Rachel price VS President


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Carmona vs Price. His wife was part of an international fashion no no and now that price still billing Jones on her he vex. Poor class on the president part. Freedom of speech is a right we enjoy in Trinidad. If he wishes a gag on pricey he should take a rag and stuff it in her mouth personally

To be honest, I'm supporting Rachel Price, as the President wife especially attend high profile meetings should dress appropriately and that what i'm seeing is not professional at all. I'm ashamed and the president should be also for his wife and for sending Rachel price this pre protocol action letter. Rachel Price just had the balls to say it but the majorly of people were thinking along the lines with her.


You can see her bra As well.
when i saw the dress i thought the same that was said...but by me saying it out loud my kids and ppl around would off told me i ole fashion or that i dont know styles..anyway i dont know what Racel Price said but ppl ih high office should not leave room for ole talk from the public...belly and private parts should be shown in the bedroom not the general public.....
THIS IS OUR PRESIDENT'S WIFE IN A MEETING?? From the looks of her i would of thought she was an assistant or a mere citizen.
No presidents' wife supposed to be dressed in this manner to go no public funactions to represent our country. Please leave that for private bedroom performances or parties. I totally agree with Rachel Price! Yes people wear different fashions to go out in public, but she's the Presidents Wife and far from ordinary.
well apparently they are saying it is a belt she had on a nude colour belt and not her belly outside what pricey was saying WORSE YET IF IT IS NUDE COLOUR BELT CAUSE now she is deliberately giving the impression of her belly outside, she needs to know time and place and she was representing our country she looks horrible, out of place like a little cheap secretary that get the invite so she throw on what she had home YOU WANNA BE THE FIRST LADY AND DEMAND RESPECT THEN ACT AND DRESS LIKE A FIRST LADY AND YOU WILL GET IT WITH EASE as for carmona clearly an instance of man drinking cough meds for other ppl cold i said it once and i will always say it YOU DONT GET INTO A FIGHT WITH SOMEONE WHO MAKES THEIR LIVING ON CONTROVERSY carmona you have single handedly sold out her next show, you have increased the rates on their morning show and you have underestimated you opponent yes she bacchnalish and "wajang like "according to her but she is also well educated and has a great legal team behind hence the reason she has gotten as far as she did and this story broke with sampson nanton who is also Waring with pricey over nonsense KEEP IN MIND HE IS A LITTLE PORN STAY BUT WAS NOT PENALIZED AS MUCH AS OTHERS CAUSE CLEARLY HE IS BACK ON TELEVISION
Steups and now they coming down on her daughter and calling her racial. Steups ! Look eh ..Imagine we living in a place where we cannot vouch our opinion on how our own President's wife is dressing. I DO NOT CARE IF THAT WAS FASHION WEEK HOSTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS. Fashion is meant to be worn in different settings. When people look at you, they do not see Reema Carmona! They see President's Wife of T&T. Look how other female Presidents , Presidents' Wives or Prime Ministers were dressed if you google the event. Very professional!
Interesting comments. I have a different view.

1- While anyone is open for criticism, it must just be that. Criticism. It should not border or be disrespectful and personal. In my opinion, Rachel Price went over board with the comments and it was more disrespect than criticism. If you have a problem with the dress, talk about the dress. Don't get personal.

2- Someone wearing an inappropriate dress to a function does not warrant that person to be jeered, ridiculed or criticised, especially in a disrespectful manner. She is the First Lady. Not a normal citizen. She doesn't go to the grocery and push a trolley. She has chauffeurs to do such. Her attire didn't have to be solely her fault. The First Lady would have a designer/fashioner etc. Someone picks her wardrobe and dresses her. Did anyone think about that?

3- Anybody can say anything in private quarters. Everybody is entitled to their own view and opinion. However, to speak absurdly about the First Lady on national radio is unprofessional, uncharacteristic, disrespectful, shows a lack of etiquette, morale and plain 'wajang' behaviour. As a radio show host/journalist, you cannot be biased or show favour or lack thereof. You are a journalist. Your job is to discuss issues and inform. Not slander. Doesn't matter if you are using it to advertise and promote your comedy show. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Some say the First Lady should dress appropriately if she wants respect. What in this instance is appropriate? Was there a dress code for this event?

Some points to think about.
ok now we all know that rachel price has her own way of doing things
1. HER WAY doesnt mean it is the right or acceptable way but it is
2. are you now saying that because these ppl are in public office we cannot speak about their wrong doings
3. what are we to do with kaiso next year then .

