by a gang of school children, two Fridays ago. -Photo: Steve McPhie

TWO teenage schoolgirls are expected to appear before a Port of Spain Magistrate today charged with the near-fatal stabbing of a Form Four pupil of the Barataria Senior Comprehensive School.

Fifteen-year-old Theoca Bonaparte, who sustained seven stab wounds to her head, chest and back, pointed out the two female suspects, aged 16 and 17, in a police identification parade on Saturday.

And the incident, which almost claimed Bonaparte's life, has left acting Police Commissioner James Philbert again answering claims of negligence by his officers.

It all began after school ended two Fridays ago, Bonaparte, who is recovering at her family's Champs Fleurs home, said in an interview with the Express yesterday.

Bonaparte said she was walking to the Priority Bus Route with a school friend when they approached by a group of seven people dressed in varying school uniforms.

During that altercation Bonaparte was stabbed once in her chest, twice in her head and four times in her back. The attackers then ran off.

However, a passing soldier was able to apprehend the gang's apparent leader, who delivered the near-fatal blow to Bonaparte's chest. She was taken to the nearby Barataria Police Station.

Beaten and bleeding, Bonaparte was also taken to the station, by some school friends.

However, Bonaparte claimed she was forced to wait in the station's compound.

After waiting some 30 minutes Bonaparte began experiencing difficulties breathing, she said.

Without any police assistance, Bonaparte was rushed to Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope by her schoolmates.

"Ten minutes later and she would have died," Bonaparte's mother, Kimlyn Roberts was told by doctors.

The single stab wound to Bonaparte's chest punctured one of her lungs, Roberts said.

Bonaparte received eight stitches to the two wounds on her head, along with stitches to her back and chest wounds.

She spent five days fighting for her life in the hospital's Intensive Care Unit but was eventually discharged on Tuesday.

However, now Bonaparte is unable to move her right arm freely.

Following the alleged inaction by the Barataria police, Roberts met with acting top cop Philbert last Monday. Philbert promised a thorough investigation into the incident, Roberts said.

Investigations are continuing.
Look how long this happen and it now reported.... Them gul not easy....Don't they know they woulda get caught after they attack the gul!!!! No sense.....
That good but i hope the girl has a speedy recovery
damn that's crazy d stupid things wanna be girls do, i sure hope it wasnt over a boy!!! or jealousy wow but if i was one of dem i wood've waited until i saw her alone, so much for keepin it on d down low, and 7 girls against one??? they should've just killed her if dats d case i mean it doesnt take 7 girls 2 teach some1 a lesson, but i guess if u single 1 of em out she'll b totally helpless, stupid little tramps, but yes, i too hope kimlyn recovers to her former self!!
To think only boys do the fighting in school....them gul getting more violent than guys...
Allure shud see in my skool Aja Charlieville .....A girl broke another girl hand for a box lunch datz sad
hmmm, over here its mostly more girls fightin then boys...only bcuz dey all fightin 4 a guy.. y does it alwayz result in violence ovr an ugly guy!!!
Look how things turn around.... boys use to fight boys for girls now its the other way around.... i guess the boys enjoy that show.... silly girls.... when would they learn...
A 16-year-old student of a secondary school in North Trinidad was yesterday charged with the rape of one of his classmates, also aged 16, Although the rape allegedly took place on March 24, the incident was not reported to the police until Wednesday at about 9.40 pm.
The victim reportedly told police she met the teenager who lives at Lower Santa Cruz, at a house on Laventille Road, San Juan, where he raped her, The Form Three victim said she was afraid to tell her parents about the incident when it happened, The girl’s mother reportedly found out about the incident on Wednesday and took the teenager to the San Juan Police Station where a report was made, and the girl’s attacker was identified.
The suspect was later detained by police and charged for the offence. WPC Regis of the San Juan Police Station is continuing enquiries, these school students have to much time on their hands an are not afraid of the authorities in school
Aye now is teacher fighting students now and girls fighting over boys . Sigh what this world really coming to yes i would really like to know!
There is another video of an attack on a school girl ..where three adults was beating a school girl with a piece of iron until she fell in a drain and still after she got up they started this violent assault again..what the hell going on with people these days beating up school children... yes although they may look for it there are better ways to deal with nonsense !