Requirements 4 the position of BIG MAN! or WOMAN!

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New Member
Jan 22, 2010
What's the difference,
What changes,
Who determines when go from being a kid 2 being a big man.
difference is pubic hair and genitalia starts to itch and it does feel good
changes is body sizes an shapes and the opposite sex liking it
we decide when bcoz u never grows up in the eyes of your parents
I'm not sure if you're looking for a real answer lol.
Presently in T&T there are alot of little children pretending to be grown ups...
Ppl need 2 understand that being an adult is not about being able 2 drink, party, smoke, curse and have sex. It is about your way of thinking...being able 2 make decision for yourself, knowing when you've had enough, putting what u need before what u what.
Ah man is supposed to be ah leader and ah provider...these boys today following everthing these jamaicans doing...wearing tight clothes an have more earing than gyul.
These girls following these american girls wearing snow clothes in this hot weather...trying 2 talking big english and on deh blackberry hole day.
andre said:
Presently in T&T there are alot of little children pretending to be grown ups...
Ppl need 2 understand that being an adult is not about being able 2 drink, party, smoke, curse and have s-e_x. It is about your way of thinking...being able 2 make decision for yourself, knowing when you've had enough, putting what u need before what u what.
Ah man is supposed to be ah leader and ah provider...these boys today following everthing these jamaicans doing...wearing tight clothes an have more earing than gyul.
These girls following these american girls wearing snow clothes in this hot weather...trying 2 talking big english and on deh blackberry hole day.
Bwahahah...@trying to talk big english..where yuh living boss man ?
andre said:
Presently in T&T there are alot of little children pretending to be grown ups...
Ppl need 2 understand that being an adult is not about being able 2 drink, party, smoke, curse and have s-e_x. It is about your way of thinking...being able 2 make decision for yourself, knowing when you've had enough, putting what u need before what u what.
Ah man is supposed to be ah leader and ah provider...these boys today following everthing these jamaicans doing...wearing tight clothes an have more earing than gyul.
These girls following these american girls wearing snow clothes in this hot weather...trying 2 talking big english and on deh blackberry hole day.

The issues I have with these outlines are that they're judgmental. Who are WE to say what people can and can not do? I agree with the drinking and smoking and sexual intercourse up to the point where it is illegal, as in, they are not of age and I fully support the idea that adulthood is equally a mix between psychological maturity and physical maturity.


"Ah man is supposed to be ah leader and ah provider"...Next thing you will want women to stay in the kitchen and stay home to take care of the children! Archaic ideals are no longer valid in modern times.

It is also not illegal to mimic other cultures. It is not illegal to wear revealing clothes. Many times on this forum it has been implied that females who wear revealing clothes are not "good" girls. How do we know this? Everyone is welcome to their freedom of expression. You are welcome to your opinion of these girls, but you can't control who wears what.

Most of all this talking "big english" on the "blackberry". HMMMMM....WHY are we teaching standard English in schools then? Try to get a job talking Trinidadian Creole and see how far you get. And so what if I want to talk on my BB. That not bothering anybody. I'm not telling you to watch me talk on my phone.


Well anyway, that was my opinion.
Ppl I not trying to tell anyone how they should speak or what they should wear...we all have the right to dress and speak how we want...right! It not illegal to wear ah clown suit and ah snow boots and go to work...right! Then why will ppl watch me strangely. I not doing anything wrong, I never tell make nobody watch me...ent!

PPlsay it's the age of technology and fredom of will. Technology to make life easier and fredom to do as u please! Cars,Cell phone, Computer connect anyone in the world in seconds, free education, cable tv and more tech. every day and d right to do what yuh want once it not illegal...right! Then d world supposed to be ah paradise...ent! No it in deep shit because so-call big ppl with all deh education thinking like little children.

Ah man is supposed to be ah leader "JUDGEMENTAL"...that supposed to be natural instinct...if ppl have that anymore. I can't see ah male lion in d jungle telling d female to go and fight for what u telling me...saying a male lion ,monkey or human is supposed to be ah leader is judgemental. I personaly don't care what anybody has tosay about it I not putting water in my mouth to say what is supposed to be. Doh matter how much things change certain things must remain constant for life to continue.

