Red Bull is a Killer

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008

RED BULL was created to stimulate the brains in people who are subjected to great physical force and in “stress coma” and never to be consumed like an innocent drink or soda pop. RED BULL IS the energizer DRINK that is commercialized world-wide with its slogan:

'It increases endurance; awakens the concentration capacity and the speed of reaction, offers more energy and improves the mood. All this can be found in a can of RED BULL, the power drink of the millennium.!

'Red Bull has managed to arrive at almost 100 countries worldwide. The RED BULL logo is targeted at young people and sportsmen, two attractive segments that have been captivated by the stimulus that the drink provides.

It was created by Dietrich Mateschitz, an industrialist of Austrian origin who discovered the drink by chance. It happened during a business trip to Hong Kong, when he was working at a factory that manufactured toothbrushes.

The liquid, based on a formula that contained caffeine and taurine, caused a rage in that country. Imagine the grand success of this drink in Europe where the product still did not exist, besides it was a superb opportunity to become an entrepreneur.


FRANCE and DENMARK have just prohibited it as a cocktail of death, due to its vitamin components mixed with GLUCURONOLACTONE', a highly dangerous chemical, which was developed by the United States Department of Defense during 60 years to stimulate the moral of the troops based in VIETNAM, which acted like a hallucinogenic drug that calmed the stress of the war.

But their effects in the organism were so devastating, that it was discontinued, because of the high index of cases of migraines, cerebral tumors and diseases of the liver that was evident in the soldiers who consumed it.

And in spite of it, in the can of RED BULL you can still find as one of its components: GLUCURONOLACTONE, categorized medically as a stimulant.

But what it does not say on the can of RED BULL, are the consequences of its consumption, and that has forced us to place a series of WARNINGS:

1. It is dangerous to take it if you do not engage in physical exercise afterwards, since its energizing function accelerates the heart rate and can cause a sudden attack.

2. You run the risk of undergoing a cerebral hemorrhage, because RED BULL contains components that dilute the blood so that the heart utilizes less energy to pump the blood, and thus be able to deliver physical force with less effort being exerted.

3. It is prohibited to mix RED BULL with alcohol, because the mixture turns the drink into a “Deadly Bomb” that attacks the liver directly, causing the affected area never to regenerate anymore.

4. One of the main components of RED BULL is the B12 vitamin, used in medicine to recover patients who are in a coma; from here the hypertension and the state of excitement which is experienced after taking it, as if you were in a drunken state.

5. The regular consumption of RED BULL triggers off symptoms in the form of a series of irreversible nervous and neuronal diseases.

CONCLUSION: It is a drink that should be prohibited in the countries of the Caribbean and Latin America, (and the entire world) as it is already waking up other nations because when it is mixed with alcohol it creates a time bomb for the human body, mainly between innocent adolescents and adults with little experience.
Good info on red bull.... Never drink it... Don't want to now...
my family when drinking rum they chase with redbull, but i got nothing to say to them because that's their problem but my friend drank 3 redbulls in bout 2hrs and you know it makes you horny, so i find he was acting a lil wild you know so i was trying to calm him down and he ended up drinking 2 more and he was telling me bout how he feeling a chest pain and how his heart beating hard and fast so i thought it was normal i said don't worry bout it, it would pass in a while, so i left and went home, then bout 1:00 in the morning his bro called me and said that he's in the hospital, he went into cardiac arrest and they had to call 911and use a defibrillator on him to revive him and stuff, plus what made it worse was that he thought he had a cold and it would pass in a while but it was actually dengue fever so that kinda made the situation worse, so basically redbull is a catalyst to death. I agree with this whole article.
Re: See Bull Is A Killer

I never drink read bull in my life and after reading that I never will. People does sell all kinda thing.. that doesn't mean we have to buy it. I dunno why we have a culture of young men who overdo it with drinks like that thinking it makes them more virile when it really just burns you out faster.
See how the red bull drink is advertised they advertise it like a sex energy drink, and alot of young people are fooled with this scheme, alot in Trinidad we chase with everything and they believe that red bull is good for you and coke is not so drinking redbull with punchen or with any rum is better then drinking it with coke thats what they think
shiiiiiiiiiiit...that wud explain why that night i felt like i was dying :S.....

RED BULL+Alcohol+Sex= DEATH :(
I think redbull smells like its expired ewww i never had it either yuck, i think it lessens the sperm count in a guy too not sure if its redbull or some other drink
hmmm....I wonder if monster does the same
yea i guess because it's an energy drink too, you guys better stop because infertility is embarrassing, to yall,,,
not really....i hav two brothers to carry on my family title....i doh really want children.
she wont......i like the crack girls
i jus jokin eh.....i want offspring with my creative an athletic ability....its not everyday you get a creative athlete
Omgggg u kno i actually believed u!!! I feel soo dumb now dat i did lol
lol...dsi we all have moments like that
lol....nah...i barely am ever serious :S
lol hehe well dats good 2 kno dat u wasnt cuz in my mind i was lik "wat d hell kinda mad man is dis??" :p
aye iz ah lil boi still eh....only 18...tek ur time XD