Road Rage

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May 28, 2014
Ok, admit it. At some point in time, we've all experienced it. I know I have, thank God for Grand Theft Auto, best stress reliever ever!

Ever been stuck in traffic, only to see taxi drivers speeding up the shoulder lane....madness! The amount of imaginary tires I shoot off. :D
Or when you waiting by a 3-4 cycles moving slowly up in traffic by a red light, only for some ...... to speed up the next lane and overtake you...worse yet, if they cause you to get stuck by the light again. :(

I could go on and on. Anyone else has interesting stories to share?
hahaah in trinidad i experience road rage on a daily basis, mostly because my mother have a short temper and likes to retaliate to said road rage (now that she get a fassup car nah) but i remember this one time when i was driving going down san fernando on the highway, and there was road works being conducted lower down , so police were higher up merging the traffic from 3 lanes to 2 lanes, and this Hyundai Matrix was a few cars behind us and the genius driving the car decided to go onto the soon ending 3rd lane to try and overtake everyone else to reach up in front, in traffic thats bumper to bumper , expecting to get a space in somewhere.

the man looks to try and fit inbetween our car and the car ahead of us, right at the beginning of the cones where there was literally no space to manoeuvre. and because he couldn't fit back into the second lane, he decides to blow his horn continuously (keep in mind the police are just a few metres ahead and completely ignoring this) and ends up fitting in the lane, but his front bumper scratched the rear bumper of the car ahead of him... then he stopped his car in the midst of traffic and came out to inspect the damage blaming the car ahead of him for not having provided ample space for him to fit in!!!! he then looks to turn at us for not giving him a space.

we just ignored him and overtook , after all the traffic has cleared we were motoring as usual when the same guy comes up from behind and overtakes us by sharply pulling infront of us almost causing us to swerve off the road, and he proceeds to stick his middle finger out the window while driving.

i had it in my mind to push the little sr20 and go up for him inno, but my mom , brother and grandmother was in the car so i had to cool myself down even though my mother was me more for not going after him lmao!
Lol... When my aunt gets road rage she does wind up her window and THEN start to cuss... It works...
I personally have alot of road rage, i hate to see people using the shoulder and coming next to you to cut in i does bock them lol, hate to see people rushing to over take on the high way to the fast lane and driving slow slow. Those things drive me nuts especially those how does try to avoid pot holes and pull on your side almost running you off the road that does piss me off.
One time i was rushing to school because i was late for an exam..Speeding on the fast lane of the UB highway trying to make it in time, this motorcycle man pull infront of me and then proceeded to slow down .. I switched to the slow lane and he did the same and began to mash brakes again.. I started to blare my horn and this man turn around and started flicking his hands to challenge him.. WTF! I was pissed! I started to speed up not caring if i flip him over and that's when police pulled him over ... LOL All i could of done was wind down my windows and loudly laugh at him ..what a douche !
i would have done the same thing sky , better yet i would have gotten out and bought the officer a drink lmao , he deserved that!

@admin, that pisses me off also , see those slow drivers who like to drive on the fast lane i feel to run them off the roads for spite, thankfully im not a violent person :lol: :lol: :lol:
LMAO! My friend was driving through a narrow trace in Iere Village when this car travelling in the opposite direction came up to him. They both stopped since neither could pass. My friend couldn't go off the road much more since there was a big drain and the other car had more than enough room, but would've had to cut some grass. My friend mumbled to his girlfriend, but this man could just pull to the side a lil bit and we'll be on our way. Well this man get vex! He start to cuss and bang up his steering wheel. My friend get frighten one time, took his chance, partially gone down in the drain and speed off. You know 2 minutes later, this man turned his car around, sped past my friend, pulled in front of him, blocking the road, jumped out, ran to his trunk and pull out a cutlass! Then start running coming towards the car. My friend threw in reverse and got the hell out of there! the audacity of some people dread! I would've ran his A** over.
A person like myself would of run him over.. I am so sorry but when i get vex is like i don't really care. Sometimes i does want to put my NERF gun or water gun in my car to launch at anyone who want to play them squeezing me on the road :mrgreen:
AHAHAHAH want to scare them a bit more effectively? spray paint your NERF gun totally black, and then if you have a speaker system in your car ,and a smart phone to hook up to it, download a GUN sound app, and then when they pull up , point that gun and sound of that app lmao that would be most effective in traffic jams , and for road rage situations

just be careful to do this when there is no police around xD lmao , and also , speed off before the people could take your license plate and make a report haha LOL
LOL good idea .. but first i would have to install a device that can hide my plates ..