As the first lady it is your duty and responsibility to portray yourself in a certain manner if you dont know in this day and age we have GOOGLE or simply common sense will do . it was a fashion event which means you should be showcasing fashion to the highest which she failed miserably not only in the fashion department but as the first lady.
if it is slander then by all means i agree sue pricey and move on BUT YOU DO NOT TAKE FROM THE PUBLIC PURSE TO BATTLE YOUR WIFE PROBLEMS
who is reema carmona, who elected her what office she hold that the office of the president is issuing letters on her behalf that is where my problems lies. now you have opened up yourself for tongue lashing from all sides mr president.
YOU DO NOT PUBLICLY CONTFRONT A PERSON WHO MAKES THERE LIVING MY TALKING . Mr carmona you have successfully sold out pricey next couple of shows because you acted like an enraged husband and not like a level headed man who was a judge and is currently the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY WITH MANY LEGAL ADVISORS.
people constantly underestimate ms rachel price she may many things but she is alot more educated and business savvy that we like to believe. we may not agree with the method in which she is making her money but that is her choice .
ok now we all know that rachel price has her own way of doing things
1. HER WAY doesnt mean it is the right or acceptable way but it is
2. are you now saying that because these ppl are in public office we cannot speak about their wrong doings
3. what are we to do with kaiso next year then .

As the first lady it is your duty and responsibility to portray yourself in a certain manner if you dont know in this day and age we have GOOGLE or simply common sense will do . it was a fashion event which means you should be showcasing fashion to the highest which she failed miserably not only in the fashion department but as the first lady.
if it is slander then by all means i agree sue pricey and move on BUT YOU DO NOT TAKE FROM THE PUBLIC PURSE TO BATTLE YOUR WIFE PROBLEMS
who is reema carmona, who elected her what office she hold that the office of the president is issuing letters on her behalf that is where my problems lies. now you have opened up yourself for tongue lashing from all sides mr president.
YOU DO NOT PUBLICLY CONTFRONT A PERSON WHO MAKES THERE LIVING MY TALKING . Mr carmona you have successfully sold out pricey next couple of shows because you acted like an enraged husband and not like a level headed man who was a judge and is currently the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY WITH MANY LEGAL ADVISORS.
people constantly underestimate ms rachel price she may many things but she is alot more educated and business savvy that we like to believe. we may not agree with the method in which she is making her money but that is her choice .
I don't understand your first point.
"Her way doesn't mean it is the right or acceptable way but it is" ?? What are you implying here? Seems to me that you contradicting yourself. What I understand by that statement is that Rachel Price's way is not the acceptable way but it is anyway.

Your second point.
We are all open to be criticized. Nobody is exempted from that. However, disrespecting even the average citizen of this country by obscene, offensive, or slanderous words is again the law. That is a form of assault. In this case, it can be categorized as offensive and slanderous. In either case, the President is not behaving like an enraged husband, but actually exercising his rights as any other citizen can. He followed the appropriate protocol in doing so as well. A pre action protocol letter is a means of letting you know hey, take it down or else I will do XYZ. It is not as if the President issued a law suit.

You asked who is Reema Carmona and who elected her in office. She doesn't need to be elected. That title is given to the wife of a President of a democratic republic such as ours. In this instance, the President can issue letters on behalf of the first lady.
Not making a comparison here but who is Michelle Obama. She has the same title and office as Reema Carmona. Doesn't Michelle Obama have certain powers of office as First Lady of the USA?

Finally, if Rachel Price has such education and business etiquette as you claim, she certainly should have some decorum about herself in the public domain. Illiterate people act that way. She should have the understanding and character of a sensible and educated radio show host and comedian and professional, to not cross the line with respect to the First Lady. Class is class.
1. I am subscribed to Rachel Price Facebook Page and all she wrote was "Is this a belly or a belt" and posted a picture of Reema with another official at the event.
2. She also spoke about Reema Carmona and her title of being a first lady and if it indeed was her belly and bra showing then it was an unsuitable attire for an International United Nations conference.
3. YES It was a fashion event..Did you google the other female Presidents or Male presidents' wives and saw how dashing and professional they looked?? Neat as a pin and dressed to impress. After all, they are representing their countries.
4. While i understand she has a sole responsibility as a human being to dress as she pleases, You are a first lady and whether you like it or not as Brotherhood stated that title is handed to you and anywhere she goes she embodies (represents) T&T . She represents us in a way "FIRST LADY OF T & T" . I definitely didn't need to see the bra of our President's wife .
5. It gives us no right if president's people are saying that Rachel "bad talk" the president's wife but how come big Obama doesn't send letters to all the hate mail he receives and all the movies made about him and his wife being abomonations, anti-christs and transsexuals??
6. What happen to our Freedom of Speech if we cannot point out and talk about something openly about Our President's Wife dress code. Please visit her page to see exactly what she wrote because she didn't delete anything as stated to her response letter to the president.
7. People are talking about Rachel Price daughter and a picture she took with her belly outside. Her daughter was on a boat cruise where attire like this is frequently worn in the correct setting. Her bra lining nor any part of her boob area was exposed unlike Mrs. Reema Carmona. What's the difference here you may ask?? .. Rachel Price daughter does not represent T&T !
8. Either way people are entitled to their opinions. Brotherhood may be for the president's wife and their action taken but majority of the population are saying this is utter bull crap.

