Reality Behind Dual Sims?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Yes we call it these thankful chinese phones that help us minimize how many we have . Whats the reality behind all these phones? Well from my knowledge these phones are factory phones just put together using different copied softwares and parts. I had 3 Dual Sims in my life and to tell you everyone had a fault. Down to over heating, dropping calls, not charging and these stuff could go on and on. i need some more info on dual sim phones because i am searching for a flawless one small and for me but i not finding any.
I never really liked the dual sim phones, i always think of them of being a rip off of the original product. I do admit that the features are cool and the way they incorporate alot of the major features into one phone.
But one think i always tell people is that these phones are not verified it could explode,
the radiation from the phone could be too much and could be harmful.
All phones must be tested and comply to basic standards
There is a new brand of them out. In the US I heard there are Motorola Razr Dual Sims and stuff but i have never looked them up. Maybe u should search for them rina