Racial comments and Images Posted on Facebook!


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Racial comments and Images are regularly being posted on a popular Facebook! Group
True Trini Discussing Real Issues
and it appears to be welcomed by all. The majority of members there continue to add to the distasteful comments and they are literally encouraging it.
Its all motivated by people who are passionate about their political parties and they will find themselves stooping to scum levels to discriminate each others racial or religious background.
I don't see how people can support a political party and discriminate others religious backgrounds, at the end of the day every minister seeks their own interest FIRST. They will help their families and friends and then do what they promised to the latter public later, Be it the UNC or the PNM, Indian or African they are all the same. Why we the people of this country make ourselves morons for these political parities, we are the ones suffering but we will still defend these people to our death.


I never joined that group because it feeds garbage to your brain . Sorry to say but that's the basic TRINI MENTALITY that most of the citizens have and it will never change. People complain about our country not being developed but with that kind of thinking we will never get anywhere!

Members need to be ashamed of themselves for joining that group! Why they don't invest their time on spending it with their families, taking care of their children or doing something to better their communities instead of sitting behind a chair typing away KYA KYA-ING about people who don't even 'fart ' on them.

But as they say Trinis only like to mind people's business and not study about their themselves. Some people need to evaluate their mental thinking and their life! They cannot even go away to the US with that mentality because right away they will be sent back. Racialism and Religious slurs are not tolerated there ! I wish people can see beyond race and religion and reach the level of humble and peace that we citizens have. To blame something on race and religion is so backward thinking and caveman-ish.

Honestly, i wish Trinidad & Tobago can have a psych test done and deport those with this mind frame to monos or carerra . Our younger generation wants to move on and see development for our country and these people are seriously holding us back! CUT THEM LOOSE!
The first caption I don't understand. Who are they to judge what a religion specifies. We live in Trinidad and Tobago not anywhere else in the world, I do not understand how that relates. They are engaging in ethnocentrism and obviously do not realize how illiterate it seems.

A lot of these so called programs and groups which discuss "Real Issues" are actually just biased.
I think these kinds of groups are actually just trying to give their members permission to express bigoted points of view. While I respect that each individual has their own opinions, I think when you wish to express those opinions it should be done in a respectful manner. Emphasis on the respect should be placed on the people you are aiming your comments at or conversing with and those you are talking about as well. If either subject would feel disrespected, offended, insulted, embarrassed, etc. then find a more respectful way of saying it or keep it to yourself. When I find these things on social media I just ignore them. I do not like or follow groups that promote that kind of thinking so I rarely see it though. I choose to share positive information and actions and thoughts that move forward and highlight issues and things being done to address them instead.

There will always be garbage out there. I don't think we can really put an end to it all but we can bring out the better, socially appropriate and politically correct information and make it more readily available for society. Hopefully our youths see more of that than the narrow-minded backwards thinking stuff that is harmful to society moving forward IMO.
Most of them on that group are over 25+ which are grown adults. My God! The mentality they have i really hope they ain't spread that to other people. Racism ? Religious mocking and hatred? No Wonder we cannot develop in this country ! They are keeping us back !
Sadly, I think a lot of people are undecided on these topics and choose to follow the crowd believing that what is popular is easier and right so the ignorance just spreads a little more.
This one is even more atrocious. Clearly it appears that Mr. Jaraad Abdalla is extremely racial and thinks that Hindus perform witchcraft. And wait look at all the people how like that pic, wow This politics is turning into a racial battle. I'm not a supporter of the UNC or The PNM but this posted by that PNM supporter show how low some people will go for politics.

That should be reported so Facebook can hopefully remove it. Amazing how many people aren't afraid to make such comments and show their support using their full names etc. How do hate groups continue to exist and gain popularity?
Here is another person using religion to fight for her political party, I wonder if Avalon Lewis thinks she is doing the PNM any favors by saying such things. The PNM should issue an statement about these things not condoning these people racial statements.

They're not discussing real issues here; that group name is a real bad fit for them lol. This looks like a religion debate/war might break out over there if the members continue. Regarding the caption below, I don't think they're politicizing religion there. Rather, they're just looking to pick a bone with someone and choose religion today. If politics didn't lead into this, something else would have most likely. Can't force people to change their beliefs with excuses so readily available.
Theyre just like youtube commentors. Nothing productive goes on in their head. Its all a set of time wasting, trash talking and incessant low IQ comments.

So just because you hate a political party you have to making fun of a religion so, what makes you feel god condones this kinda of behavior.
People are so illiterate yes.
people like that is why things forever backward and not forward when they have that kind of thought patterns
Backwards forever, forwards never. These same ppl will get on a high horse and become very obscene and violent if anyone were to repent their dotishness.

Is this politics or is it religous ethics? Either way it's a very blurred vision of what politics stands for. The same political powers who these people backing is the same ones to study themselves before anybody else. I dont know what else to say, I cannot make sense of trolling on a wide scale.
People so won't see anything wrong with that until it hits home i.e. someone targets their religion. Even then, it may be a "I can judge you but don't judge me" scenario. Backwards in truth.
lmao i will just continue to laugh at this clearly stupid woman. So they doing prayers and it will only affect christians? And somehow it will affect cars and houses LMAOOOO! bIGGEST bULL#$%^ I have ever read to the month.

For a grown woman she has no shame. She sounding like them people from the 1940s
People so won't see anything wrong with that until it hits home i.e. someone targets their religion. Even then, it may be a "I can judge you but don't judge me" scenario. Backwards in truth.

Hence the reason I said they will look to fight and curse. Its a one way street in their mind.
It will always be around until something drastic changes it. I'm sure people do this as well for other people's property like they will take an anonymous shot of their neighbour's new car or something and post to facebook with all their hatred(envy envy envy).
It will always be around until something drastic changes it. I'm sure people do this as well for other people's property like they will take an anonymous shot of their neighbour's new car or something and post to facebook with all their hatred(envy envy envy).

I've heard of people doing things like this and "throwing" things for people eg. building house, having a baby, buying a car, etc.