Relationship with someone who is HIV/AIDS Positive

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Feb 27, 2009
Okay guys you know I like asking weird questions that forces people to think so here goes....

What would you do if you feel in love with someone who was HIV/AIDS positive. Would you proceed with a relationship knowing that your partner is ill and you are not?
indeed this is a bit weird. in my opinion even though i fell in love with someone like that, i don't think i will proceed with the relationship because i know sooner or later that person will no longer be around.
Thats true Sian... However there are some situations :

1. If i was in a relationship with someone and AFTER FOUND OUT that they are HIV positive i don't know what i will do..will i take the chance and risk my life? Maybe if we were like dating for a short period and they didn't know i might end it for my sake. Its really hard to be with someone knowing you have to bury them after or maybe i will still be friends and help them through their ordeal.. IF I DIDN'T KNOW AND THEY WITHHELD IT i will end it right away .. People can't just be scared to tell you because they are afraid that you will leave them thats BULLSH*T, they have to be upfront in telling people these things..Its others lives they are playing with

2. I will be so angry that they didn't tell me the truth IF they knew...but what if they didn't know ? Thats what i will have to consider as well . Sometimes it doesn't matter if one has a dying incurable disease because love is a powerful thing and in this world people sometimes stay together but just be real careful. People who are in love sometimes don't care about sexual intercourse, its the companionship and closeness that no one but that person could fill..

Lord forbid that my fiance found out that he is HIV Pos and got it from a way that he wasn't cheating on me ( dirty needle , or occupational exposure e.g. cuts , bruises ) i would stay with him. I would get married and take care of him..Not everyone gets a fairytale in life.. I made a promise and there is no one i would rather be with despite everything. And thats called love!
Not very one who gets HIV/AIDS got it from sexual activities, but besides that you can still have an healthy life without contracting the virus from your significant one, using condoms and so on. If my loved one gets it with out cheating i still will be with her. But if i'm single i would not take be with anyone with it ,just the taught about losing that person in the future would be overwhelming.