Race Issues in T&T politics


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San fernando

New Member
Jul 3, 2008
Guys what are your opinions on how to improve race relations and issues in T&T politics?..Watching Obama win the election, it becomes obvious that America has broken barriers and has look passed race in their politics. By the time the next general election comes around T&T will be 50 years independent and still we have serious issues regarding race in our politics. We still have a huge segment of our society voting based on race and not on policies that will benefit T&T..we still have politicians who wont unite to solve problems in the country because of race and poltical party alliance. Why so many of our leaders seem to care more about their poltical party instead of the country...What is allyuh opinion?
Politics have a lot to do with racialism, UNC and The PNM are breaking the country apart, where they should unite and come together to make this place better. I have racialism in this country.
This topic so depressing lol. It take me forever to get the courage to reply. I dont think people take the times seriously enough for that. But still we need a new party with new politicians. A whole new set a politics i sure i is nuh de only one who sick of these people who think we want them in office lol. We need people who really want to help the country. We need to want to help the country too cuz they only way to change is to vote for change lol.
RauCus people in T&T does vote based on popularity, so a new party wont do much good by next elections...Dookeran tried something similar with a new party and what was the result?...He could not even win his own constituency!..

.I think we need political reform...we should have rules where representatives within the party can contest for leadership (like American politics) so we have the option of not having the same leaders of political parties for ten to fifteen years.
I know I wouldn't expect any new party if I know the old ones go still be there. We just need to break from the race oriented two party system... but then people would still find some way to divide up again.
And even Cop was on a race scene
Poll: PNM losing support

Sunday, November 16th 2008

The People's National Movement is losing popular support. This is the findings of the latest NACTA poll, done in the first week of November, a year since the re-election of the PNM.

NACTA says, however, that though there is widespread disaffection for the PNM among voters, including traditional supporters, the party's hold on power is not threatened because disenchanted voters do not want either the UNC-A or COP as replacements.

Opposition supporters are extremely dissatisfied with the ongoing fighting between the two major opposition parties, says NACTA, and a large majority of voters want UNC leader Basdeo Panday and COP leader Winston Dookeran to ride off into the sunset so that the opposition can come together to pose a serious challenge to the PNM.

NACTA says its latest survey was done to find out the approval rating of the ruling PNM administration in the year since re-election.

The findings are based on interviews systematically conducted with 392 respondents reflecting the demographic composition of the population and the survey was conducted by Vishnu Bisram.

Asked if they approve of the way Government was running the country, only 21 per cent of respondents said yes. People feel Government was not efficiently managing the resources of the country.

Asked what they thought about Prime Minister Patrick Manning's controversial visit to the radio station which resulted in two reporters being disciplined, respondents felt some news reporters were unprofessional and irresponsible in their reporting and need to be upbraided, but they also felt it was inappropriate for the Prime Minister to visit the station to lodge a complaint.

Only 18 per cent approve of the PM's action to visit the radio station.

The Prime Minister could have found other ways to complain about media bias and irresponsible journalism, they said.

Respondents were also asked how they felt about the election of Barack Obama as President of the USA; there was positive response and only praises for Obama. Asked if they thought that an Obama win could help in having voting transcend race in T&T, 42 per cent felt this could happen.

Generally, respondents said they were fed up with politics as usual, and despaired over the country's rising crime rate and cost of living and they expressed a feeling of hopelessness about their future.
San fernando said:
Respondents were also asked how they felt about the election of Barack Obama as President of the USA; there was positive response and only praises for Obama. Asked if they thought that an Obama win could help in having voting transcend race in T&T, 42 per cent felt this could happen.

San fernando said:
Poll: PNM losing support

The findings are based on interviews systematically conducted with 392 respondents reflecting the demographic composition of the population and the survey was conducted by Vishnu Bisram.

Asked if they approve of the way Government was running the country, only 21 per cent of respondents said yes. People feel Government was not efficiently managing the resources of the country.

this is not a reliable survey ....the ample size is too small to reprsent a population of 1.5million ppl...
lets look at teh level of educated ppl vs uneducated ppl.....uneducated wins across teh board...
lets look at culture....staunch pnm supports ehh want no bother else rule dem and vice versa...
race in this country will forever b a issue...ppl can say what they want...its know as small island mentality...
we are too afraid of change...

in hindsight all i can say was that the persons involved directly in teh creation of slaver and indentureship did a damn good job since the results are still affecting nations!!!!!!! :icon_eek:
U know what i found was real well not racism but THE UNC HAD A BIG DIVALI PUBLIC CELEBRATION ....HOW THEY DIDN'T HAVE A EID ONE SOMETHING....
-Karina said:
U know what i found was real well not racism but THE UNC HAD A BIG DIVALI PUBLIC CELEBRATION ....HOW THEY DIDN'T HAVE A EID ONE SOMETHING....

Hmmm good point...A national Political party must be well involved in ALL national religious festivals..
read this article from the newspaper

Beware of those who try to divide the country using race.

That was the message of two speakers-former Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU) president Errol McLeod and deputy leader of the National Joint Action Committee (NJAC) Nyahuma Obika, at a Congress of the People (COP) meeting in Pt Fortin on Thursday night.

Obika said, ’There is a devious plan afoot to once more use race to divide our people at this critical point in time,’ and, ’the PNM has already begun to push it.’

’They are trying to divide us. NJAC is saying we must not allow that to happen,’ he added.

He said the commitment should not be to a political party but to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

McLeod, who made it clear he was not a member of the COP or any party, said he was at the meeting to support the struggle in taking back the country for the people.

’We have to understand that desperate men and women will resort to desperate measures,’ he said, warning the audience they need to be wary of those who try to divide using race.