Driving in traffic today in montrose main road when a damn PBA Libero decide to overtake traffic and dip in and out of small spaces between vehicles. I HATE THIS! I doh care if they are maybe taxis..everyone trying to make a living too might be trying to drop of passengers to make money but we on the other hand have to get to work and done stressed out when we reach there.
So far many non drivers who happen to be in my car when I get bad drives always say the same thing, "why u hadda be so heated when u driving?!" Honestly I think that some people shouldn't be on the road because cowardice kills. If you are afraid of cars then you should be afraid to walk up and down high street sando or Frederick St pos. Why do I say that? People gonna bump into u, its why its called an accident and not premeditated action.
Then there are those who not afraid, but can't handle what they drive. Better they give me their car. I'm not a rager on the roads because I found a way to release the stress of driving. It's called car abuse, where I put my foot to the floor and the car screams my name. I do this at night mainly. Works wonders.
anthonemorris said:
So far many non drivers who happen to be in my car when I get bad drives always say the same thing, "why u hadda be so heated when u driving?!" Honestly I think that some people shouldn't be on the road because cowardice kills. If you are afraid of cars then you should be afraid to walk up and down high street sando or Frederick St pos. Why do I say that? People gonna bump into u, its why its called an accident and not premeditated action.
Then there are those who not afraid, but can't handle what they drive. Better they give me their car. I'm not a rager on the roads because I found a way to release the stress of driving. It's called car abuse, where I put my foot to the floor and the car screams my name. I do this at night mainly. Works wonders.
Completely agree with your statement

Cowardice does kill in some cases!
I've found many a bittersweet moment when road ragers (especially the kinda violent ones that look like they wanna run you off the road or crash you into something) overtake you and a few minutes later you see them overturned in a ditch somewhere or with half their car crumpled like a bulldog's nose into a lampost or something.
I absolutely hate when someone try to bumper you on the road when driving. They finally over take but driving slower than you causing a line of traffic. My gosh its the worst .
This video.. that is all.... This guy gave me road rage. Happened to me almost a year ago.

so i happened to be coming down the highway after making an airport run. car is full and everyone having a good time. the road is clear and i'm on the right side of the road ( yes i know i not supposed to be there but i was there). out of nowhere i see these flashing white lights behind me coming up quickly. so i'm like ok the left lane is clear so whoever is speeding can see me from a distance hit the left lane and be on their way. didn't know that it was an idiot in action. he was driving a silver tiida, and ran literally right up on my bumper with lights flashing. unfortunately for him he wasn't the police as they are the only ones i shift left for under flashing blue lights and flashing headlights. so i stayed on the right. no biggie right? as i said the road is clear and the left lane is free. i would have just taken the left and be on my way. so after he spends the greater part from before couva to near forres park overpass behind me he decides to shoot in front of me. now i eh chupid. i know exactly what he was going to do, which was stomp on his brakes. so i just eased off the gas and slowed down as he pulled just ahead of me and as he swerved in front of me i was far enough away that when he hit brake he almost spun out. then he stayed in the middle of the road expecting some retaliation and then drove off. have no time for them and that nonsense.
Well today a friend of mine was driving along the Diego Martin highway when a white car (he didn't get the model or plates) gave him a very bad drive when merging over from petit valley, my friend sped up to meet the guy and tell him off

The person in the white car proceeded to wind down his windows and throw a bag of coins into my friends face! And then the person started cussing out my friend.

My friend is still in shock.

We can't even begin to describe how jittery he is
A bag of coins?? Other than scratching yuh paint or hittin yuh in d nose what will that do?

Saxman642 is a very patient man indeed. A lot of other people would have either tried to pop that driver's cap or run him off the road instead. Are we slowly getting like Russia down here?

As for my story of road rage, I mainly exercise extreme self control when driving because if someone pisses me off and i stomp the brake and they run into my steel bumper at high speeds it won't be a nice situation.
Anyway, the most recent occurance. I was coming from the Nagar side and as I reached the round about by Price Smart in Chaguanas, its clogged with traffic as usual. So there is this is gray Lancer with "D 10" licenses plates on, the driver doesn't want to give me a chance to go. There was a gap between a Vitara and him. They were both on the left lane of the roundabout and I wanted to head up the flyover so i needed to get a space. The Lancer was behind the Vitara, the man saw me approaching and he drove right up on the Vitara. I didn't like that, so I just rolled up until i was close behind the Vitara. As traffic began to move again, he started to roll and i started to roll too, I didn't stop, he had to stop as it seemed like i was gonna hit away his fender. As i proceeded behind the Vitara, my boy releases his brakes and rolling up on me. Just for that when i was going around the roundabout i swung out wide and then pulled back into lane at the flyover. He passes on the left and slows down, sticks his hand out the car like he is giving a right hand signal and proceeds to act like he wants to fight. I glanced at him then looked forward. He drove off like an idiot.
I always wonder, what if i was a bad man and i decided to follow him or what if i had followed him and forced him into a ditch or big drain and then went about my way. You just never know who you're dealing with on the road.