Red bull

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Jun 30, 2008
my fren drank 2 red bull b4 a marathon an got a stan :icon_eek: rotfl some serious shit dey lol
Red bull is really a over dose of caffeine you will feel Energized for a few moments and you fall way down. It helps in the short term but is not advisable to drink. It increases you heart rate and when that accelerated period pass you will feel like crap.

Well if you friend's needs red bull to have a erection lol i sorry for him every thing should be natural lol
Yeah he should've drink a sports drink cuz energy drinks only give caffine and glucose. Sports drinks would have the perfect balance of water, glucose and bodysalts- the stuff you lose when you sweat. Energy drinks dont have the salts.
Yup sports drinks works seriously, its balance in every thing red bull is an energy drink full with sugar 9glucose and caffeine
I taught you mean a marathon of sex lol like hours of it or right after each other lol but anyways it still applies
it duz hav them thing in trinidad???? :O lol marathon of sex that real cool lol but thaz a definate aids seen
LOl i wish lol but na i mean with a one person lol
crazyfuz said:
my fren drank 2 red bull b4 a marathon an got a stan :icon_eek: rotfl some serious shit dey lol
ALot of trinis does get carried away with dem kinda ting...Redbull and others of the like was not meant to drink how ppl does be..yuh kno..drinkin it like its ah is bottle water dey drinking...Its an energy drink to temporarily raise yuh energy levels for a brief period. Overdose can lead to an over active heart. As you all increases your heart rate, and yuh aint doin nothin physically so basically your heart beatin like a stallion on steriods pumping blood faster and stronger all over ur body and that energy isn't being utilized..wasted energy..heart working for nothing...after the effects wears off you crash. Why? cause you organs have been on overdrive for the past hr and a half...So careful.. At the rate ppl consume these drinks, its possible to suffer a cardiac arrest (Heart attack). Seriously!
See what i was saying once you hear it from wispa its confirmed, Sports drinks work, red bull don't help in your sex life either so all them trini's who feel they drinking red bull to get the hard on i sorry for al yuh eh lol