Question Of the Day

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Jun 9, 2008

Do you read the instruction manual, that comes with a product?
Don't under stand what this topic is about i think you should make your topic a little more clearer and detailed
Nope lol i don't i use the product first and then if i don't know something i will read it , typical Trini here you know
only manual i ever read was psp....bcuz i din know how to setup the wifi....didnt really help so i went bak to figure it out on my own
i always watch the pictures in the i usually figure things out on my own.
Like admin said,I'll use the product first.

Pfffft manual's are for noobs :icon_cheesygrin:
I taught it was question of the day ent we suppose to change the question every day and not stick with the same topic. Huh just when you guys are replying to the topic just change the subject so we will know what is the new question
Na never i don't ever think so. i does only get about ebay purchases and one set of shit about you have inherited a few millions, and my dear loved one, and crap
I keep getting from viagra for some reason... and those nigerian mail scams when they say they need your help to unsuspend some unclaimed account or something. lol. People must still fall for that cuz they still use it.
Viagra hmmm how interesting.....LOL nah i hav never been fooled cuz i does hardly read mails i must be hav 40000 of them ask admin lol....................

Have u ever been pissed off by facebook emails ?
What about the new hi5...It changing to facebook lol ...Them applications does just drive me krazy
I dont use those apps at all they're like spam to me.
How many email addresses do you have? Do you actually use them? Do you know all the passwords? Do you use thier chat accounts?
Do you know anyone elses passwords?
i hav msn, yahoo & aol. i dont use the aol anymore. i use my msn & yahoo mail everyday.