Now these girls who wear snow boots and scarf in this blazing hot weather my question is what is the reason?

T&T ppl don't like there culture and that is ah big problem. Because by trying to mimic other ultures we only keep ourself back... we lose of sense of creativity so we will always be a bunch of followers.

I don"t hear Jamaican radio station playing soca and sure not Jamician have a Trinidad flag in their car and go Miami during summer and find somebody with snow boots... nah!
andre said:
It not illegal to wear ah clown suit and ah snow boots and go to work...right! Then why will ppl watch me strangely. I not doing anything wrong, I never tell make nobody watch me...ent!

NO, it is not illegal to wear a clown suit and snow boots to work! It may be against company policy and professional attire, but it is not illegal. And if people choose to watch you, that's their problem but you have no right to say that stops anybody from being a "big man" or "big woman". Why someone can't live their life how they want? You minding them?

andre said:
Then d world supposed to be ah paradise...ent! No it in deep shit because so-call big ppl with all deh education thinking like little children.

So then these people should leave it up to those who feel it fit to control everything. Where would that leave us? The whole world will be like a big Muslim community. Kill all the gay people! All the women wear 20 yards of cloth from head to toe. And half of the things you mentioned, all the technology, you don't watch tv? You don't have a cell phone? Yeh, ok.

andre said:
Ah man is supposed to be ah leader "JUDGEMENTAL"...that supposed to be natural instinct...if ppl have that anymore. I can't see ah male lion in d jungle telling d female to go and fight for what u telling me...saying a male lion ,monkey or human is supposed to be ah leader is judgemental. I personaly don't care what anybody has tosay about it I not putting water in my mouth to say what is supposed to be. Doh matter how much things change certain things must remain constant for life to continue.

You have to be kidding me right? There is a reason animals are animals and humans and humans. Are you implying that a man who stays home while his wife works is less that a man?? You do know it is the female lions who hunt the food right? They in essence, "bring home the bacon". Steups. This kind of patriarchal "man is boss" thing is what fuels domestic violence and rape. Like you missed the gender equality drive or what? I'm not saying men can't be leaders. I am a leader, but they don't HAVE to be and I don't think men who take the back seat to their wives are "gay" or "fassy men". They don't need to beat their chest and show they have the biggest cock in the yard. That is not what makes a "big man" and it is that SAME type of thinking that has all these young fellas out of control in our society...because they want to show at 14,15,16 years old that are "leaders" cus "man supposed to be that way".

andre said:
Now these girls who wear snow boots and scarf in this blazing hot weather my question is what is the reason?

The reason is that they want to. How is that ruining your day? They asking you to buy it for them? or to wear it?

andre said:
T&T ppl don't like there culture and that is ah big problem. Because by trying to mimic other ultures we only keep ourself back... we lose of sense of creativity so we will always be a bunch of followers.

What is our culture? Rum songs and jump and wave? Because that is what our culture is today. And if you mean traditional Indo/African culture...then why you don't wear dhoti or kurta or dashiki every day? If you wear a brand named jeans or are a follower just like the people you arguing about...just a mainstream follower.

