Rape In T&T


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
i really don't know what to name this topic but i am urging all of you all to watch crime watch as often as you can. A lady was gang raped last 3 weeks and after calling police they did not listen until ian alleyne intervened and they found one of them after being caught and identified

This week a 16yr old girl from right up by me was Also Gang raped while she was menstruating and is innocent i don't know how to put that also. I feel for her i really do .. i never heard anything else from the person who told me but i will look at crime watch again and see if they bring it up..anyone knows info on this please post it here ..People getting so sick now raping innocents just so while they going thru lots of pain..i don't know what to say..i hope that she is okay althou i know she is not i hope she gets justice
Carnival is here so please people be safe here's some Safety Tips

Go out in groups
Arrange all transport to and from functions beforehand
Always tell someone where you will be going and what time you are expected to return
Get your own drinks
Observe carefully how it is being prepared
Don't leave a drink to return to it later
Don't get drunk
Stay with the group, avoid unfamiliar /dark places
Know exactly where your where you are supposed to get transport
Travel with a phone card
Know exactly where your car is parked or where you are supposed to
Meet or get transport
Drive with all car doors locked
Have car keys ready when you approach your car
When walking alone, walk on the side of the street which allows you to face oncoming traffic.
If you feel threatened by a car stopping next to you, start running in the same direction that you were originally heading.
Loud screams as you run is useful.
Thank you bumbleb we will take this into consideration... please be safe this carnival predators on the prowl