Really slick screen savers!!

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
I just downloaded some free screen savers and THEY'RE AWESOME!!! :Yea: They're like particle physics simulations... they run on openGL and are more colorful and fluid than those on windows..
thats the website.

to install
you unzip the file and copy all the screen savers into
to delete them (i dont see why you would) just delete the files. (just make sure they're the ones you want to delete (so you dont delete any important system files.)
Also remember to click on the "OpenAL" installer one of them needs it to run.
You can access them the way you alway access: by right clicking on the desktop and clicking properties, they'd be in the drop down menu in the screen savers tab (just like always)

I like the abstractness, but there's real math in there. all modern computers should handle it with reasonable fps, (i have very old integrated graphics card: nvidia geforce 6150 and these screen savers barely push it or my cpu) maybe except those with Intel graphics, check the FAQ for a simple work around (basic file rename)... no really the FAQ is interesting..
Nice find raucous, i like the Euphoria one i use screen savers but i will make an exception now
Cool screensavers. Only thing is I'm still in AVATAR-mania mode and everything about my PC is Avatar. Background, theme, profile picture, Avatar desktop app. lol.
WOW this is awesome this is the "BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH" from Microsoft! This is crazy, lol this could be good for April fools! lol ... 97558.aspx
try it! lol

One of the most feared colors in the NT world is blue. The infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) will pop up on an NT system whenever something has gone terribly wrong. Bluescreen is a screen saver that not only authentically mimics a BSOD, but will simulate startup screens seen during a system boot.

On NT 4.0 installations it simulates chkdsk of disk drives with errors!
On Win2K and Windows 9x it presents the Win2K startup splash screen, complete with rotating progress band and progress control updates!
On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 it presents the XP/Server 2003 startup splash screen with progress bar!
Bluescreen cycles between different Blue Screens and simulated boots every 15 seconds or so. Virtually all the information shown on Bluescreen's BSOD and system start screen is obtained from your system configuration - its accuracy will fool even advanced NT developers. For example, the NT build number, processor revision, loaded drivers and addresses, disk drive characteristics, and memory size are all taken from the system Bluescreen is running on.

Use Bluescreen to amaze your friends and scare your enemies
@Wispa: You're in Avatar mode. I'm in Tron: Legacy mode!