At the end of the day, if someone is abiding by the laws of a country, it doesn't matter how unique they are, you can't say these people are not adults. Maybe you should change your question to "requirements for the position of YOUR IDEA of BIG MAN or WOMAN". You are in your right to think some people over do their clothing or the way they act but you can not FORCE your ideas on other people. It is a free country. If you want conservatism, try Pakistan or Iraq or something. You in Trinidad, that's just how it is.
Alright Guys I agree with some of what TFM is saying and I agree to an extent with Andre. TFM you are right it is a free country and one should respect each other choices regardless of how popular or unpopular they may be...but Andre does have a good point..he is saying that alot of Trinis dont appreciate their own..for example there was a recent uproar by some Trinis with the renaming of the Hall of Justice to Noor Hassanali Hall of Justice and the Tobago Airport to the ANR Robinson Airport..sometimes I feel like Obama and Queen Elizabeth could get something with their names faster than our past leaders/historians/athletes...
Its still a struggle for our local artists to get their music played on the radio. ( and TFM I noticed you said "jump and wave" but I am really referring to any type of music from our locals who just looking for exposure.there can be alot of music that can uplift or motivate people from locals that we would never know simply because the radio stations dont give them a chance) Do you know in Barbados their government made it law that the radio stations must atleast play 50% music from Barbadian artists ?
Final example do you know alot of Trinbagonians have that inferior complex to tingz American. Think about it..alot of Trinis would be quick to assume anything foreign better than local. Its just a mentality that we dont support our own
I know exactly what you mean. It is called "plantation mindset", which is when we see whites and European (and in this case American) culture as better than ours. It is our psychological defect because of our traumatic history of slavery and indentureship. My argument never dismissed that fact. I was simply countering his idea that we don't appreciate our culture and that we are followers. He made it sound like being a "follower" is 100% a bad thing...then why are we wearing American brands? or watching American TV shows?

But most of all, my argument was if someone wants to wear American clothes, SO WHAT? Why is that a problem, other than the fact that you don't agree? Live and let live. How would you like if people didn't want you to wear or do what you wanted? Too often we are quick to judge...put yourself in other people's shoes and see how you like it.
I doh lay judgement, I state the facts. I know for ah fact that if I wear a clown suit ppl will watch me... d country could be how free, ppl doh have to be minding me, the fact is that ppl will watch if ppl say ah stupid ah shouldn't get angree we all free.

At no point in time have I ever stated what ppl should wear...or that there should be laws stating what ppl can do with there life. My problem is not with girls wearing revealing problem ah want to make it clear...ppl who do and wear things that make absolutly no it doh have to bother anyone else, but it bothers me. It's not my problem, but when it starts to affect the young ones in my family it becomes my problem. When ever they turn on the radio or tv or even go out...there are faced with ah set ah stupid music.shows withah set ah violence and ppl wearing fer cothes and snow boots in T&T. I can speak for myself when I say these thing can't influence me, but for a young child growing up exposed to all this crap it could be damaging to an entire generation to come.

Animals are animals and humans are humans WOW! I feel shame when I hear that kinda comment. What is the difference between animals and humans...we have ah bigger! ah horse have ah bigger dick! because we have more brian we think we better. Animals smarter than some ppl any day. What we have that makes us so differentfrom animals...what! feelings,wecould talk, we could build ah tall building or ah car! At the end of the day we are all the same we have to eat, drink, sleep and s**t.

We are all different...we like different things we should be able to do what pleases us. Doing what yuh please whan it make some kinda sense is one thing, doing non sense as yuh please is not my good luck!. When I walking down de road in my brand name jeans and T-shirt I wish all the girls in snow boots in 35degree temperature


An to any man sitting down home drinking ah stag doing nothing while yuh wife minding U and yuh not feeling like less of ah man, but like ah big man OK! U should be ah lion fighting to protectyour family and teritory. Then you will be an animal! but I thougth we supposed to be different?
But the fact is, what people wear doesn't have to make sense to you. They are wearing it. If they feel comfortable, who are you to condemn them? Since when has fashion needed to make sense?

To the statement that it is influencing the younger generation. Yes it is. But we can't leave our children to be raised and babysat by the tv! Take an active part in your children's lives, monitor what they wear, watch, eat. Go crazy. But at the end of the day, those are yours, you have no authority over the ones outside. Sadly, no one can get away from the media. It is part of the every day life. Nobody said it was fair, but that is how society is.

As for your bit about animals...I'm sorry but if you can't tell how humans and animals are different then I don't know what to say. And yes, a horse does have a bigger dick than a man, but since when are dicks necessary for thinking and logical reasoning??? A brain is important, not the size of a dick. Your analogy was poor. There is a reason humans are the more developed species, we should know better...unless you want to disprove years of science and history.

