Rowley Exposes New Emails

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Jan 23, 2015
Rowley exposes new e-mails
By Anna Ramdass
Story Created: May 8, 2015 at 5:44 AM ECT
Story Updated: May 8, 2015 at 5:44 AM ECT
ON THE heels of being suspended from Parliament over Emailgate, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley last night exposed more e-mails.

This time he has shown new e-mails which allege that $60 million was transferred from First Citizens bank to three foreign banks.

Speaking at a People?s National Movement (PNM) meeting in Arima, Rowley said he received a string of e-mails from a whistleblower who was concerned about the status of investigations into this matter.

The money, said Rowley, was transferred from the account of the National Energy Corporation (NEC) to banks in the United States and Dubai and to an attorney?s office in Antigua.

The e-mails Rowley had in his possession detailed the transaction amounts and the dates?the transfers took place in September 2011.

Rowley said NEC lawyers picked it up and investigations were started.

He said another e-mail purported to have come from Interpol where requests were sent to security officials in Antigua and Dubai asking for information and assistance in the investigation.

Rowley said there were three separate unauthorised wire transfers and one of the e-mails drew it to his attention that no action has been taken against the perpetrators.

These e-mails, said Rowley, will never get into the Parliament under the present Government.

He noted that Finance Minister Larry Howai was in charge of FIrst Citizens at the time when the unauthorised transactions were said to have taken place.

Taken from Trinidad Express: Rowley exposes new e-mails | Trinidad Express Newspaper | News

60mil wdf really going on here baiii...things just being exposed smh
Its how easily it flew under the radar. 60m got washed into other countries and disguised. Its the perfect plot and whose to say the rest of them aren't doing it too.
I find it hard to take him 100% seriously after emailgate but he really has a thing for emails! lol

If this is 100% accurate I wouldn't be surprised. I take it as a given fact that we are a very corrupt country.
It's clear as day what Rowley was trying to achieve here. Even with email gate. I have reason to believe that he was blackmailing the gov't into giving him money or something and threatened to reveal it to the public if they did not comply. Now he's suspended he revealed another "fact". If you're a person of integrity and justice you wouldn't wait that long to buss d mark.
Still doesn't sound surprising. Our politics is just our very own real life drama series.