Scary Videos/Creepy Stuff General

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Nov 20, 2014
By scary I don't mean screamer. Legit scary.. Like this video..


Some experiences would be nice as well.

Recently I've been hearing footsteps upstairs at night (around 3 am) and no one is there. Ran upstairs one night and confirmed this..

Also, whenever I'm home alone during the day I hear footsteps in the corridor. Nothing really to be afraid of but it would be nice if whatever is there could at least tell me hello once in a while.. It did greet me when I first started living here though.. Not sure if to think of it as a spirit holding me down I dismissed it as sleep paralysis. Whatever it is, I hope it knows I have man's only friend under my bed.. A 3-line cutlass..
I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times in the past. I've lived in supposedly haunted houses before but not much was truly scare worthy in my book. A common factor in a few places were electrical issues and people that saw things. I posted some stories before on a thread here, just not sure which one lol

I've had scary dreams and woke up to find marks on my skin relevant to the dreams before. At one point it freaked me out so much I changed my sleeping patterns and asked someone to monitor me while i slept at different times. Even when I didn't toss and turn or otherwise move in my sleep, I woke up to find new marks, which freaked everyone out.
I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times in the past. I've lived in supposedly haunted houses before but not much was truly scare worthy in my book. A common factor in a few places were electrical issues and people that saw things. I posted some stories before on a thread here, just not sure which one lol

I've had scary dreams and woke up to find marks on my skin relevant to the dreams before. At one point it freaked me out so much I changed my sleeping patterns and asked someone to monitor me while i slept at different times. Even when I didn't toss and turn or otherwise move in my sleep, I woke up to find new marks, which freaked everyone out.

Spooky! If that ever happens to me I'll investigate it as much as possible.. You sure it wasn't the person monitoring you doing the crime? Never could tell.. I used to be afraid of the unknown but now I'm just like "This should be interesting..." A family member told me that her house was haunted, she kept getting nightmares. Told her it's just her imagination..

The apartment I live in right now is haunted according to everyone. Built over 60 years ago and someone committed suicide right next door. I do get nightmares often but I enjoy them because it's like living in a horror movie and the adrenaline rush while scared feels great! It's like my drug in a way..
nope I had different people monitoring me (experiment like lol) and made note of my position and made mental marks of things before falling asleep as well. That was not the only place that happened so I was more sure it wasn't being done by someone, also happened when I was home completely alone.

Lol I'll add to haunted house stories. I once lived in a house with doors that opened and shut by themselves and lights turned themselves on and off. It was not random or consistent at all, but seemed to be very deliberate. People also claimed to see things and experience being touched or held down by unseen forces. There was banging down of doors to be opened to nothing, and it did not matter if someone was alone, all were sleeping or awake etc. I had already experienced my fair share of odd things in other houses so one night while the doors were slammed shut and opening themselves after the room light came on by itself and woke me up, I sat up and said something along the lines of "Stop it! Go find another room and relax. I need to sleep. I'm not here to hurt you and I mean no harm." Everything stopped and aside from dreaming events that I was later told happened to people in the house, I was not bothered again.

(same house) A "seer" informed my dad that a beautiful but jealous woman was sleeping by his side every night even though he lived alone and told him that she would attack any potential threats (happened to two women). My dad later told me that he also addressed whatever was there and told them that the house was big enough for them to coexist and leave each other alone and was never bothered after that. I was eventually told that the house was haunted because the previous owner was a woman and had hung herself by a chain to commit suicide in the house and we were the first owners since (many, many years later) because everyone that knew about the origins of the house was certain it was totally haunted. Even neighbors would not pass in front the house lol

I don't believe in stuff like that but I do find it quite intriguing as well, sometimes even entertaining lol
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^I agree, it is entertaining. I spent some time with my older bro a couple of weeks ago. He said he's afraid to turn the kitchen light off because last time he did, he saw an old woman laying down on the floor "folded up", I just had to laugh. I wanted to record an EVP though, like in Ghost Hunters or something. Ghost hunters did an episode in Chacachacare a couple years ago..
I saw an episode of a ghost hunting something or the other that took place in Trinidad, not sure if it was the same one but they found nothing in the end lol I wish there was more research on these topics like how sleep paralysis is now common knowledge, before that knowledge the experience seemed inexplicable and totally spirit-y. I would love to check out the scientific explanations of other things like the paralysis while fully awake during the course of the day or people vomiting mud or very small people becoming so heavy that groups of people are needed to lift them etc.