I still don't understand what you have with people wearing snow boots. How you know is snow boots? You went and ask the people? You are an expert in snow boots? If the people want to wear snow boots, turn your head if it bothers you. Freedom of choice. The same way people don't like others smoking around their children, is the same you don't want people dressing that way around your younger ones but there is nothing you can do except shield them, nobody going to dress a certain way just for you.

And lastly, let's clarify. I NEVER said the man was home "drinking a stag" while his wife is working so if you going to refer to something I said, be specific. The man could be the caretaker, working around the house, taking care of the children and in this day and age, the father's input in a child's growth would be more than welcome. The man doesn't have to be out there bragging he is the "man of the house" to be a man. If that makes you comfortable go right ahead, the thing is nobody stopping you, so why you can't agree to allow others to do the same? Everyone is different and everyone has what makes them happy and the way they live their lives. Even if that means they want to wear snow boots and talk on their BB 24/7. It doesn't make them less of a man or a woman.

Life is subjective. Not everything has rules and guidelines and especially not human behaviour.
When I said ah man should be a leader, the first thing that come to your mine is ah man bragging or beating his wife. What does way about u. does leadership to u entail flexing your muscles and forcing ppl to do as u say.

If u where prime minister u would be just like our leader today...abusing your power just because u can.

About the girls in snow boots and fellas in cotton hoodies in 35degree weather, u say that they arer free to wear what they choose...I agree with u. But is wearing a snow boots totally up to her or is she influenced by what she sees on MTV or BET! when it totally up to them let me know an i'll leave them alone.

Damian Jr Gong said in one of his songs "If yuh over ten and watch CNN and believe everything...your in to deep think yuh know everything and worship the bling and deny the king...your in to deep"
Humans are humans and animals are animals, if this is what u think...your in to deep!
Plants and Animals and Humans???

Think about it!
andre said:
About the girls in snow boots and fellas in cotton hoodies in 35degree weather, u say that they arer free to wear what they choose...I agree with u. But is wearing a snow boots totally up to her or is she influenced by what she sees on MTV or BET! when it totally up to them let me know an i'll leave them alone.

Umm i wear boots and yes i have a furry black snow boots and it looks totally awesome. Yeah boots was in style long time ago in Trini everything comes with a season like jus when how there's baggies then slim jeans and converse.Well i know we have our culture and stuff but i never wanted to wear boots because i see other American influence wearing it . I walked into a store saw it and bought it because i love it. however other girls may want to buy things because they have idols eg. Kim Kardashian and they may want to dress and be like her but for a girl like me it doesnot work so lol
Will you wear your furry black snow boots in the middle of the day or wear sunglasses in the night....u might not but I see ppl doing it.
Ever notice that whatever the stile is in the US that does automatically become d stile in T&T.
Hmm.. its time i put my two cents in... Now where to begin.. oh yeah.. Andre, i'm sorry. but i failed to see the logic in your argument... in my humble opinion, its that kind of thinking is what got us in the hole that we're in right now. Now, i respect your opinion all..don't get me wrong.. but some fact alot of your statements are just to..well..out there somewhere in the vacuum of space... i'm sorry, but i can't agree with that...i not going into detail here..i on work..
anyways, I can however see Carib's point and TFM.. i'm not being bias in any way here.. i just think along the same line.
Okay So I Doin Sociology And i jus saying what i learn

Due to Globalization and Westernization Of Trinidad and Tobago Our Culture Is Being Lost .Evidence

1. Clothes
2. Music
3. Dance
4. Religious ceremonies changing
5. Children growing up more mature saying "I hate you" to their parents etc.
6. Religion being lost
7. Cultural things being modified and changing

I Understand that and everyone has a part to play because its the style that coming out these days because if i look for a straight jeans i will only get Pencil Pants and so on. Yes i see people with the SCARFS AND IT GETS ME ANGRY Because i don't know why they wearing it for 1. To hide from the sun 2. To block their mouth from dust. Everyone have their choice but the only thing many of us say is that you can wear it and adapt how many ways just don't forget our culture...thats all