9. In my opinion, i personally represent an unnamed company. When people see me, they do not see Ladydeath but they see the __________ of ______________ LTD. Anywhere i go in the pubic whether i like it or not people are always going to be seeing me as this high person of this company. For business functions i look my best in my suits. At informal/casual functions etc. company social gatherings, company mixers , company parties , i will never wear an attire like that what Mrs. Reema Carmona wore. You will be judged, watched and expected to dress your best. Life is not fair but this is what you signed up for at the end of the day.

Some people need to wake up and realize even though we are a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY and people don't give two-shits about us, we still have a nation to represent. Your country is looking at you and we don't care if you had a bad clothing day or wanted to wear what u want. You were at a United Nation International Fashion Conference , MADAM you supposed to shine, wear your most stylish elegant attire..Not something we can get for $150TT at a club store in T&T.
I think my point is being missed. I agree that the First Lady's attire was poor and inappropriate. That does not entitle her to be disrespected and slandered. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone is open to criticism. Being disrespectful and getting personal, which in my opinion is the case here, cannot be tolerated.
Criticize. Not slander.

Hate mail is simply hate mail. Not everyone will like you and in letter form, senders can be anonymous. This is not the same thing.
A movie production is a 'made up story' with a pre-written script of how the directors and producers want a movie, show or play to go. They control that, the actions, words said and outcome. It is 'played out' and the actions of the actors may not necessarily be the real view of said actors. This cannot be compared to the topic at hand. Rachel Price said what she said, it is her opinion and view and she clearly has no remorse over her character about it.



This is what they were referring to in the letter ? Rachel Price said this is all she said on her facebook and is true. I am susceibed to her and following it i didnt see she posted anything else. This is all the public knows unless something said otherwise
this debate could go on forever but pricey is not the first or the last to speak of the president's wife i want to know what is going to happen for kaiso next year is it that only certain ppl could be talked about or not. and who is funding the legal fees THE NATION IS CAUSE if is the office of the president that is public purse if CARMONA IS DOING IT FROM HIS SALARY who pays his salary hmmmmmmmmmm
I wasn't even talking about Facebook. Apparently you folks did not hear what was said on national radio, 96.7 FM.
I wasn't even talking about Facebook. Apparently you folks did not hear what was said on national radio, 96.7 FM.

i did my ears are usually glued to that station on morning i love tim tim laugh is does something for me
this debate could go on forever but pricey is not the first or the last to speak of the president's wife i want to know what is going to happen for kaiso next year is it that only certain ppl could be talked about or not. and who is funding the legal fees THE NATION IS CAUSE if is the office of the president that is public purse if CARMONA IS DOING IT FROM HIS SALARY who pays his salary hmmmmmmmmmm
The Salary Review Comission is the governing body with regards to the salary of public servants, especially high office holders who receive tax free pay. A salary is paid to you and is yours. It is therefore incorrect to say the nation is paying the legal fees.
The Salary Review Comission is the governing body with regards to the salary of public servants, especially high office holders who receive tax free pay. A salary is paid to you and is yours. It is therefore incorrect to say the nation is paying the legal fees.

is it really incorrect to say that the nation is paying the legal fees i think not but again that is my opinion he is the president of our land he is responsible for trinidad and tobago he is not hired by a private enterprise is he cause where i work plenty ppl tell me i pay tax and health so i paying your salary i also remind them that so do i so I PAYING MEH OWN DAMN SALARY AND BUY THEIR MEDS. What i am trying to say is that he is not running a private organisation this is a democratic society and he represents us he issued the letter from the office of the president therefor public purse but apparentlymost politicians in trinidad love to misuse public funds it doesnt matter which party their from