Another: I once met someone that was supposedly possessed by a deity. The person was normally very kind, cheerful, warm, caring, and soft-spoken with a high-pitched voice. During the visit the person had to cover their mouth and stare at the floor otherwise a thundering, booming, very deep, gravely, distorted voice would come out of their mouth directed at whoever they looked at. It sounded like how you'd imagine a scary male giant talking in a microphone to an extent but it was just right there with us all standing and sitting around, no mics in sight, in a house in the middle of the bush. The person was also able to tell people things they had experienced that no one else knew regardless of that experience.
I saw an episode of a ghost hunting something or the other that took place in Trinidad, not sure if it was the same one but they found nothing in the end lol I wish there was more research on these topics like how sleep paralysis is now common knowledge, before that knowledge the experience seemed inexplicable and totally spirit-y. I would love to check out the scientific explanations of other things like the paralysis while fully awake during the course of the day or people vomiting mud or very small people becoming so heavy that groups of people are needed to lift them etc.

Another: I once met someone that was supposedly possessed by a deity. The person was normally very kind, cheerful, warm, caring, and soft-spoken with a high-pitched voice. During the visit the person had to cover their mouth and stare at the floor otherwise a thundering, booming, very deep, gravely, distorted voice would come out of their mouth directed at whoever they looked at. It sounded like how you'd imagine a scary male giant talking in a microphone to an extent but it was just right there with us all standing and sitting around, no mics in sight, in a house in the middle of the bush. The person was also able to tell people things they had experienced that no one else knew regardless of that experience.

My father told me he was on a private job one day to escort a possessed person. He said it was terrifying and their journey to their destination was often met with dead end roads and petty mistakes. He said the exorcist spat puncheon rum around the possessed person then lit a fire around the person and whatever it had in it came out screaming. There were ashes as well on the floor.

On my side the activity has increased somewhat. I recently had a nightmare where I saw a very black man with a pure white face and eyes walking through my corridor near my room screaming. I was absolutely terrified but somehow I was pushing him out screaming "GET THE F%^K OUT!" I could feel the terror in my heart but it's like a different side of me took over and did that. I've been hearing a lot of footsteps while home alone during the day as well. Not so sure what to think of them. It could be a rat running up and down my house so I'll have to look out for that.
Dude! WTF! lol I hear noises all the time here but I'm pretty sure it's pigeons or something in the ceiling. I once had sleep paralysis in the middle of the day, while I was fully awake. My entire body froze, I started cold sweating, my chest felt constricted, I couldn't breathe, felt like I was being crushed by something heavy, and no matter how hard I tried I could not make a sound or move a muscle. My dog immediately started growling as soon as it started and then started barking loudly and snarling (which was totally unlike her, she never did it before or after that again) and it just suddenly stopped when she got at her loudest and was trying to get off her chain to come to me. With all the force I was trying to get up while feeling the paralysis I literally fell off the couch when it stopped and ran straight to her. The person I was with ran into the room same time and had a near death experience a few days later.

I went to see one of those seer type people who deal with those things and was told that experience, some freaky nightmares, and the reason my health was suddenly rapidly failing and someone close to me had a near death experience so soon afterwards was because someone "throw something" to kill me and the person had "crossed it" and did not die only because they were not the intended target. I've also witnessed someone experiencing the same paralysis thing in the middle of the day, fully awake, so idk. I'm pretty sure there's an explanation out there I just haven't found yet.

Here's something interesting. I believe people imbue malicious intent in items or even water and throw it hoping that the intended target crosses it. The explanation for seeing ghosts is something very sci-fi, time slips. Sounds like something straight out of a game. This is a different theory but there is another somewhere that I can't find. It was about time slips being the reason we see ghosts because that area time itself is unstable or something like that.

Here's something interesting. I believe people imbue malicious intent in items or even water and throw it hoping that the intended target crosses it. The explanation for seeing ghosts is something very sci-fi, time slips. Sounds like something straight out of a game. This is a different theory but there is another somewhere that I can't find. It was about time slips being the reason we see ghosts because that area time itself is unstable or something like that.

Interesting vid! I believe the sleep paralysis thing is legit, what I don't understand is for someone to experience it while fully awake during regular activities in the day. I may be partial to what I believe I experienced myself, as I understand there may be some link to psychological and physical trauma that correlates to body memory, not counting physical health & diet in relation as well but it leaves unanswered questions with witnessing it happen to someone else. This was a person I could move and lift before and after the incident, but while they experienced the paralysis I could not even budge them and the only movement from them was their eyes darting around. I was talking to them while in the room and suddenly noticed they were quiet. Went to them and saw them like that.

I haven't heard about time slips before. Will check it out but I myself have never seen any ghosts.